Friday, April 30, 2021

Front Pages in Israel

שבת משוש לבנו נהפך לאבל מחולנו


  1. For times like these we need Hadracha, Rav Uren Reich Should give a speech, Wer'e lost. How?

  2. Rabbanim gave hadracha by carona. Did people listen then? How many tests do we need before we learn?

    1. Don't take it personally, this isn't about you

    2. Many Rabbonim said not to go to Meron. How many listened?

  3. BDE
    Very sad
    What a horrific tragedy to befall klal yisroel.

    May we all finally wake ourselves up to reality And Hashems Wake up call for serious teshuva and achdus ASAP together so this Coronavirus pandemic mageifa and all future tragedies can come to a final halt.

    I.e. just how bad does a situation have to get for klal yisroel myself included to wake up and FACE REALITY and admit to Hashems Wake up call for serious teshuva and achdus ASAP together as a nation?

  4. The hadracha is simple - next year, take whatever steps are necessary, like doing what the Saudis do in Mecca (demolishing old structures and constructing proper, purpose built infrastructure that can handle the crowds, having the government in charge of the site), to ensure that a disaster like this doesn't happen again.

    1. The disaster happened because of the aggressiveness of the Police against the crowds.
      R' Avigdor Miller was once asked after a child fell out of a window and perished, what message we can learn from it. His answer was, put window guards on windows.
      The police have long terrorized the frum community, and their egos and power struggles, is what caused this.

    2. You can whine about evil tziyoinishe terrible horrible no good very bad police all day (agav, do you think the situation would be *better* if there was absolutely no oversight of 200000 people in such a small area?), or you can focus your thoughts on productive solutions. And regarding ego and power struggles - are you kidding? Meiron is known for being ground zero for excessive askanus and competition amongst all sorts of amutot and hekdeshim.

    3. That might be hishtadlus, but that is seriously missing the boat. Hadracha is in how Klal Yisroel responds to such a horrific calamity. What we can learn from this? What HAshem wants from us? How can we become better and closer to Hashem. Not to learn from the Saudis on how to improve the setup for the future....

  5. ab,
    It is callous to even suggest he would say that

    first & foremost he would say to turn inward
    To introspection of our own And to ponder this horrid tragedy
    for a while without rushing to hasty, shallow conclusions
