Monday, August 8, 2022

Bein Hazmanim Begins in Lakewood for Summer 2022

 For the kolell youngeleit of Lakewood, and Bochurim of BMG summer 2022 vacation begins now as they rest up before resuming to the shtender for upcoming Elul Zman. The learning of course continues in local Botei medrashim some with special bein hazmanim programs. During these weeks one experiences a feeling of relaxation and serenity in Lakewood. people will be heading out to vacation however hotel prices and other travel costs have gone up due to inflation and high fuel costs. While roads are usually empty and traffic eases during these weeks, as more people moved into the surrounding areas and neighboring towns the quiet streets may be something of the past.

1 comment:

  1. Quiet streets is a thing of the past because most of us work and don’t have Bain hazmanim.
