Monday, August 28, 2023

Divrei Hesped on Harav Aharon Shechter Zatzal

 Rav Chaim Nosson Segal illustrates how HG"R Aharon Moshe Schechter ZT"L R"Y of Chaim Berlin inspired him for a 55-year stretch


  1. If you are a misnaged of the Lubavitcher Rebbe, you can fast-forward the part which is a clear miracle regarding the Rebbe.

    1. And what's the end result of this mofes? This person promised Rebbe to put on tefilin everyday, and does, but still married out of the fold, admits doing every sin in book, but wants his want his nonjewish son to wear tefilin.

    2. The Rebbe never promised to remove his bechira chofshis.

    3. I'm as anti-Chabad as you can get but you have to give credit where credit is due. You can quibble about the mofis but who can take away the value of getting a secular Jew to wear tefilin all his life? Halevie I would have the zchus of getting that for one day!

    4. If it gave the guy an alibi permit- as it often does-to keep up the rest of his prohibited lifestyle, who can decide if it is to have a shred of value at all
      Yeshaya chap.1

    5. It is very far fetched to think that had such a guy NOT been wearing tefilin his guilt would have motivated him to do teshuva. He obviously didn't grow up frum otherwise he wouldn't have been told by his Bar Mitzva to wear tefilin every day. His wearing tefilin is what gave him his Jewish identity to begin with

    6. Ask BTs who have tried the chabad route & the classic route

  2. If you are a misnaged of the Lubavitcher Rebbe, you can fast-forward the part which is a clear miracle regarding the Rebbe.

    1. If you are a ben Yisroel that is an oved Hashem, and not an oved of flesh and blood, then you can listen and not be fazed by any ois or moifes of a novie sheker and moshiach sheker.

    2. Seems Rabbi Segal is relating mofsim of the rosh yeshiva as well

  3. How is Lubavitch oved flesh and blood?
