Monday, August 1, 2022

No Eruv Over Route 9 in Lakewood

 Signs went up around Lakewood area shuls notifying there is no eruv that croses over Madison Ave. Recently there's  been a new expanded eruv in south Lakewood but it seems Some people are unaware that thus far no one permits a eruv going  over the nine.


  1. Why is there no name on this letter

    1. Hmmm, because it's not a letter. It's a reminder.

    2. The same reason your commenting as anonymous

    3. Ther is no need for a name he is just stating a fact

    4. There is a difference between commenting and asking why there is no name on a general sign that all opinions don't hold you can make an eruv on the 9.
      Well Reb Moshe had no problem with the eruv over the 9. The bais Ephraim for sure is matir this eruv.
      No where in Masechte Eruvin does it require rabanim to give a haskama on an eruv.
      It's pure Am Haaratzus!

    5. If you actually learn the Beis Efrayim, instead of seeing it quoted, you will know that the Beis Efrayim does not allow an eiruv over Route 9. The Beis Efrayim quite clearly states that we do not need 600,000 people marching down a road each day to make a Reshus Harabim. A road that is used by 600,000, which Route 9 (from Ohio till South Jersey) certainly is, is a Reshus Harabim according to the Beis Efrayim.

    6. Bemechilas kevoidecha a road that goes till California has 12 million people using it.
      That is not the kind of use of 600,000 the Bais Ephrayim is referring to either.

    7. Learn the Beis Efrayim. He is the chief of the posslim of an eruv over Route 9.

    8. Route 9 does not go till California, but it does go to Ohio

  2. It’s Mechilah hadaios why would it need a name? Just fill the blank with ent name

  3. There is an eiruv over route 9 in some areas, just not public info.

    In addition there's an eiruv over county line (4 lanes) in Jackson in the Hampshire Hill area,

    1. Letter is referring to a kosher eruv, not a clown eruv.

  4. The michshol is the creating pushing and promoting of an unnecessary community-wide eruv. This sign is just damage control.

    1. What's the Terrible michshol?
      This was done in all the generations!

    2. The michshol is people carrying all over with no knowledge of areas where there is no eruv or damaged eruv or bidieved eruv.

  5. It sounds like someone knows for a fact that lechol hadeos there is no eruv.
    Not sure how if someone has a political agenda you can pasel an eruv kosher. By the way there are plenty gedoiley haposkim who would hold that you can make an eruv kosher over the 9.
    There are quite a few am haeratzim who don't know the sugyos and like to impose their tips his on the tzibur.

    1. Nobody holds you can make an Eiruv over Rt. 9. And all I can say is: Good thing developers don’t control the Eiruv too, otherwise they would hand it over to the Chassidim just like they did with all their developments. They created a real housing shortage for Yungleit who actually value learning over working. Great work devs!

    2. No one is allowed to argue against your daas torah? I hear!

  6. The eruv over the 9 has bugs in it.

  7. If there is in fact no Eiruv the letter should state so. However, the letter clearly indicates there is an Eiruv albeit not kosher according to all opinions. You don't need to claim all opinions hold the Eiruv is not kosher if an Eiruv doesn't exist! Notice Madison Ave only goes until Main street So there is an Eiruv on River Ave?

  8. Hapoisel bemimoi poses.
    Those who are biased against chassidim most probably shtam from chassidim and you ought to be bodek your yichus, nebach, Lol

    Or better yet you wish you would shtam from chassidim or other Ehrlich Yidden.

    My experience with real litvaks that they are not hot headed or biased .

    So not sure where you come from but I can guarantee that you are not a Soloveitchik, Leibovitz Levovitz, Ginsburg, Kotler etc..

    1. Who said a word about Chassidim?
      And since when does Lita only consist of powerful people? Just like nowadays, the Shechina was in the Ma'arav, not the Mizrach.

    2. Happens to be false

      Rare were grandchildren in the first place who held the fort
      Plus it is hardly novel that grandchildren become plump, overly comfortable, plushy, and lose their edge
      They become almost chassidish in attitudes and lifestyle, in short.
      To paraphrase: the price of developing greatness is eternal vigilance

    3. To the contrary a talmid chochom ben talmid chochom is noheg beaneevus and doesn't hock around.
      The hockers are usually a Simon am haaratzus like the gemara says on those noise makers, talmid chochom ben am Haaretz
      "אסתירא בלגינא קיש קיש קריא" ב"מ פה:
      Take a deep breath and realize that someone who disagrees with your deah or your rebbes Daas Hatorah can be an ehrliche yid and leshitoso
      is not a mechalel shabos and eilu veilu divrei elokim chayim!

    4. This reminds me of a Helige Vort which I heard in the name of one of the big kanoim in boro park which he said on Purim.
      "Even Reb Moshe Zt"l who the one who came out against the eiruv would be maskim that the tzad hamatirim are enough right in being machshir the eiruv that you can use it to be Dan lekaf zechus someone who carries in the boro park eiruv!

    5. We are here to give forth clarity for Torah.And if by contrast all many of you are doing here is Hocking , it is a waste and a shanda indeed

      Davar b'ito Mah Tov

      Depends as to basis for disagreement. The real purpose underlying it that he has the need to throw a log in impeding the river to satisfy his own ? Or is it genuine?

    6. Btw running around getting newspaper & magazine interviews of pseudo hagiographic nostalgia also counts as hocking?
      The dichotomy has already become less commonplace albeit subtly

  9. Additionally, there were many who stayed largely out of the limelight yet in those days recognized as leaders for these topics

    Propaganda it is that those mentioned were the influencers for all spheres-on top of the fact that many others a role in creating them and their legacy


  10. Anon 3:53 p.m,
    Rav Belsky couldn't find a need to be Dan lekaf zechus
