Sunday, August 21, 2022

Sunday August 21 News Updates

- Weather: 82° Overcast. Slight chance of a rain
8:20 pm  נשבה ארון הקודש. ראש הישיבה נשיא מועצת חכמי התורה חכם שלום כהן זצוק"ל

- Name added for Rav Shalom Cohen Chaim Shalom Ben Tupcha

- TRUMP: “All polls STRONGLY indicate that I am the candidate that Democrats LEAST want to run against, by far, hence the politically motivated Raid on Mar-a- Lago - Which has backfired, big time!…Our Country is going to. He..

- Calmim Ground Petting zoo open Sundays 12:00-5:00 240 Grawtown Rd. Jackson mo reservations required $8 admission under 2 free 732-823-8655

- Murphy for president? In case you haven’t been paying close attention to New Jersey politics this steamy summer, here’s an open secret about your governor: He could run for president in 2024. Gov. Phil Murphy has denied he intends a White House bid. But confidants and consultants admit privately the just-turned 65-year-old Democrat would make a good candidate, and some of them are at least weighing the possibility of a campaign just in case President Joe Biden(NJ)

-  NJ State Senators Vincent Polistina and Ed Durr have sponsored a bill in the Senate to have New Jersey join the 19 other states that only require License plates on the rear of vehicles and no need to place on the front.

-Impeachment Prosecutor Dan Goldman Looks to Make Jump to Congress in NY-10 which includes Boro Park 

See below flyer opposing his candidacy 

Hamodia asked him in a interview "Your main claim to fame is prosecuting Trump in his first impeachment trial. We’re right now in Boro Park; this is Trump country. I don’t know if he got support anywhere in the nation as much as he did in Boro Park. Why should the Boro Park voters cast their ballot for you?

First of all, you’re not going to find a single candidate in this race that didn’t support the impeachment of Donald Trump. Second of all, as the lawyer in the case, my job was to represent the committee I worked on, and to do the investigation as best as I can. I think what’s noteworthy about it is that I was effective in what I did. Now I’m looking at a different job, which is to represent the constituents of this district. 

- Save Maimonidies hospital event tomorrow at Ateres Chaya hall in BP

- Photo  davening in Teveria at the beach for Chacham Shalom Cohen

Rav Malkiel Kotler in Boca Raton, Florida 

Flyer opposing Impeacment attorney running for congress in Boro Park


  1. We have to fight back about the rise of playgroup tuition! It’s out of hand. How much is “inflation” going to go? Until young men and women have heart attacks about making it through the month?

    1. No one cares they are all making money off it
      Shame on Torah umesorah for starting it and even more shame on the asskanim and community activist who remain silent.

      The Agudah did not say a word they only work for deep pocket developers.
      The only way ro fight back is to take to the streets and start a grassroots campaign.
      The establishment askanim are worthless and you can not count on them.
      We need new leaders to step up to the plate and kick the old guard out who profited for themselves through corruption while pretending to advocate on behalf of the tzibbur.
      Enough is enough
      באו מים עד נפש

    2. I do not recall any grassroots campaigns in our community do you? That is not doubting that if there were to be one it would be a success as it would be just pointing out that based on history it wont happen

    3. The playgroup Morahs deserve the raise!! As an employer who is desperately looking for employees, let me tell you that wage expectations for simple jobs have skyrocketed out of control. With no experience or special training, young girls are expecting 25.00 /hr as a starting wage. And they are picky about what they will and wont do. So I think that a Morah who is willing to take care of and teach Yiddish Children deserves to be paid well too.

    4. Not sure I understand . It's simple to fix the problem. Find a few hundred ladies who are idealistic and not interested in money and get them to open playgroups at half the going price . It will put the other ones out of business overnight

    5. Do the math they are making ALOT more than 25 dollars an hour

    6. So what's the problem. There are thousands of women in the Lakewood workforce. I'm sure you will find enough women to take this glamorous job at much lower pay. Problem solved .

    7. The person who blamed Torah Umesorah for this needs to publicly ask Mechila.
      Torah Umesorah said nothing about playgroup Morahs, and they are not to blame at all about the price increase. They worked on English teachers' salaries in Chadarim and schools

    8. Okay so they are to blame for the tuition increase on the parents is that better

    9. Are you kidding!!
      TU should ask mechilla from every struggling parent that has to come up with another 7-10k in Nnew tuition expenses. They are the reason all the schools are blaming it on. They are responsible for it even for the morahs.

    10. I know many frum companies who won’t employ frum girls anymore

    11. Starting salary for medical billing/ payroll is 60k + no experience straight out of sem. Don't even have to know how to send an email. How much is a morah with 10 years experience making?

  2. “take to the streets?”
    What kind of shprach is that? Are you Maxine Waters or something? Nisht dos iz unzereh veg.

    1. Taking to the streets is our shprach have you not heard of Hafganos in eretz yisroel that's is what we do when we have to get a message and drastic action is needed.
      The morahs are not at fault they git hit by inflation
      It is the wealthy schools that raised tuition that should be the focus. They must open the books and show why they need more money.
      They own real estate and have vacation homes this calls for a public gathering to demand full accountability don't count on askanim we need to make a public asifa and work bachdus to counter this Geneva from parents.

    2. Who says what they do in the Middle East is correct?
      Hafganos in Eretz Yisroel are stupid, counter-productive and wrong. They teach people to fight like Goyim, they teach people bad middos and תאוות הנצחון. We keep away from the streets, and if we have a fight with people, we call them to Beis Din. If we can't win in Beis Din, we lower our heads and take the high road.

      We do not take to the streets.

    3. Gedolei olam bigger than you supported and called for hafganos in the streets. Nebach that your opinion and view on hafganos is based on some biased video clips from yeshiva world news

    4. People make connections in their minds that are not really true.
      For example, TU campaigned for English teachers to be paid more, and playgroup Morahs are demanding more money. Someone connected the two and decided to besmirch TU for something that they didn't do.
      The same is true with Hafganos. Hafganos take place the whole time in EY, yet Gedolei Yisroel virtually never agree to them. The Brisker Rav did not agree with them, Rav SHach did not agree with them and neither did Rav SHteinman. But people see large signs on the streets and they get impressed and connect things that aren't there.

    5. Nebach you have no clue of the facts what TU has done nor do you know the history of the support for hafganos by the Brisker Rav and Rac Shach
      You sadly attempt to distort history and the truth to fit your Krume shittos.

    6. I challenge you to produce one letter from Rav Shach instructing people to go to a demonstration.
      The rare ones that did take place, were authorized, legal, and did not disrupt the world. They were not 'taking to the streets', like common street youth.

      Those modern age PAI members, now known as Eitz, who think each kid knows better than Gedolei Yisroel, adopted street disturbances from the Arabs. In Eretz Yisroel they have basically disappeared from the map. Only in AMerica, where people can sit back, drink a cold drink, and still call themselves kano'im, do they claim to exist. Of course, no true Talmid Chacham supports them here either. Only the empty kapotes.

  3. Lakewood Development Corporation, which already scores least of all Township boards in transparency, also ignores public comment

    At this morning's Lakewood Development Corporation meeting, the Board clerk advised that no emails were submitted for public comment.

    However, emails obtained by FAA show that actually, a member of the public did try to get an important message to Board members prior to their vote to create a $75,000 Shuttle Bus Liasion position.

    Full story at

  4. Derech hatorah is to make hafganos.

    1. Someone who can think such thoughts, needs his brains examined.
      Ashrei Chelkeinu that we were zoche to learn by Gedolei Yisroel who would never send people to hafganos. Rav Shach was well known for his sharp opposition to nonsense like that, as well as the Brisker Rav and others.
      Hafganos is atzas hayetzer

    2. Less accurate than you might imagine. There were occasions he tacitly appreciated them even if he felt he couldn't supported support it publicly.

      Grassroots action becomes the only solution on occasion!

    3. And their mahalech according to you(plural) was to allow ever more dominating corruption and have tzibbur get stepped on more and more? Everyone should continue forever absorbing it sitting down?!

      (And very little of this affects me personally I am the unusual one who can say this without negius)

  5. while it was a drop premature possibly, there was some who attempted grassroots grass rude action a couple of years ago

  6. Typo
    We ought to rally with them now
