Monday, August 22, 2022

Monday August 22 News Updates Lakewood

Weather: 81° Rain showers early will evolve into a more steady rain for the afternoon. High 81F. Winds SSE at 5 to 10 mph. Chance of rain 70%.

Police in Washington, D.C., on Monday identified a suspect in connection with the killing of a Arye WolfZ"L from Baltimore. The Metropolitan Police Department identified Avery Miller, 27, of Washington, who is wanted on an arrest warrant charging him with first-degree murder while armed. see more at Wbal

- The Dow closed down 643.13 points, or 1.91%, its worst day since June.

-Murpy: We’re closely monitoring the potential for severe weather this morning and into Tuesday afternoon – with heavy rain bringing the risk of localized flooding. Please drive with caution, stay tuned to your local weather, and stay safe.

- Dr. Fauci has announced his resignation will step down in December 2022.

 - A Flash Flood Warning is in effect for parts of Ocean County until 11am. Up to 4 inches of rain has already fallen in some spots with another inch still expected to fall.

- Many local families heading to Lancaster, Poconos and other vacation spots for the in-between camp and school weeks

- 2 weeks for high schools to begin and still girls not accepted yet

- Senior Lkwd posek responded to question about raising playgroup tuition said not to go up more than $40 a month. (Not a public psak)

- Hespedim tonight for Harav Shlomo Carlebach zatzal Mashgiach Yeshiva Mesivta Rabeinu Chaim Berlin at KNA (Roberts shul) 104 Arbutus Dr, Lakewood  8:00 pm divrei helped by HaRav Yeruchom Olshin shlita, Rav Simcha Soleveitchick  shlita, Rav Chaim ben-Oliel shlita, Rav Binyamin Halpern shlita, Rav Avrohom Maybloom shlita.

- LIC (Lakewood Industrial commission) ignores tough questions about the Strand Theater in Lakewood. As it stands, the taxpayer and land-sale funded LIC expends more - on regular monthly bills - on the Strand building than it collects in revenue. FAA news reports the LIC did not read public comments sent via email for this last meeting read full report Here

- Last Friday the LDC meeting  Lakewood Development Corporation, voted to create a $75,000 Shuttle Bus Liasion position  the Board clerk advised that no emails were submitted for public comment. However, emails obtained by FAA show that actually, a member of the public did try to get an important message to Board members prior to their vote. See correspondence how a member of the public tried to get the information for the meeting but the emails were not read at the meeting despite having been sent. Executive director David Klein of the LDC responded: "I'm sorry that your are upset. You did not provide your residence address as stipulated in the Rules for Remote Public Meetings (attached) and was provided via link on the Public Notice (attached). It's LDC policy not to accept public comment from anonymous sources. see more at faanews

 - Food Boxes: Chai4ever  today and every Monday from now through Labor Day! No sign up necessary 2 locations: 1) 1221 Madison Ave Lakewood starting at 4:30 pm 2)  2313 County Rte 547, Lakehurst, NJ 08733 (next to Alba’s pub) starting at 5pm ((very close to Whitesville, Manchester and West gate area (and less traffic) - Bnos Penina Prospect st across Massachusetts 5:00 pm

Photo:Rav Chaim Kanievsky and Chacham Shalom Cohen both niftar this year


  1. Can we please know who the senior posek is?

  2. Such corruption in the township the sad matter is that it's unzere who are doing it. You hope they are as makpid on taryag as they are in enforcing the rules for public comment

  3. We must SCREAM ABOUT THE PLAYGROUP PRICES!!!!!! HaShem Yerachaimmm!!!

  4. why can schools raise tuition up to 1500 dollars are they not bound by halachos

  5. Unfortunately in Lakewood there is no ruling authority and everyone does as they please in every area!!!

  6. Now suddenly, so many in our community, who claims to be Republican, and believe no one should interfere with the financial market, are screaming for someone to interfere & curb price hikes for chinuch and rentals. When it hurts someone else, you say it's better for the economy to leave it alone. But when it hurts you, you scream or help.

    1. Because there’s inflation and raising prices 20-30 bucks a month. And than there’s being a slob and raising prices to crazy numbers

    2. I'M sorry that you cant differentiate between the two but for starters we are bound by a shulchan aruch and yashrus. Secondly, republicans are against govt regulation which allows healthy competition and brings down prices.

    3. Anon 10:00 a.m.,
      Well taken though NIMBY is typical practice of obviously all sides of the political aisles for different policies they often simplistically or hypocritically claim to support

  7. Good riddance to Fauci. I'm so happy the creep is gone.

  8. Can somebody please explain to me why (from an halachic perspective) we cannot raise rent more than 5% per year on rental properties, but schools and playgroups are not bound by the same rules?

    1. Because the schools and yeshivos can always hide behind a rosh yeshiva

  9. As a Playgroup morah who asked very popular senior Posen in lkwd and got opposite answer- was told to raise it to what women with experience who would actually open a successful well run group and would charge today. Which we all know is 500$/mth. Please encourage anyone who you know of that would consider this price and would open. I am only one morah and I’m getting hundreds of calls still coming in of kids not in groups yet.

    1. heard the exact opposite from Rav Forcheimer

    2. This cook lady wants to charge as much as regular school tuition for a playgroup! Is she nuts??

  10. Whats the hock about playgroup morahs all about ?? The solution is to go shop around for a cheaper priced morah. Shouldn't it be like when you purchase something,if the price doesn't meet your budget than go shop elsewhere. The morahs can charge what they want.go elsewhere & find cheaper. Maybe pick on the shaddchanim who expect & ask crazy amount of money to find your child a shidduch or pick on the developers selling homes to youngerleit for $1.2 million.yes I am proud of the morahs for taking care of my children ,they deserve the money, they don't have government funding or dinners /parlor meeting to raise money like school's.

    1. Because we all signed our applications in mind to pay 365-385 a month not 500

    2. You signed your application 6-8 months ago. A lot changed since then. Why do you expect the morah to hold that price?

      As a side note, my wife is a morah. She held strong to not open until registration until tu b’shvat. When we ran the numbers and saw we needed to go up, I called my rav. He didn’t answer right away, said he needed to get back to me. He called me back and said halachically it was muttar to go up (just $25 a month we are going up, but that’s not covering close to what my tuition and such went up). I asked him if in “the fifth shulchan aruch” it’s allowed, he said to make sure no one has taanis, we should be clear saying that if someone feels they cannot pay the $25 more a month, they should let us know and we will discuss. So far, no one called.

      Rule of thumb- in business and in real life- just be straightforward and don’t make promises you can’t keep. For example, a price in October for the next September.

    3. What's the going rate for shadchan per side?

  11. Halacha and rules don't apply to people in Lakewood if you didn't notice. Yes it's a crime to raise tuition for playgroups and schools by so much $$$. Doesn't anyone realize that with this rate of inflation every man and woman in this town will have to work full time??? What will happen to the precious kids??? The parents will be so stressed out the kids will all have issues. We're getting cooked!!!

  12. Playgroup tuition has nothing to do with inflation.
    We made a deal with the Morah for a certain price. If she backs out now, or charges more, she is reneging on a deal, which is wrong.
    She can increase her prices for next year if she wants, not this year.

    1. Why is it that none of my children’s morah’s seemed to have given prices 8 months ago? All my children’s morah’s said final price will be discussed in July.

  13. Don't get the food boxes some vendors are back to giving stuff that no one wants or eats. It's baal tashchis and also taking advantage let them give normal edible food not only milk the system

    1. I stopped after getting a full box of junk.

    2. They can only charge if someone takes the box if they give junk and your kids wont eat it go to another vendor

  14. I wish I could stop! They keep dumping garbage by my door!! How do I get it to stop? I don’t even know where it’s from!

  15. Breaking News: Marty Flemming and his new ticket meet by Bigoted Clara Glorys house tonight to launch their campaign
