Sunday, August 27, 2023

Sunday 10 Elul August 27 News Updates Lakewood

 Weather: 83° 
A mix of clouds and sun. High 83F. 

- לקיים בנו חכמי ישראל
Teffilos for Rav Boruch Mordechai Ezrachi shlita in need of a refuah shleima name for tehillim  ברוך מרדכי בן הינדא מלכה

- Oraysa begins learning maseches Yoma tomorrow Monday 11 El August 28 shiurim available on the AllDaf platform 

- Hachnosas sefer Torah at B"M Shaarei Tefilah 86 Pawnee rd 2:30pm

- Over the last few days, many Lakewood residents have received in the mail flyers attacking  a Dayan in Beis Havaad. In response, FAA News took a deep dive into the matter to ascertain what's going on here.

- BDE: Watch video hookup Levaya of Rav Ephraim Rabinowitz ZTL in Eretz Yisrael 2:30 pm est. HERE 

- Adirei Hatorah: Lakewood youngeleit receive a 5% raise for their monthly check they will now get $1,050. The promise to raise the check was made at the Adirei Hatorah event by the Rosh Hayeshiva Rav Malkiel Kotler shlita
- Tefillos for Rav Baruch Weisbekker shlita R"Y of Bais Mattis who is in need of rachmei shamayim, he was in Lakewood 2 weeks ago raising funds for his yeshiva. Name for tehillim is Baruch ben Tzivia.

- Adirei Hatorah אדירנו campaign "Partnering With The Adirei HaTorah Each Day It’s more than a daily donation It’s how we stay connected to the Adirei HaTorah every single day, partnering with the yungeleit whose unwavering commitment to Torah learning is displayed each day. It’s Your Daily Zechus of Hachzokas HaTorah" watch video below 

The Mashgiach Rav Don Segal shlita currently in the US gives a Elul shmues in BMG

               Rav Ephraim Rabinowitz ztl


  1. This faa deep dive seems one sided there's always another side to the story and there's more then one case

  2. The FAA article is someone's opinion. He claims he knows why the Dayan paskened to uphold the MSA. How does he know that his reason is correct? Maybe the Dayan paskened that way because he did the research and spoke to the children's Melamdim and Mechanchim and found out that it was in their interests?

    The bottom line is, someone is running around besmirching a Talmid Chacham, and we should all be up in arms about it.

    1. And if someone besmirches the Torah and it's Giver should we not be up in arms about it?

      When a dayan acts outside of halacha, while doing so in his position of dayan, he is besmirching the Torah r"l.

      The only reason we respect a talmud chochom is because he behaves completely according to the Torah. Being up in arms to defend someone 's "right" to desecrate the Torah is not just idiotic, it's evil.

    2. So everyone who loses a DinTorah is permitted to call the Dayan 'outside of Halacha'. Nice.
      My Torah says ואלה המשפטים אשר תשים לפניהם, and we listen to the Dayan. Using force and pashkevilln to get a Dayan to change his opinion is not acceptable on any level. If you think he is wrong, write a Teshuva explaining so.

    3. I find it shocking that anyone in the world can justify the disgusting pashkevilln that were disseminated. They have nothing to do with justice or Torah, they are plain Lashon Hara, Ona'as Devarim, and filth.
      Someone who can justify that, should not expect his opinions to be taken seriously.

    4. Whatever somebody doesn't like to get out, is Lashon hora.
      Of course.

    5. So everyone who loses a Din Torah is permitted to call the Dayan 'outside of Halacha'. Nice.

      Incorrect. Anyone who went to a Din Torah has a right to say "mayheichin dantoni- from where did you get your psak". Al pi halacha, the dayan is mechuyav to clearly write and explain his psak and where in halacha he got it from (without accusations and hyperbole for being asked to do so).

      When the dayan refuses to do so, he is outside of halacha. If the dayan does write an answer from where he took his psak, and he makes it clear that it only came from his "authority" to do as he sees fit, then he is acting outside of halacha. A dayan must pasken according to halacha only - not however he sees fit.


      Remeber the Rashi with the poor fellow vs the wealthy guy in a monetary matter. If the dayan correctly concludes that the rich man must support the poor man, and he coreectly concludes that the support must be given in the most respectful way available, so he decides to camouflage the support through 'paskening' in support of the poor fellow in the monetary matter, he is a rasha. Period. He perverted the psak and law of the Torah.

      Is he right that the wealthy man must support the poor fellow? Yes

      Is he right that the wealthy man must support the poor fellow in the must respectful and least embarrassing way? Yes

      So why is he rasha? Isn't he a righteousness tzadik who paskened correctly?

      Because the monetary matter must be paskened only according to Hashem's laws on that particular matter. He doesn't have a right to mix in an unrelated matter. When he uses his own emotions, feelings, or views on right and wrong - he is a ROSHA.

      A dayan was never given the right makes his own rules - even when he combines it with some very correct principles.

    6. A lange megilla, nothing to do with the matter at hand.

      No Ba'al Din has the Halachic right to demand מהיכן דנתוני. Learn the Sugya and you will see. If the Ba'alei Din voluntarily come to the BD, he does not have to explain himself.
      But in this case nobody is even claiming he did שלא כהלכה, because nobody even knows the Halacha. The Dayan paskened in the best interests of the children, as he was obligated to do. The father could change his behavior and he will have his children back. But he is not interested in his children, he is interested in revenge.

      Which is why he wrote disgusting pashkevilln with personal attacks on the Dayan. Not proofs that he is right, just nastiness.

    7. I searched through the Halacha section of DBS for the words מהיכן דנתוני, and I did not find them.
      I learned the Halacha in Sanhedrin and it seems that a Dayan nowadays does not have to show anyone his reasoning. Only a Dayan who forces a Ba'al Din to appear in front of him, has to answer מהיכן דנתוני, and only to the Bais Din that is greater than his.
      So far, the Dayan is within the realms of Halacha, and the עזי פנים שבדור are trying to undermine the entire power of the Beis Din system, using underhanded pashkevilln and lies.

    8. He practically forced the father to show up

    9. And he practically answered מהיכן דנתוני

  3. The gedolim took a deep dive investigated a bunch of cases and put out a statement that there are issues with the way things were done with the so called bais din in mediation of divorces and other disputes.

    1. Correct. Many so called corrupt batei dinim who have now been disbanded. Including one which was located in New City.

    2. Yes, we saw a sign with many Gedolim signed, that the Beis Hava'ad is a great Beis Din, and that this Dayan is a great Talmid Chacham. From the Dayanim of Maysharim to Reb Eliyahu Levin, from Rabbi Forcheimer to Reb Meir Eisenman, Reb Eliyahu Brudny, Reb Kalman Epstein and more. All signed in favor of this Dayan, and all are strongly against this campaign of terror from a disgruntled Ba'al Din.

  4. Rav Elya Ber shlita is not nispoel he is strongly backing the Maaracha against the BD

  5. Not sure why anyone is attacking the Dayan? He’s 100% right and the disgruntled husband wants to get even with him.
