Thursday, August 18, 2022

Sephardi Community Unites to tackle Tuition and Simcha expenses

Tuition and Simcha costs are from the largest biggest expenses facing the frum community. SEFA Sephardic Education For All  A community-wide membership that will eliminate tuition  is a grassroots movement unifying community rabbis, institutions, top lawyers, tax professionals, and lay-leaders, all joining together to achieve this common goal. The system will be that everyone will pitchin a certain amount and all the money will be distributed to the yeshivos see video below

for Simchos the community launched the Semahot initiative  to give all community members the opportunity to assist their friends who are struggling with these huge costs and to help alleviate some of the financial pressures associated with making a simha and its associated costs. A family making a simcha applies for assistance After the need is verified, all participating community members will be charged via their credit card which is stored on file. Participants will not be charged more than: $2.60 for a new born baby $5 for a bar-mitzvah $26 for a wedding.  members will never be charged more than $100 in any given month. close to 1500 have signed up


  1. The chasidim can sing and the sfardim can get their act together
    What are the ashkenazim good at? Oh right I almost forgot organizing adirei hatorah and nekadesh events of course!

    1. Litvaks are good at banging a drum on shtussim

    2. Ashkenazim built the world the others are now thriving and frolicking in. And we will do it again without the celebratory fun and acclaim
      We are also always the Conscience for everyone else
      While the others are
      looking over the shoulder at what We stand for and how We set the contours even though they are hardly running to admit it

  2. Very simple, the litvaks are not united like the sefardim are. There are organizations in the litvishe world who supposedly are expected to look after the needs of the community but unfortunately the organizations care only about themselves they forgot why they opened and who they were supposed to help yet pretend like they are helping the community which only makes matters worse since others are not stepping up to the plate. a recent example Torah Umesorah made a lot of noise about raising salaries for rebbeim and teachers they got all the big gevirim together and had a huge PR campaign for themselves but in the end the ones who had to pay the money were the parents after the schools raised tuition.

    The sefardi community and the chasidim are united enough that the rabbis and lay leaders can actually help. by the litvishe its yechidim doing things on their own there is no communal system looking out for everyone

    1. Those aware who really call shots for these communities beyond the congratulatory hoopla will grasp that this sort of unity comes back to bite all of us eg
      bloc support for destructive garbage self-inflicting politicians, and any who wish to defer get smashed etc
      Hey, a price has to be paid

  3. We are very happy not to be 'united' like the Chassidim. United means groupthink, party mentality, and one person at the top making decisions regardless of ability.

    Yes, Litvaks are individualists, we need to make decisions for ourselves, but we are not handicapped. Each person can live according to his own understanding.

    Remember what Reb Yerucham told Reb Leib Gurwitz, "Keep far away from 'partei' because when you join a partei, half of your Yiras Shamayim disappears". I can even prove it. Did one Gerrer say a word of protest about the Bechukosai Chilul Shabbos? WHy not? Do none of them think differently? It is because partei ejected their Yiras Shamayim.

    1. One beardless older out of town baalhabayis from a ger background told me during that ongoing parsha:he was embarrassed of his background

  4. The litvaks are busy running to asifas and resorts run by chassidim.

    1. The real mcCoy's don't want run to anything. They don't run

  5. Still a work in progress.Shmirat Shabbat,Rock concerts, movies.Who's kidding?! Who steadily got these crowds where they are now?!
    It's inappropriate to dig up the past when chevra are chozer b'teshuva, but all these guys and their parents 40 years ago?
