Thursday, August 17, 2023

Hashkafa Q&A

Haskafa with Rav Gershon Ribner shlita.

Which virtue of Nashim tzidkanios earned them respect from Gedolei Yisroel  Exuding pride for Torah erudition may be Gaava Haritzuya    Establishing standards together at the beginning of Marriage (discussing length of Sheitel) When snitching (in yeshiva) is consistent with loyal friendship


  1. I totally don’t get this Gaava Hartizyu (or Azus D’Kedusah or such concepts) To a gruber baal habos like me it sure sounds like saying “unlike gruber baal batim I can do and act the way I want because I’m so great and such a tzadik” I don’t get Rabbi Ribners tzusthell to the Mishnas Rav Ahron. The Mishnas Rav Ahron seems to be talking about someone who clearly recognizes that his gadlus in learning is a matanah coming Hashem. The type of people who love showing off their gadlus in learning and how much better they are then everyone else usually don’t give off the impression that they feel that way. Does anyone think that Moshe Rabbuinu the greatest of the neviem and the greatest of all anuvim ran around talking about how great he was? He still had enormous happiness over Hashem having chosen for such gadlus.

  2. You sound either like an Am Haaretz or a Maskil?

    1. Is that supposed to be addressing what I'm asking or just an effort to make me feel stupid and guilty so I should agree with what I'm being told without asking questions? I'll ask another maskilish and am haartizsh question.. When you have a rov like this one who is turning people off because he is always boasting about how great he is how do you know he doesn't fall into the category of "Talmid Chochom S'ain lo daas nevila tova himenu" and other such extortions from Chazal to avoid Torah scholars who don't act properly?

    2. Agreed with you on the former,this is however now too far

    3. To Anonymous with Am haretz Maskil answer to a question. That’s a great way to explain a position just dismiss the other person brand him and in your mind you are right and “won “ the argument. By the way in which way does his questioning R G Ribner’s idea fall into the haskala label just curious

  3. Mesora is usually the last refuge of an am ha'aretz, who has no connection to the actual Mesorah.

    Someone who has to look up the Mesorah in a Sefer, obviously doesn't have it.

  4. בענין מי שנושא כתר המלכות - אי' בכתבי ר' משה מידנר בשם האדמו"ר מלעכאוויטש זי"ע אשר פעם רצה המלך להוריד את כתרו מעל ראשו, ולא רצה לתתו בראש אחד משריו, כי לאחמ"כ יחשוב השר שהוא בעצמו המלך, ע"כ תולה אותו על יתד פשוט בקיר שאין לו שום הו"א להחשיב את עצמו כמלך.
    זהו 'כליל תפארת בראשו נתת לו', שמשה רבינו החשיב את עצמו כיתד אשר עליו תלוי כתר המלך.

  5. Regarding snitching - How are we to know if the Menahel will do the right thing? How do we know that the emes is leading him, not his kavod?
    The answer is - does he expel a bochur without asking outside advice from an elderly Talmid Chacham? When he asks, is the bochur's tzad represented? Or does he bring his own information to get the answer he wants?
    That is the simple answer

  6. What’s wrong with ladies jogging?

    1. What's wrong with ladies swimming?

    2. Similar to swimming

  7. Ask yourself a critical question. Does self-lauding result in looking down at other people? If yes, something is off kilter.

    By the way, the passuk says "yihalelcha zar vlo picha" is a real thing.
