Thursday, August 24, 2023

Tidbit for Maftir This Week

 Have Kavana for Zechiras Amalek

This week the maftir  Parshas Ki Seitzei is about Zechiras Amalek what we read yearly on Parshas Zachor. The mitzva is to remember about it once a year. Since  this coming year is a leap year it will be 13 months from last Shabbos zachor to the coming parshas Zachor. The Chasam Sofer explains that the annual reading suffices. The reason for this is that human nature of forgetting after a year does not depend solely on the elapsed time, but even on the passage of the seasonal events that pass us by yearly.

Nevertheless, The Maharam Schick (Mitzvos, no. 604) writes that the Chasam Sofer himself  ordered his disciples on leap years to have intention to fulfill the mitzvah of remembering Amalek with the torah reading of Ki Teitzei. This ensures that a twelve-month period will not elapse without a reading of the chapter.

Submitted: People Davening in Shuls that have a Bar Mitzva Bachur Getting Maftir, should have Kavanah by Sh'vii!  (Al Pi Rabbi Felder shlita)


  1. Please add: People Davening in Shuls that have a Bar Mitzva Bachur Getting Maftir, should have Kavanah by Sh'vii!

    Thank you!

  2. What does a young follower know?

  3. Why can't you be yotzei with a BM Bachur?

    1. Because he might not be a Gadol DeOraysa.

    2. Also, since a koton can be oleh Maftir. In many situations, the Shabbos bar Mitzvah and the maftir aliyah is on Shabbos before the birthday/bar mitzvah

  4. Regardless of a bar mitzvah, why not always have kavana to be yotzei by shvii? What's the rationale to wait until it's read a second time to have kavana to be yotzei?
