Friday, April 23, 2021

Friday April 23 News Updates Lakewood

 ערב שבת פרשת אחרי מות-קדושים
Weather: Plentiful sunshine. High 63F. Winds W at 15 to 25 mph. Higher wind gusts possible. Shabbos hi of 69
- Candle lighting: 7:25 Shkiah/Sunset 7:43 pm

- 3 new covid casew in Lakewood totals 13575/303

- Food distribution Yeshiva Maor Hatorah Shabbos box- 1:00 pm at 720 Massachusetts Ave. Please fill out the form 
- LPD  locations to properly dispose unused medications are only on shabbos. No other dates announced

-Agudah statement: "In the aftermath of George Floyd tragedy, our nation must recommit to addressing racial bias and inequity. And do so without violence and acrimony, with faith in rule of law and equal application of justice. Respecting each other’s humanity and building trust will heal America.. Agudas Yisrael om Twitter

- A combination of dry and windy conditions will create an enhanced risk for the spread of wildfires this afternoon in Ocean county. 
- Yartzeit of the Mashgiach harav Yehuda Jacobs Ztl marked yesterday in BMG with a asifas zikaron. The yartzeit was on 3 Iyar
- Eidah hacharedis letter warns of instigating against the arabs in yerushalayim as it is putting the city residents in danger. A grum yid was lynched by an arab mob near the old city. Said he thought he was going to die.
- There are now 7 pending lawsuits filed against lakewood planning and zoning boards. The legal cost will be picked up by tax payers.
- Lakewood resident called into the township committee complaining about the public input being shut out of planning and zoning board meetings with lawyers shutting down public comment and residents concerns are not heard. The mayor responded to a specific incident that legally did not have to have a public comment.  
- This shabbos is the Yartzeit of the Brother of Reb Shayala of Kerestirer Rav Yehuda Tzvi ZTL, he is buried in Staten Island at The Baron Hirsch cemetery 2 minutes off the SI Expressway going to Brooklyn or coming back to Lakewood. It is said over that Reb Shayala appeared in a dream and told someone that you can go daven at my brothers kever in New York and will be helped just as if you came to me in Kerestir.
The address for GPS is 1125 Richmond Avenue, Staten Island, NY 10314. Exit 7 off the SI expressway.

- Murphy warned the state is “beginning to see” hesitancy among residents cause demand for the vaccine to slow. He said the state is brainstorming ways to “proactively reach” into communities to drum up support for the vaccine 
- For the first time in approximately 10 months, no one has died from the coronavirus in the past day in Israel, according to Health Ministry data on Friday morning.

- A proposal by New Jersey Natural Gas to raise rates 25% for more than a half-million customers has drawn formal outrage from Ocean County officials, who say many of the utility’s customers in the county are seniors on fixed incomes who simply could not afford it.


  1. Which putz is running Agudahs media department ?? Why make unsolicited statementes that benefits no one. Best thing to do is to remain sillent and not pick sides. Shev v'al taaseh adif.

  2. Agudahs media department
    denied a few years ago being on twitter
