Friday, August 5, 2022

Halachos of Tisha B'av (Nidcheh) 5782 on Shabbos and Erev Shabbos Chazon

 Halachos of Tisha B'av 5782 on Shabbos and Erev Shabbos Chazon, Motzei Tisha Ba'v Havdalah.

-Erev Shabbos Chazon   5782- 2022
(Based partially on Rabbi Felder Sefer) This year 5782 Tisha Bav is a Nidcha since it falls out on Shabbos The fast will be on Sunday.

-Erev Shabbos Chazon one may cut their Nails for Shabbos since it is not shavua shechal bo.
-One may polish their shoes only with liquid polish.
-Showering is a machlokes if you are allowed kol gufo the minhag is to be meikel but to use warm water.
-Children may eat meat before Shabbos up to 2 hours before the zman according to Igros Moshe, others hold they may start even from Chatzos.
-If one makes an early Shabbos on Erev Shabbos Chazon he may eat Meat after the Plag.

  Laws of  Tisha B'av that falls on Shabbos 2022
The Seudos of Shabbos can be eaten as on a regular Shabbos with no restraints or restrictions.

1. Although one normally should not study Torah on erev Tisha B'Av after Chatzos (except for Torah portions permitted on Tisha B'Av itself) when erev Tisha B'Av falls on Shabbos one should fulfill his regular Shabbos Torah study, however, it is customary not to learn Pirkei Avos after Chatzos. (Shulchan Aruch w/Mishnah Berurah 553:2)

2. The usual Seudah Mafsekes is replaced with a regular shaleshudes of Shabbos at which one may eat meat and drink wine and eat any foods one desires. One may eat the meal with the family at one table,
however, one should not invite guests unless one regularly has guests for Seudah Shlishis. One may conclude the meal with a Zimun as always. One must be careful to conclude the meal before sunset/Sh'kiah. One should not say that one is eating to have strength for the fast. You may sing zemiros.
 (Shulchan Aruch w/Mishnah Berurah 552:10,Shmiras Shabbos Kehilchasa 28:77,Igros Moshe 4:112)

3. If one completed the 3rd seudah before sunset and said Birchas Hamazon one may eat and drink until sunset without making any t'nai (condition). (Sha'ar Hatziyun 553:7)

4. Washing hands in full can only be done till shkiah after shkiah the laws of Tisha Bav begin one can only wash till the knuckles. (Rabbi Felder)
One may sit on a chair until nightfall/Tzeis Hakochavim.
   (Shmiras Shabbos Kehilchasa 62:88)

5. No preparations for Tisha B'Av may be made on Shabbos. One may not bring Tisha B'Av shoes or Kinos to shul on Shabbos even if there is an eruv. Therefore, it is advisable that one should bring these items to shul before Shabbos. (Shmiras Shabbos Kehilchasa 28:77)

6. One is permitted to take a time release or Tzom Kal  on shabbos which help them fast. Since it is not for Refuah or hachanah its only preventive medicine. However its better if one can mix it with food before shabbos and eat it in that way on Shabbos. (Rabbi Felder Shiurei Halacha)

7)  A woman may go to the mikvah Friday night. (Speak to your Rav about other restrictions)

8) One should not take Shabbos walks on Shabbos Tisha Bav.

9)  After  Shabbos,  we say Hamavdil Bain Kodesh L’Chol, and we go to Maariv in our Shabbos clothing. After Borchu,  you change to Tisha B’Av shoes.  If a shul Davens Maariv before Tzais, you should not change shoes then, but wait until after Tzais to do so. the minhag is to start maariv late so you can change before you go to shul.

-one may sit on a chair until Tzais Hakochavim

- Dishes may not be washed until Tisha B'Av afternoon.

10) Because one may not prepare on Shabbos for Chol, the shoes should be placed in Shul before Shabbos. Similarly, one may not bring a Kinos to Shul before Shabbos is over.

11.) If possible, one should change to weekday clothing  before saying Kinos.

12) After Davening Motzoi Shabbos,  but  before Eichah, we make Baorei M’orei Ha”Eish on a Havdalah candle, like on a regular Motzoi Shabbos. Women who stay  home should make the Bracha on the double candle at home. No other parts of Havdalah are performed at that time. After Tisha b’Av, Havdalah is made on wine, without Besamim. The person making Havdalah may drink the wine himself.

13. A Choleh Or kattan or a women who will not be fasting must make Havdalah on a Kos before they eat and should only make havdalah right before they are ready to eat. Since havdala is made on wine which you can not drink on Tisha Bav the poskim rule that you may make on Grape Juice and give it to a Katan to drink. If there is no Katan you may make havdala on coffee, Tea or 100% Orange juice. At last resort one may drink grape juice on their own. (Orchos Rabbeinu)

HAVDALAH on Motzei Tisha B'av Nidcha

14) On Motzoei Tisha B’Av Nidcheh, (Sunday night this year) one makes havdala and is permissible to drink the cup of wine or grape juice. We do not make a bracha on besamim or a Ner. We only make a borei pri Hagafen and say the bracha of Hamavdil.

15) The minhag is not to eat meat or drink wine until Monday morning. However laundry and haircuts are permitted right away after the fast on Sunday night. To hear music its brought down to wait until the morning as well.


  1. Ever since I started consistently learning the halachos on Hefkervelt, my wife says that I have been a much better husband.

    When you have a sense of accomplishment in learning, you feel so much better about yourself and that sense of accomplishment extends to other areas of life.

  2. REGARDING SHALESH SHUDOS IT SAYS One must be careful to conclude the meal before sunset/Sh'kiah..JUST WONDERING I SEE MANY PEOPLE ARE LAX ABOUT WHEN they start shaleshudes all year round. especially during the winter . By the time they start shaleshudes it is already after shkiya.
    Is there any reaon why one should be more makpid to end before shkiya this week than all year round. if all year round they are somech that they could start shaleshudes a few minutes after shkiya. so why cant they start fasting few minutes after shkiya this week as well. i am no way suggesting that they start fasting later. in contrary ,i think that the same way there is no yid who wont stop eating before shkiya this week so too no one start shaleshudes after shkiya all year round . And even more so you must finish a shiur seuda before shkiya. in short , I DONT UNDERSATND WHY PEOPLE ARE MORE MAKPID ON THE HALACHA OF FASTING ON 9 AV MORE THAN THE HALACHA OF shaleshudes

    1. Because Shalosh seudos can be done after skiyah since it's still Tosefes Shabbos, just like those who make early Shabbos are mikayaim the Seudas Shabbos before Shabbos in Tosafos Shabbos. Similarly, one can be mikayaim Seuda shlishis after Shabbos in Tosefes Shabbos. It's known that R Aharon was not makpid to start SS before shkiya and I have seen REB Wachtfogel do the same on a regular basis.

  3. You're obviously joking. Right?

    1. What's the obvious answer, that makes you think it's a joke?

  4. Do kids need to make havdalah before they eat

    1. Rav Shmuel Kamenetzky says yes in the sefer on bein hamerzarim

  5. Is smelling besamim forbidden on 9 av that we don’t have it ?

  6. Tashmish muttar or assur?

    1. Leil tevilah is allowed. Otherwise ask your LOR

    2. Mishna berura Rama and Aruch Hadhulchan say assur if one is בא מן הדרך they are מיקל or ליל טבילה is muttar

  7. What about Sunday night?
