Monday, August 29, 2022

Monday August 29 News Updates Lakewood

 Weather: 86° sunny skies for the afternoon. High 86F. 
Tuesday & Wednesday temps will be 90 in Lakewood

- Donald  Trump calls for a 2020 re-do election in response to the HUnter Biden laptop coverup by the FBI Trump posted on Truth social "'Declare the rightful winner or…Have a New Election Immediately .

- The Vote for the Gaavad of Badatz Eidah Hachaidis has been postponed after 25 members put a veto on. The delegates of Toldos Avrohom Yitzchok were instructed not to vote and the Satmar rebe Rav Zalman issued a veto. There won't be a Gaavad for another year. The Raavad Rav Moshe Sternbuch shlita was the candidate to be appointed.

-  Sudden petirah of the Zhviller Rebbe of Yerushalayim Rav Shloimo Goldman ZTL The Rebbe collapsed in his home on rechov Yechezkel in yerushalayim and passed away from cardiac arrest he was 66. The chasidim were left in shock and mourning following the news. Levaya tonight from Bais Yisrael next to the mir to har hazeisim.

- Backlash online after APP story about Lakewood cutting trees to keep homeless away from town square, critics charging the town should do more to the homeless, others criticized the mayor for saying the homeless can apply for one of the 1,000 Section 8 vouchers that are now available." But that application closed months ago, and 86,000 people applied for 4,000 slots.

- A  36 year old  Bayville man has been sentenced to 20 years New Jersey State Prison for a  Carjacking, in Lakewood four years ago.

- Lakewood  township cut down all of the shade trees that once lined Town Square in a controversial move designed to prevent homeless people from spending time there. Mayor Ray Coles said the decision was made after a recommendation from the Police Department Quality of Life Unit, which the township said was triggered by numerous complaints from residents and township employees about homeless people defecating and urinating in the area APP reports. “They (homeless people) were harassing people, defecating between the cars and residents were complaining,” Coles said. Coles said that the township expects to revitalize Town Square to make it more inviting for families.(APP)

-Judge suggests busing patrons to Lake Terrace hall see more at faanews 

- Last registration for BMG had 1000 applicant of which 750 were accepted (Kol Mevaser)

-APP reports on frustrating driving in Lakewood with car accidents increasing as a result of new drivers outdated infrastructure and increasing traffic. APP

- Habachur Yechiel Yosef Chaim David Z"L who was niftar over shabbos on his birthday after an accident  he was a talmid of Yeshiva Toras Chaim in Lakewood  a true ben Aliya who kept pushing and demanding more of himself and was a chizuk to all his chaveirim (Kol Mevaser) 

- Thousands Heading back from the Catskills as summer season comes to an end

- A selection committee from Badatz Eidah Hacharedis will cast a secret ballot today to appoint a new Gaavad. Today marks the shloshim of Rav Yitzchok Tuvia Weiss ZTL

- Ocean County Republican Party Chairman George Gilmore has filed a lawsuit against his predecessor and others in the party, seeking a return of the party’s “digital assets

- Lindsey Graham predicts riots if Trump is prosecuted over classified documents
- NJ will allow liquor stores  to use third-party delivery services and bring booze right to the doorstep beginning this fall. Drivers will have verify the recipient is 21 and not intoxicated.

 - Food Boxes: Chai4ever  today and every Monday from now through Labor Day!  2 locations: 1) 1221 Madison Ave Lakewood starting at 4:30 pm 2)  2313 County Rte 547, Lakehurst, NJ 08733 (next to Alba’s pub) starting at 5pm ((very close to Whitesville, Manchester and West gate area (and less traffic) - Bnos Penina Prospect st across Massachusetts 5:00 pm

Video: Rav Boruch  Mordechei Ezrachi  Elul Klap this year


  1. Can you let us know when white smoke billows from Sistine Chapel...?

  2. Der Trump izdoch aza meshugener, and people still vote for him and support him. Look at that 'Truth' that he posted, he has no idea how the constitution works, and he is completely doddering nuts.
    Meanwhile, the same morons made fun of 'sleepy Joe' and he is accomplishing, through compromise and hard political work, exactly what he promised. From student loan forgiveness to climate change reversal, he has shown that he can get things done, without fanfare, noise, and exaggeration.

    1. Trump might be a meshugana buy he was still IMO a better president. But its just my opinion. Dont take too personal.

    2. Anon 440 a.m. is on Target if all he cares about is his wallet and this moment
      He better not whine later when bad stuff continues closing it around him. Or if the country continues to be further diminished overseas

  3. Had Trump simply lost graciously, he would have been on track to win easily in 2024. All he had to do was wait for the public to see how incompetent Biden is. Instead, his narcissism has likely destroyed him.
