Saturday, August 13, 2022

Motzei Shabbos Nachamu 578

 Motzei shabbos Nachamu kumzitz at Motzei Shabbos 10:30pm at 34 Caranetta drive Lakewood at Dr. Moshe Rothkopf.

Tehillim for victims  ר' יהושע הערש בן שרה ובנו החתן ברוך בענדעט בן חנה גיטל לרפו"ש בתושח"י satmar family from Williamsburg who were at a event nearby and were waiting for a taxi when the shooting took place.

- Terror attack late Motzei shabbos in Yerushalayim on #3 bus coming  back from the kosel. Seven people were injured, including two seriously, when a terrorist opened fire just outside Yerushalayim’s Old City in the pre-dawn hours of Sunday. According to Magen David Adom, shots were fired toward a bus on a road near the Kosel, and also, separately, at a parking lot near Kever Dovid Hamelech, outside the Old City’s Zion Gate. Six men were injured, along with a 35-year-old pregnant woman who is in critical condition, according to Hebrew media reports. News are reporting Four members of one family from Brooklyn parents and two children – were among those hurt.

- A top Senate Republican has demanded the public release of the evidence that convinced a judge to let the agency take the unprecedented step of barging into an ex-president’s home. House Republicans  said Friday the Department of Justice should hand over not only the FBI’s search warrant, but also the supporting affidavit, a document detailing the basis for investigators’ suspicions that the 45th president was criminally holding on to papers from his single term in office.

- Trump: "Like all of the other Hoaxes and Scams that they’ve used to try and silence the voice of a vast majority of the American People, I have TRUTH on my side,” Trump wrote Saturday in an email to his followers.

1 comment:

  1. A Fascinating Shiur about the hidden secret of Tu be'Av by Horav Michoel Sorotzkin Shlit"a
