Saturday, September 9, 2023

סליחות Selichos אלול תשפ"ג

                 במוצאי מנוחה קדמנוך תחילה 

Please add minyanim times in the comments section

- Selichos Motzei Shabbos in BMG at the Yoshon, Princton, Forest, Bais Aaron, Bais Sholom starting at 1:00am.Harav Yeruchom Olshin shlita will speak in Bais Aaron at 12:30 pm

- Rav Yitzchok Sorotzkin speaking at Yeshiva Gedolah of South Lakewood 12:10 followed by Selichos at 710 Marlin ave

- Lutzk motzei shabbos 12:45 Sunday morning before the 8/9 minyanim

- Ger shteible Motzei shabbos 10:55 pm

-  Hisvaadus hachana for selichos  with Reb Meir Shlomo Kaplan 10:30 pm Motzei shabbos at heichal Hachasidus 501 Ocean Avenue 

- Khal Bnei Yissosscher Toms River 1767 Whitesville Selichos 10:00 pm and 12:45 am

- Carlebach Shul Selichot with Yehuda Green at West Side Institutional Synagogue, 120 West 76th Street General Admission $20 

- Chazzan Yitzchok Meir  Helfgot at Park East synagogue in NYC 10:30 pm general admission $50

Toms Ruver shuls

- Yoka 2189 Brandon court 1:00am

- Lizhensk 2187 Vermont  1:00am

- Nesivos Mordechei Tapestry ct 12:40 am

- B'M Lvov 1123 Cox Cro 12:50 am with Chazzan R' Aaron Direnfeld 

- Tiferes Eliezer 1146 N Maple Selichos with chazzan  R' Binyomin Levi 12:30 am

- Ziditchoiv 1195 N Maple 1:00 am

- Zichron Yechezkel TR12:40

- B"M Hachodosh Rav Bleier 271 Sachs Toms River Derasha 12:30 Selichos 12:55

B"M Mekadshei hashem Neumark 2461 Whitsevill drasha 12:40 selichos 12:50 with Chazzan R Gavriel Fisher


  1. A real בזיון that Lakewood or better said, Toms River doesn’t have a Carlebach Selichos Minyan

    1. Uggghhh
      A bizayon for you to claim it's a bizayon

  2. Because it's a bnei torah community

    1. As if Rav Shlomo was ñot a Ben Torah?

    2. Goodness.Is nowadays the term so lacking meaning
      Hold your nose

    3. How about Uncle Moishy?
      Shall we have an Uncle Moishy selichos

  3. Bais Shabsi - Pawnee rd
    Motzei Shabbos - 12:55
    Sunday Morning - 6:30
    Monday-Thursday - 6:00, 6:35, 7:35.

  4. Every night slichos at Eitz Chaim 1440 Laurelwood Ave (corner Tuxedo Terrace), 14th st area, Lakewood at 12:45

  5. EmekHatfila Rabbi Sekulah 1191 Hickory St 1:00PM

  6. Are there any Sunday morning selichos at any BMG locations? TY

  7. 12:55 AM and 7:45 AM at 1620 West County Line Rd. (Diamond’s).
