Tuesday, August 29, 2023

In The Shadow of Greatness: Divrei Hesped On Hagaon Rav Aharon She hter ZT"L

Harav Gershon Ribner shlita - In the shadow of a giant: Rav Gershon Ribner reflects on the greatness of HG"R Aharon Moshe Schechter ZT"L


  1. BME
    was around.
    There were other Americans as well senior to RAS in various locations

    1. There are very few people if anyone senior to Rav Ahron Schecter who were born in the US, never went to learn in Europe that reached his level of gadlus in Torah or level of harbotzas hatorah.


    2. Simplistic revisionist preferences or just biased ignorance

      R Henoch Leibowitz and his CC friends

      The early Cleveland

      At best, you can claim a different emphasis

    3. R' Henoch Leibowitz wasn't born in the US. He was about ten years old when he came to America as the son of the Rosh Yeshiva.

    4. Several of his peers were.
      They were of the personality that just made less of a splash

    5. I'm not going to go Gadol rating but Rav Ahron Schecter did not go around "making splashes" He became so well known because of what he accomplished. Halevie there would have been several of his American born peers who accomplished the same. The world would be a very different and much better place had that happened...

    6. They perhaps didn't rebbi worship as much

  2. Whatever his view on baal batishkeit was he certainly had no issue with his mother publicly calling him "Arnie" . Not even when he a major Rosh Yeshiva walking with talmidim. He also had no issue with crossing the street when surrounded by talmidim to go over and say good shabbos to the almonah of one his former rebbeim when she around. These are things I remember him doing in the 1980s

    1. Gadlus mamash!

    2. It wasn't Arnie, it was Archie. But okay.

    3. RGR uses the term balabatishkeit to denote a superficial "feel good" relationship with Torah, mitzvos and yiddishkeit in general. Don't get hung up on the term. When he says "balabatishkeit" just plug in the above definition. If you do that you will understand that none of the things that you mentioned have any shaychus to balabatishkeit.

  3. It's unbelievable how certain individuals can twist what Rabbi Ribner said and think and make petty comments rather than realize how great the R' Y ztl was and draw inspiration.
