Wednesday, August 16, 2023

Wednesday August 16 News Updates Lake

 Weather: 82° Cloudy this morning with showers during the afternoon. Chance of rain 40%. Erev Rosh chodesh Elul

- A Israeli journalist tweeted allegations of discrimination on a United flight to Newark with a picture of frum Jews that was viewed  over one million times. DansDeals Interviewd With The “Haredi” Accused Of Discrimination On United; Israeli Journalist Invented A False Narrative see here on dansdeals 

- BDE: Petirah of The Rachmastrivka Rebbe of Boro Park Rav Chai Yitzchok Twersky zatzal at the age of 92. Levaya in Boro Park  kevurah in Monsey at the Rachmastrivka chelka. Minhag Chernobel is not to have hespedim. The Levaya in Monsey will be held at South Monsey Road and Saddle River Road at 7:00PM, with Kevura at the Har Sholom Bais Hakvaros at 44 Hillside Ave, Airmont, NY. There will be "paranches" at the bais hakevaros set up to accomadate the crowds.

לקיים בנו חכמי ישראל

Update: The condition of Rav Aaron Shechter has B"H stabalized

Tehillim for Rav Aharon Shechter shlita R"Y Yeshiva Mesivta Chaim Berlin who was taken to hospital this morning in critical condition name is אהרן משה בן פרומא רחל

 -Yeshiva Bochurim are back from camp some yeshivos starting Elul zman Thursday night.

- BDE: Petirah of Mrs. Shoshana Friedman A"H wife of Reb Bentzy shlita (nee Klugman from Toronto) Following an Illness she was 43. Levaya today 1:00pm at the Lakewood chapel

- Billboard on Rt 17 in the Catslills  "say No to the WZO" advertising the call of gedolei Yisrael not join with the World Zionist Organization and Eretz Hakodesh faction

BDE: Petirah of Mrs. Yehudis (Hirsch) almana of Rav Moshe Handelsman ZL of Mir Yeshiva and previously married toRav Avrohom Hirsch Zt”l, one of the founders of Peylim Lev L’Achim. Levaya at the Lakewood chapel 10:30am Kevura in Floral Park  Deans,NJ. she was 96

-  Jackson's Zoning Board is scheduled tonight to continue hearing Kehilla Dbrookwood IV's Site Plan application for a shul with a simcha hall and mikvah. In addition to Preliminary and Final Major Site Plan Approval, the application also requires Conditional Use relief, something not easy to obtain from the Zoning Board, which just received its first from member.Full story at Faanews 

- Tax Dollars: Lakewood township hires Geospatial Mapping And Land Management Consultant Services awarding contract to Datamap Intelligence LLC  for a total amount of $112,042.00  for two years ending July 13, 2025 with an extension option for an additional two years.

- How several Lakewood township departments work on multiple fronts to  help businesses get tax abatements more here

- Back to school shoes $25 a pair Ruby, Bein hazmanim back to school shoe sale going in this week at the old Emporio location on Rt 9 near Sprinkles


  1. How many other towns in NJ have a land management consulting position

  2. - Billboard on Rt 17 in the Catskills "say No to the WZO" advertising the call of gedolei Yisrael not join with the World Zionist Organization and Eretz Hakodesh faction

    Ironically, Jews acting like they own Route 17 may be causing the chillul Hashem they are trying to avoid. Whoever placed the billboard added a huge picture of R' Feldman and other visibly Ultra Orthodox Rabbis. Along with the Anti-Israel wording of the ad, it frankly comes across as self hating to all the non-Jews passing, who have zero idea what the controversy is.

    1. For decades, there were billboards "casinos mean jobs" advocating for gambling casinos in the hotels in the Catskills.
      Now the hotels are gone, and gambling isn't bringing in much money.
      Moral of the story: advertising on RT 17 (it's I-78, or will be soon) is meaningless.

  3. Since when is Daas Torah advertised on highway billboards? Is there any mesorah for doing so?

    1. Whats Daas Torah? That's something new to me too. No mesorah for that.

    2. Rav Zelig Epstein used to say "Daas Torah is an American Chidush"


    3. To some extent only.The foundation goes way back
