Friday, August 12, 2022

Friday ט"ו ב'אב News Updates Lakewood

 ערב שבת נחמו ט"ו באב תשפ"ב
Candle  lighting 7:39 pm 
Shkia 7:57 pm
Weather 84° Partly cloudy. High 84F.

- Judge unseals Mar-a-Lago search warrant documents. Feds say they took top secret documents 

Those traveling  for shabbos Nachamu there's alot of State police on the GSP

- B"M Bais Yitzchok of BMG will be closed starting Sunday for the duration of Bein Hazmanim. The daily minyanim will continue downstairs. 

- Continued tefilos for Harav Reuven Feinstein shlita Bechasdei Hashem, his family relates that “the main issue” has been identified and the rosh yeshiva is doing better. Please continue davening for a refuah of Shalom Reuven ben Shima.

- Several Lakewood playgroup morahs unite in raising tuition by more than $100 a month to keep with  the going rate. Some ate not giving a set price yer until there's a standard  one, a $1000 increase for this year. For an average of $500 a month

- Heartbreaking Levaya in Yerushalayim today with thousands attending for a Mrs. Shoshana Glustein A"h and her  2 daughters Chana & Batsheva A"H who were killed in a bus accident yesterday.  Due to Tu bav hespedim were limited among the maspidim the husband who was mekabel the general and said everyone is in this world for their time and not more. Roshei yeshiva from Mir Rav Binyomin Finkel,Rav Yitzchok Ezrachi,the grandfather Rav Yisrael Glustein son in law by Rav Beinish Finkel zatzal. The levaya was at Shankar and kaddish was recited at the scene of the accident. Thousands of Belz chasidim from nearby came to the levaya and a bitter melacha was declared. Kevura took place at Har Hamenuchos.

 - Please daven for שבע בת שרה חיה a 21 year old newlywed who was critical wounded in the bus accident. She lost her legs R"L and in serious condition. She is the daughter in law of baal menagen Rav Hillel Paley.

-Validating the practice of finding a mate on Tu Bav


 - Jackson Councilman Alex Sauickie has been selected by Republican committee members in the 12th Legislative District to succeed state Assemblyman Ronald S. Dancer, who died in office last month. Sauickie on Thursday night beat out two other candidates for the seats: Plumsted Township Committeeman Dominick Cuozzo and former Jackson Councilman Scott Martin for the Assembly seat. Sauckie received 100 votes; Cuozzo 44 votes and Martin 3 votes.(APP)

Anouncing the Levayos in Yerushalayim


  1. Classic cliched denial of life via the well worn and tired mechanism of “they could - we can’t” because of either 1) niskatnu hadoros which subdivides into: they were bigger, were on a higher madreigah, had purer thoughts, had mikdash nivius etc to protect them or 2) nishtaneh hatevah ie more pritzus so now we need to go to the opposite extreme etc etc etc yada yada yada

    I think a more reasonable answer is that societal norms change over time and what once was considered normal courting behavior has now been relegated to the dustbin of history in our modern times

    1. So bleib with a kasha
      The final option of all is least reasonable
      Your dilemma is on target, your resolution is poor
      When you get in your lifetime to the level of Earlier Generations - Get back to us, please!

  2. So a morah with 15 kids will be making 15k more a year while parents are getting milked from all sides at a loss of 20k a year

    1. So thank God we live in a capitalist economically competitive society so someone’s welcome to charge less and get more kids til the market achieves equilibrium

    2. There are thousands of available frum women needing Parnassah . If it was so lucrative without the raise ,then there would be a glut of available cheaper playgroups . Is your wife willing to do it fir cheaper ? Why not ?

    3. And how much was your/spouses raised in the last few years? Don't forget supplies/expenses all went up on the Self employed morah! A raise for an office job comes with no expenses too!

  3. The reason it was yomtov like no other is even though on the face it looked like pritzus it was an ais laasos, & the fact there was no opposion to such a public pirzah, that is why it was such a great yomtov. IMHO.

    1. There’s absolutely no historical evidence to suggest what you’re saying, rather it was common practice, that is how dating used to happen God forbid to call it a pirtzah

      Ditto for the fact that the good looking girls were the most desirable — all our national greats in tanach were married to beautiful women

      Another thing the community tries to minimize

      It’s healthy and normal — eyn ishah elah l’yofi — provided she’s has fear of heaven of course


    2. Recall the girls who attended all went prior to the mikvah
      Implication: girls who were unable to go wouldn't attend
      And: it was permitted and common only if and on the collective occasion when girls would (be able to) go

  4. Bitul Melacha is an honor given to a Gadol Hador, a great Talmid Chacham, or a public tragedy.
    Why should there be a bitul Melacha for this levaya? Of course, who would miss it? But that is their decision.
    Anyway, who announced this Bitul Melacha? What Melacha?

    1. Don’t worry too much about it, there ain’t much melacha to be mevatel

    2. This is an extreme shtark questions

  5. There goes the mora always thinking everyone else has it better than her. No office jobs don’t go up 15k in one year and that’s not true that office jobs come with no added expenses. You don’t know what you’re talking about. And btw ladies in office jobs usually don’t have programs and that is A LOT of money.

    1. Supply and demand dictates that if it was lucrative to do it for cheaper ,then there would be a glut of cheaper morohs
