Wednesday, August 24, 2022

Wednesday August 24 News Updates Lakewood

 Weather: 90° Sunny. High near 90F. Winds W at 5 to 10 mph.

Food boxes: today  
-At the public-school on Clifton Ave and middle school at Somerset Ave 4:00 pm 7 day boxes
- Meal Distribution at Tiferes Yechiel  1820 Old Freehold Rd in Toms River at  4:30 pm
- Belz 388 Chestnut 5:00 pm
- Tehilas Chaya Sara Cross 1115 street 6:30pm. please  only came from Westgate side of Cross streets. The approach from James st will be closed 

- Tefillos for Rav Meir Hershkowitz, rosh yeshiva of Yeshiva Bais Binyomin of Stamford who is in need of rachamei Shomayim. Please be mispallel for Rav Meir ben Pessya (Matzav)

-California to prohibit the sale of new gasoline cars by 2035.

- Tuition increases for the average Lakewood family for this coming year will be between $5000 -$7000 more than last year.

World’s largest” go-kart racing course is set to open in New Jersey this fall, it will be located on route 1 in Edison next to the Topgolf. The complex will have 19 axe-throwing lanes, an arcade with 140 games, immersive virtual reality area, bumper cars, a Drop-and-Twist tower ride.

- BDE: Petirah of Mrs Esther Rochel Halberstam a"h, wife of R' Yitzchok shlita following an ilness. Levaya 11:30 am at Kol Aryeh  521 Hope chapel rd. Kevurah at the Floral park cemetery Deans,, NJ. Shiva at 556 Seton Circle, Lakewood.
Watch levaya live on Zoom Here

- Yeshivas Mir Yerushalayim  will begin elul zman earlier than scheduled.The R"Y wrote after consulting with gedolei Torah in light of the recent tragedies that have hit Klal Yisroel, Elul zeman will begin this Thursday, instead of this coming Sunday.

-BMG will begin Elul zman this Motzei shabbos

- Biden to forgive $10,000 in student debt and $20,000 in debt for Pell grant recipients ahead of midterm elections, Bloomberg reports.

- Attacks continue on Brooklyn Orthodox Jews for the fourth day as a frum jewish man in Crown Heights was attacked yesterday morning,following 3 attacks on jews in williamsburg since Motzei shabbos. All were unprovoked.

- Dan Goldman, a prosecutor of President Donald Trump’s first impeachment trial, won a close race in the Democratic primary in New York’s 10th Congressional district, which includes Boro park. He had the support of chasidishe mosdos and leaders in Boro park. In his comments, at the victory speech Goldman emphasized a primary focus of his campaign, opposition to Donald Trump,. “Donald Trump and his authoritarian Republican Party are a danger to our progressive values, our safety and our way of life,” “And make no mistake about it. He will run again in 2024 and he will try to steal the next election. And if the Republicans take the majority in the House in November, they will try to impeach President Biden. He won 76% of the vote in Simcha Eichenstein’s 48th Assembly Sistrict in BP.

- Food boxes: today  
-At the public-school on Clifton Ave and middle school at Somerset Ave 4:00 pm 7 day boxes
- Meal Distribution at Tiferes Yechiel  1820 Old Freehold Rd in Toms River at  4:30 pm
- Belz 388 Chestnut 5:00 pm
- Tehilas Chaya Sara Cross 1115 street 6:30pm


  1. Lakewood Township may vacate already paved road

    Typically, when Lakewood's Township Committee agrees to requests from developers to vacate right-of-way's, it is for roads which have not actually been paved yet.

    Now however, they are proposing to vacate a road which is already paved and serves as additional parking for an adjacent shul.

    Public comments are welcome prior to the final vote.

    Full story at

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  2. Hashem Controls every single penny so just RELAX -RELAX- RELAX

    1. 100%. I am going to relax and keep my part time job, instead of going full time, because my kids need a functional mother. However that means I won't be able to pay the increased tuition.


  3. It is beyond any sort of understanding to me how from Yidden actively supported and chose to vote for Dan Goldman. At the very least, stay out of this race. But to actively support him and all the 'causes' he has chosen???

  4. Shame that yidden would vote for Dan Goldman who went after the Ohev Yisrael Trump.
    And the Hamodia newspaper has become a anti Trump rag that you shouldn't even use to wrap fish. The masbia guys who always put articles are public Trump haters
    Is it all about the funding

    1. Very sad. Biden is not the role model of leadership in many more decadent ways than abrasive but honest Trump. Soft spoken Biden is trash inside contrasted with louder Trump who is "tov sheb'aysov" and quite capable and caring inside.

    2. Shame that Yidden can vote for the Meshugene Trump, the danger to all of us.

      Boruch Hashem Boro Park has more sechel than some commenters here.

  5. Maybe TU can make a campaign to help the parents with the Tuition increases they caused - great job

  6. Goldman putting aside his pushing every type of garbage trash, in his hamodia interview was rather anti the Frum curriculum
    Both previous comments, well said
    Heimeshe organizational leadership couldn't care less
    Even more insanely absurd, as Goldman is a very distant relative of mine

    1. Goldman would be a terrible politician, which will cause more division in this country. His entire agenda is predicated on anti-Trump hate. He probably only got certain endorsements due to his ability to blackmail and intimidate.

  7. What is being done about the tuition increases in Lakewood why is everyone silent this is literally giving parents heart attacks. How can the community be so cold hearted to this chutzpah and Geneva from people who can not not make ends meet.

    1. Geneiva?? HUH?? First of all, tuition in Lakewood is still significantly lower than almost every other Frum community. Secondly, tuition went up everywhere, not just in Lakewood. The same way it costs you more to go grocery shopping, it costs the Schools more for everything as well. This is not all about teacher raises, this is about increased expenses across the board.

    2. Yes it is Geneva when you take money from people that they don't have. The biggest proof is that tuition never went down when expenses go down once they raise you it stays there. Also schools got funding with ppp loans and made money from the food boxes. Let them disclose how short they are before they rip money off parents that can't afford it.
      Thank you Torah Umseorah for giving the schools the excuse to raise tuitions at this time

    3. Why is BF paying off the cheder budget why should those parents not get a break if there's a surplus

    4. Question: Are the non-mandated parents also being forced to pay more for Sunday bussing? Because the mandated parents have to pay $250 just for Sundays..

    5. First of all the Cheder owns Bais Faiga so that’s why they are entitled to the surplus. Secondly it’s better than the other schools that the surplus goes to pay for the school owners lavish homes & vacations.

      Now that people started getting worked up about the teachers being underpaid the overpaid owners are raising tuition instead of bringing their own profits to where they should be.

    6. Our schools in Lakewood have been running on a tremendous surplus.
      The sheep will never know cus they will never see the books.
      But they really dont need to. its basic math...

  8. No Yated this week. They generally take a break for Bain Hazmanim, and it coincides with the Lipschutz-Dubin chasuna tonight.

    1. They already took off a week earlier. Now they want a second week vacation?!?

    2. I stopped buying that paper in 1991

  9. Old litvishe problem of no centralized authority

    בימים ההם אין מלך בישראל איש הישר בעיניו יעשה

    Although there’s a lot of autonomy in the askenazi model the flip side is unfortunately this type of thing (along with batei din, rabanim and by extension hechsherim having much less power and influence individually, if at all) happening without any mechanism in place to check it

    1. It is a price we are willing to pay not be led by amei ha'aretz and machlokes machers. People who can't get along with their own brothers and nephews should not be making decisions for others.
      We will gladly pay extra.

    2. in all fairness, a lot of litvishe roshei yeshiva can't get along with their own family either.
      the real issue is the "suspension of disbelief". chasidim are willing to pretend that they believe that the rebbe is a mini-god - somewhere between Hashem and man - and to obey whatever he says. even though most don't really beleive it, they pretend they do in order to reap the benefits of their social system. litvishe are unwilling to play pretend like that and won't blindly obey anyone based on who their grandfather was so we end up with no real social network.

    3. Devarim
      29: 18, 33: 9
      Due to your crowds' sneaky ulterior motives you are attempting to corral in the rest of us. And you intend to drill the hole that will sink us all with you. We have plenty to gain to switch on a dime and taking the other side but unlike you and yours we try to be straight shooters. Because that's what we're here for.
      Those you claim to follow for klal you did describe above well.

    4. Oh, response for groups happily supporting degenerate candidates
      Tehillim 119: 23,139:19- 21

  10. What kind of boxes now at park and 7th?

  11. Why is there insane traffic I lakewood today the roads are all backed up

    1. Sleepaway camp pickups

    2. Ask the committeemen which appointed the zoning board members

  12. It would be a really nice chesed if the school owners would try to earmark some of the extra tuition to benefit the talmidim and Rabeim.
    Some lefnim meshuras hadin...

  13. No we’re going to make a campaign for that and raise tuition again because our (not so) poor rebbeim are not making enough.

  14. Why? Rebbi is one of the best jobs around. For sure one of the highest by the hour
