Friday, August 19, 2022

Friday August 19 News Updates Lakewood

   Friday עש"ק פר' עקב שבת מברכים חודש אלול candle  lighting 7:30 pm shkiah/Sunset 7:48 pm
Rosh Chodesh Elul is Next shabbos & Sunday

OCHD covid cases from 8/10/22 - 8/17/2022 
57 new covid cases in Lakewood totals 25734/380
67 new covid cases in Jackson totals 14339/152 
107 new covid cases in Toms River +2 deaths totals 24374/463

Update  motzei shabbos
B”H Yosef Tzvi ben Chaya Tzivia has been discharged from hospital and is doing much better. Absolute nissim!!

- Tehillim: Please say tehillim for Yosef tzvi Ben chaya tzivia he was hit by a car in Israel and is not in good shape He flew to Israel for his  nieces Wedding  and is now in the ICU in a hospital in Israel

- Melava Malka this Motzei shabbos at Satmar Rockwell commemorating the yartzeit of the Satmar Rav Zatzal washing 11:15 at the B"M 20 Marble DR Lakewood divrei Zikaron by Rav Yona Landau shlita Talmid of the Satnar Rav Zatzal

Friday bein hazmanim meetings:

- Lakewood creates $75,000 Shuttle Liaison position for Belz community in a special meeting approved this morning by the LDC  see more at FAA

- LIC special meeting today authorizing Yeshiva Toras Menachem to obtain a leasehold mortgage on a 2.5 acre portion of lot 9 block 1606 in the township of  Lakewood 

-Tefillos for The Rsh Yeshiva Rav Shalom Cohen shlita Nasie of Shas who is in ICU name  for tehillim Shalom ben Tupcha Malka.  He is reportedly alert and close family will spend shabbos there

-Day camps in Lakewood over, 2 weeks until girls schools begin. BMG Elul zman starts next Motzei shabbos

- Two main rest stops on the Garden State Parkway in North Jersey, Brookdale South and Vauxhall rest stops are closed for renovations.  There will be no food, gasoline or restrooms available at. Officials say the rest stops will be demolished and replaced with new facilities.

- Shiva for Rebbetzin Raizel Devorah Scheiner A"H at 1519 57th st in Boro Park, Motzei shabbos & Sunday the aveilim will be sitting in Monsey at 1 Celia court. Rav Shachne will be sitting in Lakewood on Tuesday from 12pm -9:30 pm

-A shul near Monroe has installed a Tachnun light to let the mispalelim know if Tachnun is said on that day. The minhag is if theres a bris anywhere in the city all the shuls dont say tachnun but sometimes information is not correct. The lightis green for saying Tachnun and turns Red when there is no Tachnun.

-Please daven for Chaim Moshe Ben Leah a cyclist in BIke4chai who had a heart attack. Team Lakewood lead the fundraising with $2,361,550.69 for Bike4chai coming in second  Team Meridian  with $2,193,376.12

-Satmar Bakery on Broadway in Williamsburg began baking their matzos for Pesach 5783 yesterday

Photo: Lakewood Rosh Yeshiva Rav Malkiel Kotler shlita in Florida

Lakewood East R"Y Rav Yaakov Lazer Schwartzman shlita inspecting the new Bais Medrash in E"Y under construction.

Video: Rav Shimon Galei at a Bein Hazmanim camp in E"Y


  1. How much of a commercial tax ratable is the Twp losing with this 2.5 acre Toras Menachem parcel getting removed from our tax base?

    1. build on itou can fargin. It's Township owned unbuildable land behind the school that they are paying a fair price to lease for parking. Nobody else could use it or build on it so it's found money for the twp

    2. Are they leasing the land to get enough parking spots for their wedding hall? I hope they'll place hundreds of spaces on the large area, so they won't disrupt their industrial neighbor’s businesses and make them upset, like Lake Terrace has been doing to its neighbors.

  2. Anybody remember the red Tachnun bulb in the front right in BMG? (I know, I’m dating myself)

  3. Re: Tachanun Light
    BMG used to have one in the Yoshon. It was a red light near the front on the right side, it was turned on when there was a Choson in the house so the oilam would know not to say tachanun by mincha.

  4. It was never on the tax base and never could be.

  5. B”H Yosef Tzvi ben Chaya Tzivia has been discharged from hospital and is doing much better. Absolute nissim!!
