Wednesday, August 16, 2023

Oif Simchas Lakewood Rosh Chodesh Elul 30 Av

יעלה ויבוא 
Wolpin - Oelbaum Kesser Moshe Yehuda 
Moller - Schubert  Ne'emas Hachaim
Ostreicher - Glick Toras Menachem
Landynski - Louer  Fountain Ballroom  
Bloch - Hirsch Bais Faiga


  1. Hv why don’t you get a monthly list from each hall so you don’t miss any and hopefully get things right? Not the first time I saw a simcha missing here.

    1. Is it necessarily appropriate for the halls to share this information to the world?

    2. It depends if you’re the host or the collecter.
      For the host it cost more money if people crash the wedding
      For the collecter he makes more money with each event.

    3. Nice! I would think, though, that its private information that the hall should not be freely publicizing without expresses permission from those who booked the hall for a particular event. I understand that there there are people who need to know everybody's businesss, but it's for the particular person who booked the event to decide whether to publicize it.

  2. A wedding is a public event anyone can go and wish mazel tov. To eat the meal you would only do so by invitation.
    Alot of wealthy people have a minhag ro set up a table for the poor to eat and join in the simcha and they give tzedaka to meshulachim during the simcha

    1. A wedding is absolutely not a public event. It’s for invitees. If you’re close enough that a mazel tov from you would mean something you would know about the wedding without hanging it broadcast everywhere.

  3. I don't necessarily agree that a wedding is a public event. Perhaps if it's taking doors taking place outdoors in a public setting that's differen. It is by invitation. A particular
    baal simcha may wish for it to be public and that is a perfectly proper choice. But a choice it is, not automatic.
