Saturday, August 26, 2023

Motzei Shabbos Ki Seitzei News Updates

- Thousands  of people were on hand for kiddush levana tonight with the new Admor Mrachmastrivka of Lakewood  concluding the first shabbos as rebbe with many chasidim 

- Bde: A levaya will take place in Eretz Yisrael for Reb Ephraim Rabinowitz ztl a Lakewood youngerman who was niftar erev Shabbos. Shiva in Lakewood is at 430 13th street.

- DWD Shoe sale  tomorrow 8/27 @ Toras Aron's gym 500 Summer Ave. 11-4 selling boys, girls, teens, & baby shabbos/weekday shoes & little
boys sneakers large selection $35-40 cash or check.(Clothing sale the following Sunday)

- Sesame bakery and Cafe grand opening event tomorrow Aug 27 at 700 Cedarbridge free donuts and baloons

- Ohel hosting a baseball tournament tomorrow on a few locations at Pine Park in Lakewood and a full day program at the Jackson adventure crossing sports complex starting with shachris at 7:45 and concluding the day with fireworks at 7pm.


  1. צדיק אבד ואין איש שם על לב

    1. Wow. Such a Adam Hashalem. Someone who's only focus in life was Torah and Avodas Hashem. Never fazed, never lost focus. מי יתן לנו תמורתו.

  2. צדיק , יראי שמים מרבים , בעל חסד מופלג

  3. Rav Rabinowitz Ephraim was a chashuveh talmid chochom and yarei shamyim whom I knew for 30 years. Not many like him Shocked to the core to hear this news. BDE

  4. Who is this Rabinowitz? Did he have a red beard? Did he daven Vasikin?

  5. What a bizayon for Lakewood to have a sporting tournament take place in middle of Elul it is a slap in the face to the entire city and the Yeshiva. Where is the sensitivity to hold this event in our town during this time. Keep it in Brooklyn don't bring it here

    1. Till these blokes & wives are begged to throw a few donations

    2. The type of people who would be learning and thinking about Elul won’t be at any sporting events. The type of people who won’t, wouldn’t be spending their day doing anything so different otherwise.

    3. There is a very big difference it breaks the barriers we set up for ourselves and our children by promoting this in our face and to the Lakewood community it puts a nisayon and lowers the standard
      Very surprised the yated advertised it.

    4. I don't support anyone being poretz geder but given the reality that more and more gedorim are going to be broken anyway you may as well be like the Bnei Torah who live in other areas where these gedorim aren't kept. Neither they nor their children act so differently than people of similar haskafa who live in Lakewood. If anything the oppisite is true. Their children are LESS affected by being stuck among people and places that aren't in accordance with Torah ideals

    5. Not true. There's been many karbanos from rebeims kids who live out of town as the were mushpa from the seviva

    6. There many Rebbeims and Roshey Yeshiva's kids in Lakewood who went OTD too. On a percentage basis I don't see Lakewood doing so much better. In fact I was told by a OOT relative with a semi OTD teenage that he is dying to move to Lakewood where all the OTD action is.

  6. Same bizayon as the frum papers and billboards pushing the mixed Ribo concert advertising it all over lakewood and to the frum readership as if we are expected to go to a fully mixed concert. Our sensitivities are dulled and trampled upon we must rise up and put a stop to these breaches of our way of life.
    Why do our kids have to be exposed to all this garbage

  7. You’re not expected to come but I am still advertising it because I am expecting others to come.

  8. What’s wrong with a mixed concert?

    1. Good question. I have mixed feelings about the issue.

    2. I would give u mixed reviews on that one but it's really good

    3. 'Defining decency down' further?
      Does it bottom out somewhere or ..?

    4. Other than the fact that it's ossur, nothing at all. Why do you ask?

  9. There once was a time that a concert was a דבר מופרך to all frumme Yidden, especially Bnei Torah.

    Then they changed the name and called it 'DIrshu Siyum' or 'Adirei Hatorah' and suddenly concerts became Muttar for Bnei Torah. The rest of society indeed fell lower and we have mixed concerts during Ellul.

    We have to fix our ways and stop attending or supporting separate concerts for Bnei Torah, whatever name they attach to them.

    1. When were concerts ever a דבר מופרך to all frumme Yidden? People have been going to hear chazanim and chazunus for a very long time. Back in the 1980s when both Mordechai ben David and the head of the Miami Boys choir would come learn in the Mirrer Yeshiva every day, certain individuals tried pressuring Rav Shmuel Berenbaum to speak out against concerts. He refused to do so. (possibly because back then RSB never spoke out about ANYTHING communal)

    2. Correct.For NY.
      Yet he would have been mocheh, if he would have been told it was going to affect this town
      THAT was according to how he operated back then.

    3. There's a strong argument to be made to purposefully attend the Dirshu, Adirei and similar events - so that you and your kids get their fill. Then it becomes a lot easier to not have any desire to attend a screeching disco in MSG.

    4. Calling the argument strong does not detract from the weakness of its logic.

  10. Ohel makes it in Lakewood because obviously there is a demand. Lakewood is not the ihr hatora it once was. Let's stop the bashing and accept the reality.

    1. Reality does not make it right to be a poretz geder this is a imported disgrace making it in Lakewood bringing outsiders to defame the iht hatorah
      Shame on this event

    2. Lakewood BH continues to be the Ir Hatorah. Unfortunately the Erev Rav has grown. But that's how it works.

  11. The yeshiva today is maybe a fraction of Lakewood. It’s foolish to think it is what it once was. Even the yeshiva is not the same.

    1. That's a sad commentary.
      Whether the community has expanded beyond the yeshivah is not a question, but whether the yeshiva should be at the center of the community is the point that's being made. Of course, there will be things that are inconsistent with the Yeshivah and yungerleit environment, but there still should be sensitivity and understanding that the ideals and standards of the yeshivah are important to keep in mind at all times. The reason all those other folks moved her is because of the yeshivah. Don't come here and then spit in the face of everything the Yeshivah represents.
      For that kind of behavior, stay in Flatbush or wherever else they came from. We don't need or want them. They contribute nothing but destruction - no thanks.
      There are plenty of people who moved to Lakewood and davka made efforts to live in accordance with the standards and they're contributing each in his own way. Those are more than welcome. It's the others that we're seeing pushback for and the pushback needs to continue.

  12. The voice if lakewood also advertised the mixed concert pushing a woke liberal agenda into lakewood homes. Be careful what enters your home you mow have to censor even the frum papers

    1. The frum papers require even more vigilance than secular press. With secular press, you at least are clearly aware where their ideas and ideals are coming from. With Frum stuff, people can be fooled to think that their ideas and ideals represents Yiddishkeit. Especially when they'll throw around a pasuk. In reality though, too often it is unfortunately very far from true.

    2. 100%. Trust no one and nothing when it comes to what you bring into your home. The frum papers are also out to make money and will print anything that they can get away with. Don't believe a word they say about standards - they have no real standards, but don't want to upset their readership so they try to stay within those bounds, but will happily stray when they can. There's only one exception to this that I'm aware of and they deserve your patronage, but none of the others are consistently trustworthy.
      Same goes for the magazines who are only out to sell advertisements.
      Don't let them determine you and your kids hashkafos.
      Be strong enough to keep them out and you won't regret it for a moment.

  13. Lol you’re going to push back at the people coming from Brooklyn? You’re a little too late. They took over and YOU will be pushed out faster than you can imagine.

    1. & those are,by comparison, the better kind

    2. Yes.
      The people came from other places & other places they came from are worse

    3. I have a good imagination and I and my types are not going anywhere.

      Perhaps the interlopers will pollute Jackson and Toms River, but there'll always be a very strong core in Lakewood proper itself and we're not going anywhere and we won't be silenced either.

  14. If you ran a business your only standard would also be to increase your profits and you wouldn’t care what goes in your paper. Can’t blame the magazines.

    1. Pardon?
      There still are many ehriliche out there
      Stop projecting

  15. Even had no one moved from Brooklyn, Lakewood today would not be what it was in the 1980s. Not all of the children of those who lived there then are like their parents.

  16. Thanks mr cohen. Nobody asked you
