Tuesday, April 6, 2021

Tuesday April 6 News Updates Lakewood

Weather: Sunny. High 68F elevated risk of wildfire spread for Ocean county 

- 7 new covid19 cases in Lakewood. Totals 13397/297

-Food distribution restocking: OTL at Tashbar 82 Oak 6:30 pm, Mekor Hatorah 180 Sims (6:30)
(Gelbstein is tomorrow)

-A Brick woman is dead after she attempted to cross Route 70 Monday night, police said  just weeks after she lost nearly everything she owned in the Lakewood brush fire (APP)

-Birchas Ilanos: Trees are blossoming List of Trees around Lakewood HERE list from a few years ago please add new locations or updates in comment section)

 -As of Wednesday, at 8:00 a.m.it will be possible for foreign citizens to submit applications to enter Israel. Click HERE for  updated regulations to enter. 
-Lakewood Planning board will vote tonight on ordinance Banning cannabis businesses in Lakewood Township 
-News Story of frum family who was kicked off Spirit airlines flight gets national media attention see full details at Dansdeals.com
- Israel: President Rivlin has tasked prime Minister Netanyahu with first shot at forming a coalition as he received 52 endorsements. Lapid got 45 and Bennet 7
- Asifa for yeshiva Bochurim tonight at shiras devorah hall in Lakewood on dangers of technology ad smartphones. A  hook up will be available
- Fauci says US will not require COVID-19 ‘vaccine passports’

- OCEAN COUNTY residents that have been struggling to pay their rent or may be facing eviction as a result of the effects of the coronavirus pandemic are encouraged to apply for the Ocean County Residential Emergency Rental Assistance Program,  applications for the program will open on April 7. The online application can be accessed from the Ocean County website at www.co.ocean.nj.us. Applicants will need to demonstrate that their income does not

exceed the Area Median Income limits and that they were unable to pay their rent due to COVID-19. Income limits are listed on the web page. "You will also need to provide a current lease/rental agreement and provide all required documents for your application to be considered complete. This program also requires participation of the applicant's landlord to provide information for rental assistance payment. Tenants and landlord applicants are encouraged to work together to receive funds quickly, if approved.


  1. Tonight the Lakewood Planning Board is scheduled to vote on recommending approval of Ordinance 2021-024 to amend to Cedarbridge Redevelopment Plan. The Ordinance refers to Exhibit A which again referw to the 27 page Plan Amendment produced at the request of the Committee by Stearns Associates, LLC in February 2021.

    At page 17 it establishes a parking space requirement for Conference Centers and Banquet Halls of only 1 space per 125 sf or 8/1000. This means that a Wedding Hall of 12,000 will meet the Twp's new parking code with a mere 80 spots!

    And that's not even the only meshugas found in the "Plan Amendment."

    What kind of joke is this?? Which developer is working extra hard behind the scenes to destroy the traffic situation in Lakewood even more?

    1. The plan amendment documents were finally uploaded for public review a few minutes ago. Why were they not available 10 days prior to the vote is the big question??

      See here --> https://lakewoodnj-my.sharepoint.com/personal/amorris_lakewoodnj_gov/_layouts/15/onedrive.aspx?originalPath=aHR0cHM6Ly9sYWtld29vZG5qLW15LnNoYXJlcG9pbnQuY29tLzpmOi9nL3BlcnNvbmFsL2Ftb3JyaXNfbGFrZXdvb2Rual9nb3YvRWdWM0FBS082ckZMcW05Rm5VTVcwTElCRjhGTkdLajExaFhjSjllRG9xS1V1QT9ydGltZT0zOGJFOGhqNTJFZw&id=%2Fpersonal%2Famorris%5Flakewoodnj%5Fgov%2FDocuments%2FPlanning%20Board%20Applications%2F4%2D6%2D21%20Public%20Hearing%2FO2021%2D024%20Cedarbridge

  2. About 20 minutes away, there is an orchard of apple trees that have blossomed. A real חקל תפוחין.
    It is located in Monmouth Battlefield Park. The parking lot is next to a steep hill. You walk down the hill and over a small bridge. The path will take you left past a corn field (nothing is growing there now). Past those fields you will see rows and rows of short trees, with blossoms on them. They are apple trees.
    Make the Bracha there.

    1. That's a beautiful suggestion. I think I will take my kids for a little outing.

  3. Beautiful. Is that where you can pick apples

    1. Yes, but not now. They grow later in the year.
      You can go before Rosh Hashana and take pictures of your kids with the unripe apples for your Shana Tova cards.

  4. Please remember to make a kidush hashem when you go out of Lakewood.

    1. Would be nice to make a kiddush hashem in Lakewood as well.

    2. Thank you mashgiach we bh can figure it out and you should make a kiddush Hashem in lakewood too

  5. " Brick woman is dead after she attempted to cross Route 70 Monday night, police said just weeks after she lost nearly everything she owned in the Lakewood brush fire "

