Friday, August 18, 2023

Friday August 18 Rosh Chodesh Elul

Friday, August 18, 2023 / א׳ אלול תשפ״ג
ערב שבת פרשת שופטים ראש חודש אלול
Candle lighting 7:31 pm
Shkiah/Sunset 7:49 pm
Weather: 85° Partly cloudy skies. 
Shabbos day sunny hi of 80

אם יתקע שופר בעיר ועם לא יחרדו

- Lakewood's Township Committee once again used the fact that their monthly meetings are held virtually to respond to questions submitted by members of the public via email with not much more than blank stares. Numerous members of the public submitted public0u 70's comments in opposition to the tax abatements on various grounds. Read full details at Faanews 
ם יתקע שופר בעיר ועם לא יחרדו

- B"H Chasdei hashem   two missing special needs children in the Catskills were found  this morning by Rockland chaveirim after a 17 hour search by volunteers and first responders they were found near the ice cave mountain trails 

- Hilary is a powerful major Cat 4 hurricane with winds near 145 mph. Catastrophic flooding is possible for portions of California and Nevada starting this weekend from as Hurricane Hilary heads to the area.

- Grand opening this Sunday for Heritage silver of Monroe at the Seagull Square Shopping Plaza in Lakewood 

-BMG mashgiach Rav Abbe Brudny has relocated to Eretz Yisrael, but  is still speaking daily to talmidei hayeshiva as a designated time for a few hours  a day

- Adirei Hatorah hosts a fundraiser in the Catskills

- Minyan with Musical Hallel at Mordys Shteible this morning 

- Rav Baruch Weisbeker returns to yeshiva greeted by the bochurim he gave a pesicha shiur for Elul zman 


  1. Township meetings are a circus, except that the clowns are Lakewood's residents and the laughing audience are the 5 committee members.

  2. Why doesn't any Rov speak out against this Mordy Shtieble???

    1. What's wrong with it? The boys there are shteiging

    2. Tell me your name so I can speak against you
      Why go name less
      If you think your right stand up and say something

    3. The whole shteible was worth it a million times over. A boy who happens to be name less but he is the son of rabbi.... and his father told me that his son hasn't put on teffilin or davened in 2 years and he got introduced to rabbi weinreb the rov of the shteible and he starting hoping there and today he davens 3 times a day and you won't believe it he even learns there first seder in the Koller before he goes to work after mincha.

    4. Unfortunately, YOU are the Nebach! Your Zaides would drool, as they listened to the Leviim in the Bais Hamikdosh sing while they Davened! We don't know how to connect with Hashem like that! But many Neshamos CAN"T deal with the way WE Daven. By the way, Reb Shmuel Kamenetzky Sh'lita, he should have a refua sh'laima, did speak out against Musical S'lichos as that is not supposed to be sung! He doesn't let any singing Yom Kippur night as those few pieces are S'lichos! But Davening, it may not be your way or the Yeshivasha Mehalech, but if that's how they connect to Hashem, let them be! Finally, would you rather your kids be OTD, or Davening Singers? Count your blessings!

  3. You're right if every shul would be as welcoming and not judgemental as the shtible then we wouldn't need it. But as things stand today this is a huge chizuk and need for many. Just as when rabbi trenk moved to Lakewood from adelphia the Rosh yeshiva said he's afraid it will bring problematic youths to Lakewood. And R dovid responded, no these are Your boys......
    The same happened with lutzk, which has become a thriving makon Torah, especially for Westgate which has limited facilities and matzav...

    1. Due to kinah, sinah, gaivah & kavod.

  4. This canard that shuls are 'judgmental' needs to be stopped.
    No shul expels people for wearing shorts, colored yarmulkes or long hair. If you are chatting at the back disturbing davening, you may blame the black looks on your dress. But that is not the real reason.
    Anyone who wishes to daven is welcome in every Shul. Nobody is expelled in Lakewood from a Shul.
    The idea that Mordy's Shtiebel is revolutionary in that respect, is Hotza'as SHem Ra on the entire town

    1. Of course no shul expels anybody, everyone is welcome to attend. The question is are they made to feel welcomed and part of the shul, or sit on the sidelines as an outcast. Does the rov know the names of these bachurim, or try to connect and befriend them, or they are just ignored. Will they get a kibud or Aliyah? of course not, so that's why they look for more friendly territory.

    2. In westgate it’s people who expel Shuls not Shuls that expel people!

  5. For every one otd who is chozer by the Shtieble, another 10 ho off!!

    1. That's a complete lie, no one is going off from any of these places. And I personally went to see for myself. They all are wonderful places of learning and growth. In fact I'm a bit jealous of the comeradrie that exists in these shuls that is so lacking in my chashuv yeshivish bais medrash.

  6. Special needs shuls should be just that. No need to advertise it to the general public.

  7. R binyomen is a goan and tzsdik who befriends every yid he doesn’t feel or make you feel it but is levels beyond in Torah avodah kedushah and prishus

  8. The ry r Dovid shlita( who’s a kanai )is meshuga over him

  9. It’s hard to meet a yorai shamayim like r binyomin

  10. BS”D GOING ON NOW!!!
    Dr. Mike Yeadon on now live!
    Including presentation about deadly new RSV shots CDC approved for pregnant women, seniors & newborns. 12 babies DIED in the trial - parents, just say NO!

  11. If R Binyamin is so great why does he have music by Hallel?

    1. K’dei l’arveiv ha’Soton. (I hope you’re not on the Soton’s side ch’v.)
