Thursday, August 25, 2022

Thursday August 25 News Updates Lakewood

Weather: 90° Sunshine and a few afternoon clouds. High near 90F.

- Food Boxes:
 - Free food distribution at 708 Albert Ave 2:00 pm and on 7 day box
- Bais Yaakov at Pine park  @ 2:00 pm
- Bnos Melech James st 7:00 pm weekday and shabbos boxes if you only  get a 5 day box you can also get a separate weekend box for each child
- Yeshiva Ktana 120 2nd street 6-8 pm

UPDATE: Six Flags says that five people were hospitalized after the malfunction aboard the El Toro roller coaster, and several reported back pain; the ride remains closed for inspection

- 10:00 pm New Jersey police say that multiple people were injured on a Six Flags Great Adventure roller coaster on Thursday evening.
A spokesperson for the Jackson Township Police Department told Fox News Digital that the injuries happened on the El Toro ride, and stated that most of the injuries were minor.

- Judge orders release of redacted Mar-a-Lago search warrant by Friday noon

- Heavy Traffic at Cedarbridge & Airport road following accident

- According to the latest monitoring map from the National Drought Mitigation Center, more areas of New Jersey are experiencing moderate drought conditions and severe drought conditions. 

- UTJ Degel and Agudah parties appear to be closer to splitting and run separately in the upcoming Knesset elections per the ruling of Rav Gershon Eidelstein the negotiations came to a halt.

- Russia said it targeted a military train and claimed to have killed more than 200 Ukrainian reservists.

-Ukrainian official urges people not to go early to Uman as it will complicate efforts with security due to the ongoing war. Over 100 chasidim have already traveled for RoshHashana as they fear authorities will not let them go later. 

- Tefillos for Rav Meir Hershkowitz, rosh yeshiva of Yeshiva Bais Binyomin of Stamford who is in need of rachamei Shomayim. Please be mispallel for Rav Meir ben Pessya (Matzav)

- Last licks of bein hazmanim: Cinnaholic gourmet cinnamon rolls where you create your own cinnamon rolls and other sweet treats like made from scratch brownies, cookies and edible cookie dough 100% vegan and kosher certified by the JSOR(Here) as well as dairy & lactose-free, egg-free and cholesterol-free. Products are parve, not pas Yisrael, Strawberries are checked by certified mashgichim. located at Cinnaholic Sea Girt 2100 Route 35, suite 12 Sea Girt, New Jersey 08750

- Moadim L'simcha Sukkos distribution now open for registration deadline is next week Thursday, September 1st. new ordering website launched Here see register Here Due to the limited supply of Chickens, theywill be having an additional chicken distribution at a later date. (case on 9x13 aluminum pans $37.50)

- Tuition increases for the average Lakewood family for this coming year will be between $5000 -$7000 more than last year.

- Extra traffic as bochurim are back shopping for the new zman

- Satmar yid who was injured at the shooting  last week motzei shabbos in Yerushalyim has returned home to the US and is being treated at a hospital in NY

 WSJ: The Justice Department is expected today to propose extensive redactions of the affidavit detailing evidence that led to the search of Trump’s Mar-a-Lago home.

- 417 Siyumei masechta were made by at camp Ohr Shraga continuing an annual long time tradition

- Jackson GOP  cLub votes down the committee pick for mayor and a motion was filed to allow the nomination of Michael Reina

- Gas prices in Lakewood drops to $3.99

- Photo:  Mir Yerushalayim begins zman today,Telz Cleveland begins tonight 

Erev Rosh chodesh Elul in Miron giving out Kugel to the crowds


  1. Why no kugel in Lakewood? No shuls and no kugel

    1. If you would give out ,there would be in lakewood too

  2. There are plenty of shuls. Only in wg they don’t let building more shuls because the existing shuls have too many empty seats.

  3. Kugel in lutzk every shabbis , liver too

  4. I think South Fallsburg is starting tonight also

  5. Why does bm kelmwoods have ezras nashim open for yk koton? Any ladies come?

    1. Yes they do. The Ezras Nashua was opened after ladies called up to specifically request it.

  6. It depends who you know. The mafia has enough but they don’t let everyone have.

    1. Westgate shul just got 50 thousand dollars security funding grant will the money go to secure their control

    2. It will probably go to pay the lawyer.

  7. 150k. They will probably need it to hire lawyers.

  8. Does Bnos Melech give pride of the farm milk?

  9. There's only 4 people in Westgate that want to open another shul, they want to make a hefkervelt-type shul. Nobody else wants another shul, there are enough shul in Westgate.

  10. last licks of ben hazmanim ? hu ? maybe if its so good please dont come back to B.M.
    Bein hazemanim is necessary down time.

  11. If the warrant is redacted, it's meaningless.

    1. I don't think you should try and practice law just yet

  12. So let the 4 people open a shul. Does it bother you? That's exactly what we're talking about

  13. Yes you don’t open a shul for 4 people while potentially hurting hundreds in the process. No point in arguing the same points over and over again, we know it’s kinah and gaava and it was mizera amalek that stopped it.

    1. The 'hundreds' aren't hurt. They are pretending to be hurt.
      This whole idea that within 1000ft of a Mikva has to be empty land is a ridiculous one invented in Lakewood. Every single town in the world does not need it, and it is fine. Go to Boro Park and Williamsburg, Monsey and Toronto, London and Antwerp. In none of these places do they pander to nonsense like that.

      A Shul has to be built and if they think that they have a tevi'a against it, they should go to Beis Din and listen to the psak.

    2. Is it so bad to have a Migrash

  14. Um the Mikva has little to do with it sir there are many other ways people will be affected. They went to beis din and followed the psak that they could stop it in the township which ultimately they didn’t even have to because it was illegal.

  15. How would you know if it’s lies if you never sat down with those opposed to it to even hear them out? Btw I write this as an outsider who has no negius but happen to know what went on there.

    1. Then you’re not an outsider and you didn’t sit with the other side either.

    2. You are worse because you are a mecharcher riv nebach on you

  16. Why am I not an outsider? I don’t live there and never davened on either of the shuls.

  17. It’s hard to sit down with people who refuse to talk to you.

  18. Why is there so much politics in wg? Why can’t everyone just get along?
