Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Letter - Re: Children's Lag B'Omer Program in Lakewood

 The Lakewood Roshei yeshiva signed a letter regarding a concert event taking place on Lag B'omer day at the Blueclaws stadium urging parents not to bring their children. The letter is signed by 3 Roshei Yeshiva Shlita (HaRav Malkilel Kotler shlita is recuperating  out of town)

English text translation:

A children’s program—whose principal feature is a music concert—has recently been advertised in our community, and is set to take place on Lag Be’omer, at the FirstEnergy Park / Blue Claws Stadium. Our community has a long-standing policy that disallows concerts in the city of Lakewood, since it is a form of entertainment that “runs contrary to the spirit of Torah scholars” and greatly undermines the Torah atmosphere of our community. Furthermore, running any event in the FirstEnergy Park / Blue Claws Stadium is itself a serious breach of our community’s policies. Since the stadium’s opening, a stringent “fence” has been established: not to enter or make use of the stadium for any purpose—whether for a sporting event or for a privately run program.

A concert in Lakewood, and in particular in this stadium, is an unprecedented breach of our community’s policies, which is likely to initiate a far-reaching erosion of Lakewood’s unique Torah atmosphere.

We therefore urge parents not to bring their children to this event, nor to support it or participate in it in any way. We extend our berachah to all the families of our community: May we see only true Torah nachas from our children, and see them grow to become ehrlicheh Yidden and talmidei chachamim. Amein, kein yehi ratzon.


  1. Lakewood scoop watsapp status is posting that this is a misunderstanding and it's not in the stadium but the parking lot where other frum events are held and this is not a concert.

    1. There is no misunderstanding the signs all over Lakewood said clearly first Energy Park. Regardless it makes no difference if is is in the stadium or in the parking lot. The organizers are hiding behind the signs expecting thousands of kids to show up to a event that has a few lakewood stores as sponsors.
      Who is running this event?
      The scoop is a sponsor as is LCSW and Gourmet Glattbso what they are not in charge of the safety of our children both spiritual and physical.
      And Benny friedman inviting lakewood kinderlach to come means it is a concert.

    2. they dont ban all the singers singing at weddings that sometimes become like concerts

    3. "Who is running this event?"

      It is an event of Chabad-Lubavitch.

      You can tell by the logo and other things. Typical of Lubavitch to hide like that.

    4. No one is hiding. It was arranged by diffrent people who are chabad. It was not made to be a chabad event. The siuym was an event for everyone. Lag Baomer is for every yid. Last I checked saying tehillim with thousands of kids is not unique to chabad. Last I checked, The Rashbi predated the Bal Shem Tov. Last I checked, telling jewish stories is not a chabad thing. All of these are all inclusive activities. So while yes a few people making the even are chabad the event is a Torah event for all Jews. When the Torah was given it didn't have any names on it either. Chabad was and is not hiding they are behind it. Chabad did not make the fake robots calls that went all over Lakewood today. Those were made by people trying to make machlokes.

    5. Anon 6:06 - How is this a 'Torah event'? Are they learning Torah over there?

      When the Torah was given, it did not include concerts, parades, or any such goyishe ideas. Leave Torah out of this.

    6. Anon 6:06 saying pesukim from the torah is a chabad thing.

      Why did chabad not put their name on the signs

      The siyum was for everyone but Chabad and Satmar did not show

    7. When the Torah was given it didn't include ridiculous bans like this either, nor Lag Baomer.

    8. The BMG tent event was held in the same place with "live singing"

    9. How dare of the Roshei Yeshiva to go against the Lakewood Scoop LCSW Gourmet glatt after all they are sponsoring the event it must be 100 percent kosher. How dare of the rabbonim not to listen or trust the sponsors they should have consulted with them first and get their daas torah.

  2. Not that I disagree with them, but do they really still consider Lakewood a city run by Torah Atmosphere / Values? That train has long left the station.

    1. If it's no longer true, the greater the tragedy. The point of town was to be a Torah shtodt.

    2. As a long time resident of Lakewood, who longs for the old days when Lakewood was an Ihr Torah,I have to agree with 3:10 PM, who tells it like it is when he says that it is no longer the case. The Torah life and and the simple lifestyle which once charactarized Lakewood is long gone for a large portion of the Lakewood population. And the truth is, unfortunately, that the Roshei Yeshiva don't carry much weight anymore in much of Lakewood. There are people who don't even know which Yeshiva you're referring to if you mention "the Yeshiva" in a conversation! Lakewood has become just another frum city, not the unique place it once was.

    3. This has nothing to do with kosher outlets for kids
      It’s a covert Tzvivos HaShem Lag BaOmer festival that they hope will attract the Lakewood youth
      Nothing more than easy prey
      It’s standard missionary practice

  3. BMG has held the "Tent Event" in that same parking lot many times. I was there.

  4. This letter was put out today to families of Lakewood. It a terrible terrible lie. The program in a large part was being arranged by Chabad people in this city and the surrounding areas. The intention has and always was to mark the holy day of Lag Baomer, the Hillula of Reb Shimon Bar Yochi. No mention needs to be made of what Meron looks like the night of Lag Baomer. Lakewood has never had a strong event during the day. Of course at 1:30 on a Friday afternoon, when kids are out of school, it would be a terrible sin for them to get together, IN A PARKING LOT, sing yiddish songs, say passukim of torah, hear a yiddish story, and speak about the Tzaddik Reb Shimon Bar Yochi. As it is such a terrible sin, a big "askin" in Lakewood, went to Rosh Yeshivas and told them terrible terrible things are taking place! Our community is being overrun by people making a concert in stadiums and they want all the kids to come. Of course, no two sides of the story were discussed. Of course, only one side exists. Let's end this terrible sin. AT ONCE! Today a letter was put out to parents advising them not to let their holy children be ruined by such a horrible event. A story of such Ahvahs Yisrael (during the time when we are supposed to be reflecting on this theme the most). Work is underway to correct this terrible lie. Its not just a lie. Its an attack on the Rashbi himself. He called Lag Baomer his special day. Holy Yidden are trying to mark this day in a special way and people with amazing ahvahs yisrael, openly lied to the Rabbanim of this town, for personal gain. The event will not be a concert. It will not be held in a stadium either. Though the Syum Hashas was in a stadium with singers and live music and every Lakewood Rosh Yeshiva was present.  Please share this message with friends and family and let's show that achdus is stronger than hate.

    1. This rant is ONE BIG LIE A distortion of what the event is supposed to be by hiding and luring innocent lakewood children indoctrinating them into chabad propaganda.
      Why are the organizers hiding and not saying who they are.

      This is mo innocent friendly event on a friday afternoon to spread ahavas yisrael it is a wolf in sheep's clothing that got unmasked.

      It was an attempted sneak that got thrown out at the plate.

    2. What chabad propaganda? The event will happen. It will be amazing. And no chabad propaganda. It's not worth arguing with people like you. You will be proven wrong as facts,not arguing on a blog.

    3. Rashbi never said to make parades or concerts. Blaming this on the Rashbi is an attack on the Rashbi.
      As the Chazon Ish used to say, "the Rashbi is the Beis Hamedrash". Those that learn Torah on Lag Ba'omer, as well as any other day of the year, are truly connected to Rashbi. No concerts! No parades! No fires! No naarishkeitn!

    4. Chabad has so much Ahavas Yisroel That they are desperate to spend tens of thousands of dollars to helped out the poor Lakewood children to make them happy for one day. As we know how Chabad has always been donating to the poor in Lakewood helping them cope with day-to-day needs they are always just looking out to help us, all they have in mind is our good.

      Really? !

      Sell it to some fool not to me.

      Missionaries is what they are, they always were. They should get the message we are not interested in their hippy -wild -messianic -drunken way of life. They should go to Africa to try to sell their religion there, maybe they will find more interest.

      And honestly speaking for all this ‘Ahavas Yisroel’ talk, it isn’t really an act of love to deceptively try to influence and Proselytize to children of a community that you know are absolutely uninterested in your religion it is actually quite hateful and nasty.

      Ahavas Yisroel is the way the Lakewood community put their differences aside and Went above and beyond to help a staunch Chabadnik as Rubashkin.

      Stop with this hateful messaging the Lakewood RY are well within their rights to protect their way of serving the one and only Hashem! (Yes we care deeply about our monotheistic faith, so much that we would give our lives for it in a nanosecond).

      BTW you should appreciate the thoughtfulness of the RY that they left all the above out and made it sound as simple as a stadium- concert thing. Another example of Ahavas Yisroel!

      Please share this message with friends and family and let's show that achdus is stronger than hate.

  5. If Chabad are such Ahavas Yisroel'niks, let them issue a proclamation that they accept the mahalach of Reb Chaim Volozhiner as legitimate, and they are not interested in convincing those that go in his mahalach to change.

    Until then, they have nothing to do with Ahavas Yisroel. Trying to shlep everyone under your banner is not Ahavas Yisroel. Calling Reb Aaron Kotler names is not Ahavas Yisroel. Saying that misnagdim who learn 'stink 500 parsa' is not Ahavas Yisroel.

  6. The schools have forbidden their students to go there, and the parents are not interested in driving their children accross town on a Friday afternoon.

    This event will be a washout, and people will learn that עוד ישראל רד עם א-ל, we are not a town of leidigeyers and johnny-come-latelys, who are just waiting for someone to produce something to occupy our time. We all have ancestors, who knew how to keep the Torah, and none of them did anything remotely similar to this kind of thing on Lag Ba'omer. Yeshivos did not do so, Chadarim did not do so, Gedolei Yisroel did not do so, and we are not searching for new religions.

  7. When I was little growing up in Boro Park, I remember my father taking us to the Tzivos Hashem parades in Crown Heights. We were never converted to Lubavitch. It was a pleasant outing. It's actually good for children to see how other Yidden live. Teach them this is what they do at home and our mesorah is like this... Stop creating walls around your fellow Yidden. There were 12 Shevatim and 12 different pathways to serve Hashem. They are all good. Each person should ask their own Rav. The Rabanim of BMG may hold that way and those that follow the Yeshiva shouldn't go.

    1. Nobody is stopping you from taking your children to CH for their parade .
      It`s about Chabad trying to minimize learning of nigleh and the impact it will have on future doros.
      In all walks of current Chabad schools they look at the study of nigleh like a burden . They will always point to the letters that the Rebbe sent to bar mitzvah bochurim wishing them to become lamdonim but it`s all smoke and mirrors the reality is that in the past 70 years there has been no push in all levels of the Chabad yeshiva system at mastering just Gemara Rashi and Tosafos.
      With all the good that they do the average Chabad shul still looks just Rav Chaim Volzhiner describes it in Shaar Daled and that`s intentional
      Again Kudos to Chabad for all the good they do and there is a lot of it .
      I like Eighth Day , Benny Friedman and Eli Marcus even with all of their Chabad innuendo but that`s my decision .
      I would think that as a tzibur we should call the sponsors to task for this attempted hijack

  8. They never should of let the stadium be built chacham enaf brosho instead those that remember they put out a letter saying noone should go to the games after they backed the stadium

  9. Chabad lag beomer children events were banned by gedoly yisroel the striepler, Rav shach, r shlomo zalman already in the 80s.
    Nothing changes

  10. Just try and start a Daf Yomi in CH and you’ll need a doctor

    1. There are 37 daf yomi shiurim a day in crown heights just for the record

    סיפורי הכתידים בדרך כלל השורש פורה ראש ולענה ניכר בזה שיש בו אחד משלשה דברים הללו
    א] ללמדך שכל מה שחשבת לדבר פשוט הוא באמת להיפך, וזה כדי שתרגיל ותלמוד לא לסמוך על דעתך בשום ענין רק תבטל דעתך לדעת.... וזה משום שאדם בריא בדעתו ששואל להבין על מה שרואה א"א לו להיות כתיד
    ב] למען תדע שהחכמים המפורסמים והמקובלים בישראל אינם אלא כקליפת השום נגד איזה עם הארץ ורשע שלא למד כל ימיו, וע"כ רק להם יתגלה אליהו הנביא ז"ל, ולהם כח לבטל גזירות שמים וכו', על כן לא תשגיח בדברי חכמי ישראל ותשמע רק להרעב'ה
    ג] להודיע כי הרעב'א הוא בינך לבין האלהים שלהם וא"א לך לבוא לפני אלהיהם בלתי האמצעי של הרעב'א וגם בכוחו להשפיע בעליונים ובתחתונים לעשות כרצונו ע"כ אתה צריך להיזהר ממנו
    דו"ק ותשכח ואידך זיל גמור

  12. Interesting how we never hear from our leaders about traffic,taxes,crime,open drug dealing thru out Lakewood etc, but a Yiddish festival for children is a Big Concern for our caring leaders

    1. You don’t care about traffic either
      All you want is to proselytize to Lakewood youth

    2. Interesting how we never hear from our leaders about traffic

      Traffic?? Huh?? sorry you gotta get your shitos in line

      What is a "Yiddish Festival" exactly? you sound like a Yiddsihist

      And just a reminder, two wrongs don't make it right.

  13. In Lakewood,the insane Neturei Karta with their children protest against fellow to Jews and our leaders say Nothing, yet a holy Jewish festival for children and adults must be Stopped,you guys must have a lot of time on your hands. Ignoring Real issues and playing Trivial pursuit on our Dime

    1. What exactly is holy about this festival?

  14. Gee thanks to Lakewood insite,a chiddush,that the Holy Rashbi was a Luvavitcher worthy of a boycott,. Deep stuff coming out of Lakewood

    1. Learning zohar is Rashbi, Lag Ba'omer parades is Chabad

    2. Going to parades and concerts is boycotting the Tana'im and Amora'im. The Rashbi was never planning on going to the stadium, he stays in Beis Hamedrash like he always does.

  15. The first hatzala "unity" seder torah is housed in 770, the 2nd one being written now should be kept in Satmer. Because it's about unity, right?

  16. The ban is more about principals than anything else. Principals and standards are a good thing. Without standards anything can happen. So yes on the surface it seems like an innocent outlet for kids in the stadium parking lot, but there’s much more to it. It’s not about Jewish singers or a parking lot. It’s about a new concept which never happened before arranged by people with wrong Hashkafos. This year a concert, next year a parade and the following year ppl will forget and think it’s only about concerts. it’s as simple as that. Lag Baomer is not a time for concerts. A bonfire Thursday night with music is fine. But a separate concert out of the blue on Friday?? Not ok. It has Nothing to do w/ Lag Baomer. It comes from Chabad. We are not Chabad! We have standards! Just imagine a Lag Baomer concert for kids held near KJ arranged by JNF (Jewish National Fund). It would not only be banned but anyone who would attend would be exiled from KJ. It’s because it’s not merely a fun event for kids, a lot more is at stake.

  17. This year a concert, next year a parade and the following year ppl will forget and think it’s only about concerts. it’s as simple as that. Lag Baomer is not a time for concerts....

    Why not? Whats wrong??? No one is forcing anyone to go. Why cant you live and let live? Why do you have to force your hashkofos on the entire tzibbur? You dont want to go, then dont! But why are you seeking to deprive my family from enjoying themselves in a total kosher venue?

    1. Because THAT IS WHAT makes it a tzibbur
      And Stops it before it destroys everything that made this city something originally worthwhile

    2. On your own words
      " Why do you have to force your hashkofos on the entire tzibbur?"

      This concert is a trap to fool the innocent and entice them with a dun event and than spread chabad haahkafa on litvisha lakewood children.
      This is messianic missionary 101

    3. Anon 10:22

      You are missing the boat, sorry. First off it's almost public knowledge by now that this isn't just a random outlet for kids. It was purposely scheduled this way, similar to the Chabad Lag Baomer parade which virtually EVERY Gadol was against. So you ask "Why do you have to force your hashkofos on the entire tzibbur" - sorry it's not me but the Gedolim of last generation and in this case specifically the Roshei Yeshiva who actually do have a right to set standards in Ruchniyus. And btw it is super random to have a concert on Lag Baomer - only Chabad w/ their narishkeiten does it. So who are you to do whatever you feel like? If the only way you can entertain your kids is to bring them to a Chabad concert on Erev Shabbos I feel sorry for you.

  18. Friday afternoon Erev Shabbos is also not a time for shows and Concerts . It is not the right Mindset to Enter Shabbos especially in a city like Lakewood which is supposed to be dedicated to Torah and Ruchniyos

    Also Friday parents need to prepare for Shabbod ..it is not a bbn pimento start driving around and making traffic jams for shows and concerts

    1. 10:34

      Keep your idiocy to yourself. There is nothing wrong with kosher entertainment on a long friday afternoon to keep the kids busy and out of the way. Yes, its a chessed gadol to give a mother quiet time to prepare for shabbos while the kids are occupied out of the house. And parents can prepare thursday night and friday MORNING for Shabbos.

    2. I say if the organizers will publicly declare that (A) The Rebbe is not "Bairainu" or even Moshiach and (B) the Rebbe is no longer alive by uttering the words Rabbi Menachem Mendel ben Levi Yitchock Schneerson 7th Lubavitcher Rebbe Alav HaShalom (the same term that the rishonim use for Moshe Rabbenu
      Then we should not make a big deal about this

  19. Wow,you have standards!? What about all the horrible Optics of Backroom deals( that are very real)special favors...
    That is paving over an entire town,How about Honesty??? Spare me your rationalized frumkeit


    1. Shaychus?!

      How is it different than chassidish communities

  20. Wow I am So impressed by your Hashkafa and your Amazing love for a fellow Jew,Not.

    1. Sorry

      According to that we should have secular concerts also

  21. Where does 'love for a fellow jew' come in? If it is wrong, love isn't a factor. And if it is right, who needs love?

    This is wrong on many levels. We are Yidden, we don't live for fun and games. We do Mitzvos and we support our bodies to be able to do Mitzvos. This concert is just קלות ראש frivolous fun. Rashbi has nothing to do with it, it is just an excuse.

  22. Since When is " love for a fellow Jew" a suicide pact


  23. When hearing those spouting achdus for a bludgeon,bear in mind

    the rav of Brisk 'All Those who claim to be the greatest ohavim,are really the greatest son'im'

    When hearing those loudly spouting achdus for a bludgeon,that should be in mind

  24. Chabad has now for years trying to mainstream itself, we need to keep the whole tumas chabad out of Lakewood and most important it has to explained to a new generation what's wrong with it

    1. WOW some ahavas yisroel is n order. Let them do what they would like to do. I can guarantee you they will not force you to attend.
      If people would like to go and bring their children then I hope they enjoy.

    2. " they will not force you to attend"due to that being ineffective
      If it would they would attempt

    3. You have no idea the level of Ahavas Yisrael that was displayed in the CH eruv tumult
      Chabad knows good an well how to to not be tolerant
      I like Benny it`s a shame he is doing this

  25. Shame on the poop for defying the roshei hayeshiva. The vaad reaps what they sowed

    1. Hey 1:49 spare us your hogwash. This wouldnt be the first time the RY's were talked into banning things by "askonim" who only have their personal agendas in mind.

  26. I see there are many mechutzafim over here, who don't understand the concept of Nasi Hador. The Lubavitcher Rebbe was THE leader of the generation, anyone who fought him, is classified by the Tanya as יונקים מאחוריים (see the end of the first chapter). Everyone accepted his leadership, all Gedolim followed his opinion in everything.
    Prime ministers and generals conferred with him, and they followed his advice in every issue. Which is why they never swapped land for peace, they changed the מיהו יהודי law, and every Yeshiva learns Chassidus every day.

    Someone who fights with the accepted Nasi Hador is fighting against himself. If someone refuses to listen to him, he is against achdus and ahavas yisroel. If you truly love all Yidden, you will put aside petty arguments, and follow the Rebbe in everything. Those who don't, are just making machlokes.

    Lag Ba'omer is all about parades and accepting the leadership of the Rebbe.

  27. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=oareHAaRd6w


  28. For the sake of the destiny of mankind

    Central Jersey remains yet one of the few younger corners of the globe not saturated by ChabaD propaganda passing itself off as Judaism

    propaganda of commands to take the destiny of you and of mankind let's let's actively keep it that way

  29. And Lag BaOmer Concert as the icing

  30. Who is the baal machlokes?

  31. Mosdos are demanding that children not attend, and the poop doesn't know where to put themselves.

    1. The poop is going wild and crazy losing all credibility if it ever had and undermining themselves out of anger. It cant stomach that the Roshei Yeshiva and Mosdos are the power in town and told the Lakewood community not to attend a event that it was a partial sponsor.
      How dear there be someone who goes against the poop daas torah. Some nerve they have not to discuss it with a website

    2. The poop went crazy a long time ago. The one who gave him the pwer should have been removed from his position of influence a long time ago

  32. They never should have sponsored it. They were used to make it look like a kosher lakewood event. Now they are kicking and screaming like 2 year olds publicly undermining the Roshei yeshiva. Ignoring them... and these are the sponsors of the event..

  33. To all you nutty bars hocking about chabad involvment, go read arye weinsteins letter on the scoop

    1. I don't know who Aryeh Weinstein is, but I do know for sure that the person behind this event is a Lubavitcher Chassid, who is a CHassid 24/7, constantly looking to do something for the Lubavitcher Rebbe.
      Either Mr Weinstein doesn't know the facts, or he is lying and spinning. But this event was certainly a Lubavitcher event, and the person behind it is a Lubavitcher. He does not look like one, but nobody who knows him can deny it.

    2. Arye Weinstein PUTS HIS NAME ON HIS LETTER, but anonymous commenter on his hidden cellphone in his mommys basement has the chuptza norah to accuse him of lying

  34. https://www.thelakewoodscoop.com/news/2021/04/letter-deliberately-misrepresenting-facts-aryeh-weinstein.html

    1. Re:letter just perused it

      1. Many of the salient comments have brought to the fore many bigger problems more than 1 inappropriate event
      2. the scoop is trying to cover for themselves after this blew up in their faces obviously
      3. cute nice man but he missed the boat as to the larger issues

    2. 7:25 talked and talked and didnt say anything

      "What bigger problems" are you hocking about

      What "blew up" in the scoops face

      what "larger issues" you yapping about

  35. A letter full of distortions trying to discredit the roshei yeshiva. They slickly tried hiding the chabad component in an attempt to trap children to hear the gospel of חתת. They got caught and bh the community eas notified of this deception to steal neshamos of innocent TASHBAR

    Shame on them

  36. Wow glad to see so many people concerned about TAShbar . Does any of the gashmius in Lakewood bother you? but this event that is kosher is problematic? The more you try to close it the more it will open and be successful.

  37. 730 is a paranoid nutcase. Really now, listening to benny sing is going to steal our kids neshomos???????

    1. Benny should do the right thing and cancel. By showing up he is publicly defying the Lakewood community who have supported him all along.

  38. Seeing as how this has become a "Bash Chabad" thread, I wonder...
    How many of you have ever traveled and relied on the local Chabad House for a minyan or a kosher meal?
    How many of you have ever relied on the OK hechsher on a restaurant or food product?
    How many of you have ever taken advantage of a "hot" DansDeals deal?
    How many of you have ever eaten Aaron's meat?
    How many of you have ever listened to a speech or shiur by R' Y. Y. Jacobson?
    How many of you have ever gone to a farbrengen or Simchas beis HaShoeva on Chol HaMoed because that is what all the other "geshmak" buchorim did?
    Now, I know, R' Shack said...
    But, when it was convenient for you, you managed to find a "pintele yid" buried deep in those terrible mushchisim's souls to justify your actions.
    If you don't want to attend this event, be it because of your genuine belief that it is an elaborate ruse to indoctrinate you to their evil ways, or simply because the Roshei Yeshiva said not to, by all means, don't go. But please, stop making this into some "holy" crusade that it isn't, and more importantly, one you are not qualified to take up.

    1. אם אין דעה הבדלה מנין
      A Chabad business is not the same as a propaganda event. Aaron's meat, the OK, Dan's Deals are all businesses. They are incidentally owned by someone who belongs to Chabad.
      And the שמחת בית השואבה is also wrong. But bochurim sometimes just do what they want, forgetting about right and wrong.

    2. You are absolutely correct. A business is not the same as a propaganda event. Only, how do you distinguish the two?
      How many of you have ever read "Labels for Leible" to your kids?
      How many of you have ever borrowed "Is It Shabbos Yet?" from Mrs. Shanik's library?
      Hachai is a business too. Their business (according to this thread) is spewing propaganda. Propaganda that you have sought out and brought into your home.
      As the יראי שמים you clearly are, and as a concerned citizen, perhaps you should put that on your children's shidduch resumes so as not to possibly taint the yichus of other, pure families.

    3. As I wrote אם אין דעה הבדלה מנין - if you truly do not know how to distinguish between a propaganda event and a business, you have a problem. Most of us have that minimum דעה necessary

    4. It`s all about keeping nigleh the prime moving force in Lakewood once we let our guard down. Learning gefes will be treated like a burden .
      If we want to lower our scholastic expectations then by all means enjoy the party

  39. Get over it Lakewood,one day soon,you will see the Kedusha in Every Yid

  40. Anon 10:04,
    What you raised has validity
    people ought to be more careful ,though there's an attitude of when leaving the confines of their small stable environment And that parlays into these areas also
    they start becoming more lax

  41. Jiffy "Lube"
    להזהיר גדולים על הקטנים פרשת אמור

    Skip Fridays event and spare your kids.

    Years ago a prominent member of their following made a statement "the world is made of two people lubavitchers and not yet lubavitchers" that cuts right to it.

    These people are smooth operators and know the melacha how to tamper with a kids neshama. Video images are potent messages in the young and impressionable. These individuals have a campaign to recite what they call "12 Pesukim" that is fictitious some of these verses are not from Tanach. When a kid yells out these verses thrusting his hand upwards and punctures the air for the entire assemblage, to hear and view it places doubt in a childs mind about his upbringing, the meticulous and painstaking unvarnished Torahs sinaitic mesorah you and your spouse put so much hard work to inculcate.

    As per the title of this piece you get youthful convert results in just minutes thats the real end game of יחד כל ילדי ישראל using music and Lag Baomer as a cover. It's neat, it's slick and it works.

    The parallel world these guys live in and wish to promulgate to everyone else can turn your family's Emunah upside down in minutes.

    Listen up people so you've got a beautiful heritage keep your gospel to yourself.

    1. The Temimim want to give gantz klal yisrael a oil change be careful of snake oil salesmen
