Thursday, August 31, 2023

Thursday August 31 News Updates Lakewood

Weather: 78° Sunny to partly cloudy. 

- Tefillos for Rebbetzin Shoshana Gifter wife of Rav Mordechai Gigter zatzal name is Shoshana Chaya bas Luba Rochel 

- Trump's Georgia trial will be televised

- The Ice Cream House in Brooklyn is voluntarily recalling all Dairy Ice Cream and Parve frozen Dessert products due to potential health risk in regards to Listeria monocytogenes.

- A Encounter in Lakewood leaves Chabad Shliach blown away as youngerman delivers kosher food for breakfast full story Here 

- Message from schools: whenever there was a new P-EBT benefit, new cards were issued. Unfortunately this time some people had their old cards replenished, instead of being issued new ones. For those who didn't receive a new card and discarded the old one, first, call 1 833-581-2214 and tell the operator that you lost your old one. Only the student's mother may call, not the father. They will then deactivate your old card. Then call the local board of social services, 732-942-3933, and request a new card. Please note: even if you received a card, it might be only for your last year's primary child, the rest of your benefit is on your old card.

- Second try Lakewood resident  Avi Schnall of Agudah NJ will challenge Sean Kean and Ned Thomson for State Assembly as a Democrat. He previously floated the idea but quickly dropped out. Now NJ Globe reports he will replace former Lakewood Mayor Marta Harrison, who quietly dropped out of the race earlier this week. He’ll take on Republican Assemblymen Sean Kean (R-Wall) and Ned Thomson (R-Wall) in the November general election. Shnall is expected to focus on Thomson, not Kean. Democratic county committee members in the 30th district have scheduled a special meeting at noon today to pick a replacement candidate.

- 30 girls still not accepted into high school less than a week away from New school year. Meetings to take place over the weekend to place them.

- Trump: COVID Tyrants want to take away our Freedom. “The left-wing lunatics are trying very hard to bring back COVID lockdowns and mandates with all of their sudden fear-mongering about the new variants that are coming. Gee-whiz, you know what else is coming? An election “They want to restart the COVID hysteria so they can justify more lockdowns, more censorship, more illegal drop boxes, more mail-in ballots, and trillions of dollars in payoffs to their political allies heading into the 2024 election. Does that sound familiar “But to every COVID tyrant who wants to take away our freedom, hear these words: we will not comply. So don’t even think about it,” he continued. “We will not shut down our schools. We will not except your lockdowns. We will not abide by your mask mandates, and we will not tolerate your vaccine mandates.”” Hear my words— WE WILL NOT COMPLY!

- The Loitzker rebbe will be visiting Lakewood  this shabbos, there will be a kabolas panim tonight with a sichas musar followed by Chalukas hapeiros for the coming year at B"M Bais Mordechai off heathwood avenue in Lakewood with Maariv @ 8:45pm shabbos tefillos and tish will be at Bais Faiga

- Trump pleads not guilty in Georgia election case.

- APP reports  LSTA is expected to serve a student population of about 50,000, more than the entire K-12 student population of the city of Boston last year. new legislation in Trenton to create consortiums for non public schools would not eliminate the LSTA. APP

- One in four nursing homes and assisted living facilities in New Jersey have reported an outbreak in the past week, according to state Health Department data.

- Jackson BOE meeting last night parents of yeshiva students spoke up to the board to improve bus  stops in their neighborhoods  

- Media frenzy lately that claim that men are withholding giving a get simply because "they can" or they  do so simply for the very reason that it's actually the only way to ensure they see their children without harming the children. opinion on Faanews 

- More and more children across New Jersey are accidentally ingesting their parents' edible marijuana. For the fourth year in a row, the Poison Control Center has seen an increase in calls of kids who accidentally consumed cannabis. This past July, they fielded 30 calls about it in one month alone, in kids ranging from 1 to 12 years old.

 - New York Governor Kathy Hochul announced several new protections the state is taking to protect people against the newest COVID-19 variant the state Department of Health will continue monitoring and analyze samples of SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19. 

- Potentially millions of children have been improperly dropped from Medicaid rolls across many states in recent months, federal authorities said Wednesday as they sounded an alarm and called for reinstating youngsters’ coverage through the safety-net health insurance.


  1. LCS/ BF: In the past whenever there was a new P-EBT benefit, new cards were issued. Unfortunately this time some people had their old cards replenished, instead of being issued new ones. For those who didn't receive a new card and discarded the old one, first, call 1 833-581-2214 and tell the operator that you lost your old one. Only the student's mother may call, not the father. They will then deactivate your old card. Then call the local board of social services, 732-942-3933, and request a new card. Please note: even if you received a card, it might be only for your last year's primary child, the rest of your benefit is on your old card.

    1. I have 4 eligible children and received 2 cards, $200 and $200. is that the correct amount?

  2. Avi Schnall now running- will the scoop cover?

  3. Would be great if someone could help me out with the following apparent dissonance between Torah shebichsav and Torah shebaal peh

  4. Very bad idea for Avi Schnall to run for assembly. It will alienate Agudas Yisroel from Republicans in both the frum and non-Jewish world. For a seat that he will probably lose anyway and accomplish little in if he wins.

  5. We don't need yidden running for higher office. It only creates sinah and eiva. The olam was not happy with the hisgaarus in Jackson by Agudah and Schnall. He won't get the olams vote we are not voting democrats

    1. Good thing the Moetzes thought about this and decided he should run

    2. Keep the moetzes out of this. The olam is not stupid and won't fall for this Democrat shpiel.
      Not an extra penny will be lowered in tuition from this.
      Since when does the moetzes get involved in local politics.
      Afudah honchos IGNORE the moetzes when it dosent fit their narrative such as going after Trump

    3. There is no hava amina that the Moetzes decided he should run.

    4. Shnall could produce a moetzes letter it won't work
      the Lakewood olam will not vote Democrat blindly

    5. The moetzes has no right to get involved in local nj politics and especially not giving the olam a chance to hear their concerns.
      The days of unilateral proclamations are over especially when it comes from askanim with negius

  6. How will avi shall vote on the dem progressive agenda that is anti Torah and a chilul hashem such as abortion transgender and lgbt
    Does he think he's simcha felder

  7. Finally some sense in this whole agunah fiasco, if women would act civil the first year after separation, allow visitation, stop the restraining orders, etc. You will not have an agunah crisis

  8. Who is taking achrayus for the sinas yisroel in heavy republican ocean county by raitzing uhn the neighbors

  9. Schnall opposes the litigation. The school funding litigation, like in the Abbott case, will transform Lakewood. Look at Jersey City today compared to 1980. The litigation has over 50% chance of fixing the formula. Schnall does not like that because he feels it will damage his relationship with legislators. He and Inzelbuch want to lobby the legislature to fix the formula. Hence they come up with lame excuses to oppose. Even if the legislature acted now that we have created a record (we did it, not them), and Singer and others have been trying for twenty years, it will only be some kind of carve out, not not a true solution. Only the courts can do that. Schnal, like INzlebuch, will cause problems. Macht nist ois, because Schnall is a junior leaguer, just like Michael.

    1. There is just one issue for the November election. One only. Do you support the litigation or not?

      That is why three new people are running for BOE. That is why our legislative delegation better best get onboard. Forget national issues, we are not going to war which would be the only issue more important to the average taxpayer in Lakewood, forgot state taxes going up or down, these issues are minuscule to citizens of Lakewood compared to owing $250 million and rising due in part to the negligence of those who opposed the litigation. Will Lakewood survive? The politicians tried to litigate in 1997 and lost, and several times thereafter, and now they oppose because they want to protect their turf. It is not the litigation per se that they oppose; they just oppose that they are not doing it. We are talking billions for Lakewood, not just millions. So many elected Class A, nay, pee-wee, leaguers in this town cannot see the big picture. As if they are sole proprietors of the public interest. Such avarice.

  10. What does Avi schnall being in assembly help the Orthodox Jewish community?
    How will he advocate for the frum residents?
    Will he lower taxes as a Democrat?
    Forget about school vouchers from the democratic
    Will tuition come down in yeshivos?
    How much money will be flowing to the well connected and powerful while the general population gets nothing
    Will he fight against Sodom and amora legislation that will impact our children

  11. what is the vaad saying to do?

    1. The VAAD ever since the time of Rav Schnuer always support the incumbent unless he is openly hostile

  12. Avi Schnall is buddies with Phil Murphy and the democrats he does not represent anyone in the Lakewood area Orthodox community but himself. He was never appointed by the community to be a representative or spokesperson. His work at Agudah is a hired employee.

  13. it seems if the frum vote for him it will make the Republicans hostile to frum concerns as they will appear like other "minority" groups who ONLY voted based on external factors even if they dont help their community.

  14. We have only to lose by voting for schnal let hom stay in agudah and make noise from there

  15. Avi schnall should run but not for public office

    1. We're literally a few weeks from R"H - the Yom HaDin - and you're okay with writing something like this?

  16. The olam will vote republican regardless of what the rabbonim say. Same thing happened with Murphy chiatarelli the overall lakewood community voted republican despite the gedolim that were recruited by askanim.
    Remember the NJ demos are going after Reb Osher and Murphy did nothing.

    1. The olam has been programmed already. No individual thinking, just republicans all the way. Nobody cares about the issues, nobody cares about their own interests, just republican

    2. We have brains and see through this power grab and charade
      Proudly voting only republican

    3. "nobody cares about their own interests"
      Result: usually disaster for the state, benefits on occasion
      been there ,done that!

    4. Anon 4:00 - right on. Don't vote your own interests. Vote for someone else's. And you will get that.

  17. This move to put up Avi shnall could be a tactic to scare the Republicans and get consessions from them or maybe even a payout to not run
    What is the urgency in flipping the seat for the democ rats and creating more antisemitism

  18. We won't forget what schnal did to the community during covid.
    What will happen if he's elected dont u think the democrats in Trenton will use him again to shut down the yeshivos
    He couldn't stand up to them, now for sure he wont be able to but even worse he will run to the Roshei yeshiva and enforce the draconian rules from Murphy

  19. We are not in kindergarten the moetzes has no business signing off on this candidacy without listening to the Lakewood residents concerns. We are the ones living in the district and in a republican stronghold the sings Yisroel this will bring is scary to fathom besides for other reasons.
    Alot of the frum olam is strongly against this political move. If money is the reason let them all support Arthur Langs litigation

    1. You are right. The Mo'etzes should poll the public to find out how to pasken. Because that's how it works.

    2. If the moetzes first approved this joke yesterday that means that the first time around they were not consulted.
      Secondly as Shnall is a Agudah employee they have negius and should stay out

    3. Oh, so now we accuse the Mo'etzes of negi'us. Wow!

      Btw, what's the negi'us? Do they make profit off the Aguda? How is it their business? Did the Gerrer Rebbe, the Beis Yisroel, have negi'us when he announced to vote for Aguda, because Rabbi Levin was his brother in law? Did Rav Shach have negi'us when he paskened to vote for Degel, because it was his party?

      What a stupid claim.

    4. If they get voted/selected on to the Moetzes by their circle and consult with those who make it somehow as insiders (eg similar to Bagatz)
      so taking a poll would help transparency

  20. I thought the moetzes calls the shots and then the askanim follow their lead? so in fact the askanim are not following daas Torah? This is concerning.

  21. Anon 8:09
    Moshe Rabbeinu and Aharon hakohen were pasul to say Eidus do u think chas veshalom they would not be honest? The answer is that even a perception of negius invalidates them. The 30th district assembly seat is a local issue the Moetzes never tells a local kehilla how to vote. Avi Schnall or whoever put him up to this know they need to convince the olam to vote against their interest a d produced a Agudah moetzes letter as a attempt to force everyone and guilt them by going against daas Torah.
    Sorry these dishonest tricks don't work anymore.

    1. Tosfos in Zevochim says that is is a gezaras hakasov that Moshe and Ahron were posul to say edus together. Did the moetzes actually put out a letter saying to vote for Schnall? I don't believe they did. Or would. Or that they were consulted. Or that if they had been consulted they would told Schnall to run. The most they would have said is that we aren't telling you NOT to run

    2. Moetzes has nothing to do with eidus. Moshe was allowed to pasken things regarding himself, and he did.

      Accusing the Mo'etzes of negi'us, because they are trying to get the Aguda to do something, is just ridiculous. Reb Aaron Kotler had negi'us to tell people to learn, because he needed a Yeshiva? How stupid can people get?

  22. I'm not ch'v accusing the Moetzes of negius but if they told him Schnall to run I would start viewing them as another group of respected talmidey chachomim who have a different haskafa then I do. Can anyone imagine Rav Moshe (who on principle always voted for the incumbent) or Rav Yaakov (who was a super machmir in not doing things that will cause non-Jewish resentment) telling someone to risk the wrath of the Ocean County and NJ Republican party like this? If this was an open seat that would be one thing but to try to unseat an incumbent who did things for the frum community ,like sponsoring the bill for state funded school busing for Lakewood, allowing putting the names on birth certificate 15 days after birth, allowing non-public schools to open state approved child care centers etc. Now just go and stab him in the back. For the sake of what? Making an alliance with Democrats whose liberal beliefs are a time bomb until they stab Schnall in the back?

    1. Excellent points
      How do we trust schnall and his handlers that this was all presented to the moetzes. There has to be a public meeting were all these concerns should be addressed with all sides having a fair chance to present their sides. For the agudah and others to get a unilateral peak without hearing all sides is equivalent to bais din listening to only one side

    2. Perfect. So the Mo'etzes have limited credibility in your eyes. You thought that perhaps Schnall didn't bring all of the tzdadim were presented to the Mo'etzes, but you can't imagine that the Mo'etzes members are as smart as you to ask the same question. They owe you a public meeting, and you will make sure they are doing their job.

      And to the first guy - so if you can't imagine Reb Moshe doing something (I assume you know Reb Moshe from the story books), you don't need to trust the Mo'etzes. Wow!

      Why not write the truth? You don't trust the Mo'etzes, you think your opinion is equal to theirs, and you demand that the rest of town agree with you.

    3. Is Congress the same Congress as the Founding Fathers because they continue to use the same name?


    4. & that's disturbing to you because??
      Half the town feels the same

    5. I'm not sure what this whole is so contorversail about my post (1)I don't believe the moetzes ever told him to run and (2) if they did I'm viewing them like the hisachdus or any other respected group of talmedey chachomim that neither I nor those follow who follow the moetzes feel mishubed to their opinions. You can say "do you think they never though of?" about the Hisachdus . And Reb Herschel Schacter. And a lot of other talmidey chachimom that those who follow the moetzes don't care about their opinions or take them into consideration.

    6. AnonymousSeptember 1, 2023 at 11:38 AM

      I won't answer your first paragraph but it isn't because I agree

      No, I know Rav Moshe a lot more than from story books... I spoke to him, heard shiurim from him, learned his seforim and discussed his haskafa on this issue with one of his sons

      My opinion is not equal to the Moetzes and not it's equal to any other rav I don't go with. Where am I demanding that anyone do anything? It's more like you are calling to authority and demanding that the whole town listen to you due to an alleged moetzes meeting

    7. As the one who wrote the first comment here and some of the responses. I’m retracting. If the Moetzes ends up putting out a clear and unequivocal letter instructing the olam to vote for Schnall please disregard my objections and comments. I’m NOT arguing with the moetzes and saying I think otherwise. If that possibility materializes I will deeply regret having started up with them and already do so now on the possibility.

  23. We don't trust that schnall and his buddies were truthful or gave the full picture to the moetzes again you don't seem to get it but this is ABOUT OUR LIVES IN THIS AREA. We have every right to have our concerns heard publicly
    Schall lost all his Neemanuss by covid and his quest for higher office and power puts him in alot of negius to trust anything that he says.
    The moetzes don't live here this is not their jurisdiction.
    We follow the Torah not askance who use the moetzes

  24. The moetzes is not telling anyone to vote for schnall all they did was let him run as a candidate you could chose not to vote for him to abstain or vote for mickey mouse

  25. Agudah (with Moetzes assuming agreed) recommended the public to vote for Clinton in '92
    In spite of that their member R Schwab told those who asked emphatically to vote for Bush .
    He was ignored.
    The results are a matter of record.
    Several similar examples (federal;state;local) can be offered

    1. Agudah doesn’t endorse anyone. They would lose their tax exempt status if they did. I do not remember them pushing Clinton and can’t imagine they did. I was learning in Passaic then and remember Rav Meir Stern being asked who to vote for. He said “it’s a free county but I’m voting for Bush” Even so a baal habos who had been campaigning for Clinton was so convinced that Rav Meir Stern had agreed to back Clinton that he come to the Yeshiva to thank RMS for all his help after Clinton won.

    2. Didn't state term endorse.
      But,fact is, many frum voted for Clinton in'92 &'96 because of their recommendation
      (including a noted RY ztl who stayed away from politics.He had his driver call & ask them.)

    3. Didn't use term endorse.
      Because of their recommendation am however personally aware of people who voted Clinton in '92 & '96

  26. iirc the driver is the founder of YWN.

    They tried to corral the orthodox for Carter back in '80,but decided to drop that when the headwinds were blowing too strong against that
