Sunday, August 7, 2022

Tisha Bav 5782 Lakewood

 Tisha B'AV Lakewood 5782

,כל המתאבל על ירושלים זוכה ורואה בשמחתה          

Kiddush Levana 

- 10:00 -11:30  Seder limud in BMG Bais Yitzchok binyan Herzka 

 Watch LIVE at the Kosel HERE or HERE

Tisha B'Av day
Chatzos is 1:02 pm
Fast is over in Lakewood at 8:49 pm (One who finds fasting difficult may eat at 8:41 pm)

HAVDALAH on Motzei Tisha B'av Nidcha

On Motzoei Tisha B’Av Nidcheh, Sunday night this year one makes havdala and is permissible to drink the cup of wine or grape juice. No bracha on besamim or a Ner,  only make a borei pri Hagafen and say the bracha of Hamavdil.

The minhag is not to eat meat or drink wine until Monday morning. However laundry and haircuts are permitted right away after the fast on Sunday night. To hear music its brought down to wait until the morning as well.

- Due to the expected backlog of appointments on Motzei Tisha B'av some Friday night Mikvaos will also be open Sunday night Motzei Tisha Bav in addition to the regular Lakewood Mikvaos. If you live in a development inquire within.

Torahanytime dial in hotline 718-298-2077
Live stream Here 

- Levaya for R’ Yaakov Rajchenbach Z”L of Chicago will take place upstate at Sullivan County Airport, 75 Co Rd 183A Swan Lake NY at approximately 6:30PM. The Kevura in Eretz Yisroel. Watch livestream of Levaya HERE

- After 1000 rockets fired by Islamic jihad a ceasefire agreement has reportedly been reached between Israel and the terror group in Gaza. The  Ceasefire os set for 11:30 p.m.

- An intense rainstorm flooded Lakewood and the surrounding area on Friday right before shabbos, leaving most of the town impassable and stranding dozens of cars, police said. Four inches of rain were reported in the Lakewood causing flooding, blocked roads and downed power lines. 

- Kinus at Etz Hayim 21 Cedar street 5:00 pm speakers Rav Yosef Tzemach,Rav Simcha Bunim Cohen, Rav Gershon Ribner, Rav Yitzchok Dwek

- Reb Gershon Ribner will be speaking at KNA  (Roberts Shul) at 8:00 followed by Maariv at 8:35

- Kinus at KZY R' Gissinger shul 5:00 pm speakers Rav Nosson Levin, Rav Yitzchak Dwek Rav Simcha Bunim Cohen, Rav Dovid Merling watch live HERE

- BDE  petirah of Rav Uri Mandelbaum zt”l, menahel of Philadelphia Yeshiva. He was 88 years old. The levayah will be held at 2:30 p.m. on Sunday, Tisha B’Av, at Philadelphia Yeshiva, located at 6063 Drexel Road in Philadelphia, PA.

- Those breaking their fast should make havdala on a kos,  only a bracha on the kos and Hamavdil (no fire or besamim) the poskim rule that you may make on Grape Juice and give it to a Katan to drink. If there is no Katan you may make havdala on coffee , Tea or 100% Orange juice. At last resort one may drink grape juice on their own. (Orchos Rabbeinu)

-Shachris BMG Botei Medrashim 8:25 am

- Rabbi Milstein will be sharing periodic divrei hisorerus throughout davening Sunday morning at Ishay Yisroel 110 Miller Road

-Kinus for Women and high school Girls at Yeshiva Ktana hall 10:15 am- 1:15 pm to  Listen live call 732-806-8139 select option 9 then 9 for recording option 4 then 8 then 4 (additional call in 732-839-3003 ID 776-382-8466#)

- Live Kinnus hookup from camp Agudah midwest led by Harav Yitzchok Margereten shlita 9:45 am Dial in 605- 313-5329 code 374200
-Kinus for women  call in from 9:50 am- 1:00pm 712-832-5656 pin 500#

Tisha B'Av night Motzei Shabbos

- Kinus hisoirerus at Ateres Yeshaya  10:45 pm Rav Simcha Bunum Cohen, Rosh Yeshiva BMG HaRav Yisrael Neuman, Rav Yitzchok Basser Listen live 718-298-2077 ex 409

- Rav Yitzchok Sorotzkin 10:45 pm at KZY R'Gissingers shul 175 Sunset


  1. Please ask your Morah D'Asra about whether to make havdalah before you eat and what to make if on. There is a machlokes between R Chaim and R Elyashiv. What is mashkeh medinah? Is our grape juice acceptable (not according to the Chazon Ish)

    1. Beer in AMerica is fine. America is not Israel, different medinos.

  2. As per שיעורי הלכה (R' Felder) there is NO need to give havdala wine to koton to drink

  3. Is music mutar tonight?
