Tuesday, April 6, 2021

Planning Board Meeting Today

 The Lakewood Planning board will hold a virtual meeting today April 6 at 6:00 pm

watch Live stream Here
See Agenda Here
- Banning cannabis businesses in Lakewood Township 
- Cedarbridge Redevelopment zone change  Submitted- (The Ordinance refers to Exhibit A which again referw to the 27 page Plan Amendment produced at the request of the Committee by Stearns Associates, LLC in February 2021. At page 17 it establishes a parking space requirement for Conference Centers and Banquet Halls of only 1 space per 125 sf or 8/1000. This means that a Wedding Hall of 12,000 will meet the Twp's new parking code with a mere 80 spots!)


1.  SD 2463 Esther R Paskez    2, 4, & 6 Congress Street  Block 250, Lots 2, 3, & 4 Minor Subdivision to create four lots 

2.  SP 2408 Mactavish Partnership  100 Airport Road  Block 1160.12, Lot 1 Preliminary & Final Major Site Plan for an office building 

5.  CORRESPONDENCE   SP 2381, 512 Chestnut, LLC, Block 1087 Lot 20 Request to modify approved setbacks

To submit written comments, before or during the meeting, comments can be emailed to
planningboardcomments@lakewoodnj.gov. You must include your name and address in your submission. The Board will review the questions and comments and address them asappropriate.
3. To join the live meetings using audio and video capabilities for verbal public comment, visit https://lakewoodnj.webex.com/meet/lakewoodplanningboard Click Open Cisco Webex Meetings if you see a message from your browser or Join from your browser.
a. SMART DEVICE / COMPUTER you must type a request to the Meeting Organizer via the “Chat” feature in the app by stating ONLY your Name and Address for the record by smart device or computer. The Board Chairperson will then acknowledge you when it is your turn to speak. The “Chat” feature should only be used to indicate your desire to participate in the Public Comment/Question
4. To join the live meetings using audio capabilities for verbal public comment, dial 1-408-418-9388. When asked for the meeting number, enter 798 023 744.
a. PHONE ONLY once all chat requests are complete the Board Chair will ask phone participants to state their name and address ONLY and then acknowledge each one when it is their turn to speak. 


  1. Wedding Halls typically have hundreds of guests and hundreds of cars. How on earth will a measly requirement of just ONE car per 125 SF meet the obvious demand for the realistic number of cars attending?! The Cedarbridge Redevelopment owner expects us all to believe that every 1,000 SF can only fit 8 or perhaps 16 guests.

    We all know that Halls of 1,000 SF can hold hold at least 100 people. So, if the Board votes to make a "recommendation" to the committee members to vote for this insane Ordinance, we should all expect ridiculous amounts of traffic backup across the region from all the cars that will have nowhere to park! There should at least be a requirement that banquet facilities and "conference centers" build a multi-story parking garage to accommodate all the vehicles.

    These people are trying to destroy our inadequate infrastructure with 4 wheels at a time.

  2. Wow. How do these developers get away with this kind of shtick? no wonder traffic all over is horrendous.

  3. Every single person in Lakewood is responsible by not voting for the incumbents. And there may not be any challenges during primary season since each challenger gets harassed. People can write in anyone they'd like. Right now a pathetic amount of Lakewood residents even vote.

  4. Simple. The township and the developers are invested in these projects.

    1. Why is our town controlled by developers that don’t care about the consequences to the rest of us after they made their millions?

      Enough already!

  5. Notice how they sneakly schedule the meeting right after pesach when everyone is busy they sneak in zoning changes to avoid public finding out

  6. fact check - im not from lakewood can someone post facts on the ground of similar halls in similar type area to where this is proposed currently in operation , how many spots they have & how crazy is it - most simchas are in evening when traffic is lighter

    1. The industry standard is at least 110 people per 1,000 square feet. In Lakewood, most people travel alone in their cars and most husbands and wives also attend the same event in separate cars. So there is no way that a ridiculous EIGHT parking spots is anywhere near what should be required.

      Also, traffic in the area of most simcha halls in Lakewood is actually very heavy. This is due to the severe lack of parking spots for the guests. Even Lake Terrace which has hundreds of spots for their approx 11.5K simcha hall has an impossible time on many evenings due to their insufficient parking. Anybody coming to or leaving from a wedding there knows to expect sitting in crazy gridlock.

      It has gotten so bad that the neighboring businesses are actually suing Lake Terrace in Court because its patrons have been parking in other privately owned parking lots and not allowing their trucks the ability to drive in or out of their own parking lots. And their trucks and businesses do need to operate at night.

      This is a growing problem in many areas of town where many residents are super frustrated, and our committee has done ZERO to address this issue. And today we find that they're sending proposed rules to be voted on by the planning board which will exacerbate the issue even further by officially requiring only ONE PARKING SPACE per 125 square feet of catering facilities.

      This sounds like planet crazy to me!

    2. As long as the Shul gets stopped from building nothing else matters

    3. I’m not from Lakewood but I’ve been at Lake Terrace dozens of times. The parking lot is huge and has plenty of room. The problem is the selfish lazy people who park illegally in the entrance road to save a minute of walking. This causes a huge jam of car trying to get in and out of the lot.

    4. Taxpaying ResidentApril 7, 2021 at 8:37 AM

      anon 3:34 -

      I am from Lakewood and have been at Lake Terrace more times than you have for large weddings and non-wedding functions. The parking lot is big, but quite often it's not nearly big enough for the number of cars attending.

      Firstly, the caterer parks his trucks on the side of the building. This closes off an entire exit/entrance route and removes several spots from being used. Secondly, after the parking lot gets quickly filled up, people park all along both sides of the narrow roads -- including inside other businesses' parking lots. It's been insanely crazy to get in or out of the place without wasting a lot of time in a frustrating amount of traffic.

      I've even tried getting out using the Corporate Road West route instead making a left turn immediately onto Oak Street, but got stuck there too because Bnos Brocha has TWO Simcha Halls in use at the same time.

      The Lakewood Planning Board is aware of the issues, but has done NOTHING about this problem. And the school-based Simcha Hall owners (Lake Terrace is officially a girls school) only care about making more money for themselves at the expense of everyone else in town. It's not right.

      If you want to build a Simcha Hall so you can make money, then make sure the roadway is adequate and the parking is sufficient!

      There's a reason why we have a zoning and planning code. The Boards however, either close their eyes or give all kinds of variances to developers on everyone else's account. And it's plain wrong!!

  7. Can someone post a link to the actual document? Couldn’t find it on the township website Cedarbridge Redevelopment zone change Submitted- (The Ordinance refers to Exhibit A which again referw to the 27 page Plan Amendment produced at the request of the Committee by Stearns Associates, LLC in February 2021. At page 17 it establishes a parking space requirement for Conference Centers and Banquet Halls of only 1 space per 125 sf or 8/1000. This means that a Wedding Hall of 12,000 will meet the Twp's new parking code with a mere 80 spots!)

    1. The planning department only uploaded the document this very afternoon. So they provided no time for the public to share their concerns with the members on the planning board.

      You can copy/paste the following link --> https://lakewoodnj-my.sharepoint.com/personal/amorris_lakewoodnj_gov/_layouts/15/onedrive.aspx?originalPath=aHR0cHM6Ly9sYWtld29vZG5qLW15LnNoYXJlcG9pbnQuY29tLzpmOi9nL3BlcnNvbmFsL2Ftb3JyaXNfbGFrZXdvb2Rual9nb3YvRWdWM0FBS082ckZMcW05Rm5VTVcwTElCRjhGTkdLajExaFhjSjllRG9xS1V1QT9ydGltZT1ERVE0SEVUNTJFZw&id=%2Fpersonal%2Famorris%5Flakewoodnj%5Fgov%2FDocuments%2FPlanning%20Board%20Applications%2F4%2D6%2D21%20Public%20Hearing%2FO2021%2D024%20Cedarbridge%2FPlan%5FAmendment%2DCedarbridge%5FRedevelopment%5F%5FPlan%2DFINAL%5F02%2E02%2E2021%5F%281%29%2Epdf&parent=%2Fpersonal%2Famorris%5Flakewoodnj%5Fgov%2FDocuments%2FPlanning%20Board%20Applications%2F4%2D6%2D21%20Public%20Hearing%2FO2021%2D024%20Cedarbridge

  8. gelbstein is not giving out today its empty

  9. Here we go again with someone kvetching about a shul nobody knows or cares about. Considering how annoying the kvetchers are I am starting to believe what I’ve heard from some that there are very few members there and many have left.

    1. A former mispalel, as it isApril 6, 2021 at 7:32 PM

      Yes, as the children increase BH, yet the size of the shul does not, those who wish to have their children daven with them HAVE TO leave to daven elsewhere. It's not a knock against the shul, rather the people who made it stop from expanding. FOR SHAME!

    2. Why do you always take the bait? If you don’t like the kvetchers comments ignore them. By giving the negative attention your just encouraging it.

    3. What does a shul have to do with any of this? The proposed crazy parking rules concern Simcha Halls. Don't conflate the two.

    4. Smart people check out “facts” for themselves. They don’t rely on what they (want to) hear from other people.

    5. It's all hogwash. The shul is growing in leaps and bounds.

    6. I saw with my own eyes that on Chol HaMoed it was packed for Avis uBanim. There were people learning in the hallways.

  10. I actually find listening to the kvetchers amusing.

    1. If you find it amusing that’s very sad. What happened to being nosim biol?

  11. I am nosei b’ol with your neighbors.

    1. What have the neighbors got to do with it? Do you even know what the objections were?

  12. Wow if you want to know what the neighbors have to do with it it’s clear that you DON’T know what the objections were which is not surprising considering how you treated them at the time. I do know what some of the objections were and they had very valid concerns which you kvetchers refused to address or even bother negotiating.

    1. How do you know how they were treated? We’re you there? Did you hear BOTH sides of the story or are you going on hearsay for this too? What about the threatening (anonymous) phone calls that were made to kw members about slashing tires and hurting wives? What about people being slapped in public? Or do those minor things not count in your book?

  13. What about the kw animals that broke into a choshuve rov’s house late at night and threatened him and his family?

    1. Is that the chashuver Rav who doubles as a janitor?

  14. The other side of the story is very simple. Don’t talk to your neighbors about their concerns, just remember and chazer they are mizera amalek, reshaim, mushchasim, nazis, etc and have an agenda to stop shuls from being built. All for power, gaiva and hashchasa. That is the kw side in its nutshell.

    1. I see the mizera amalek reference really hit home. As the saying goes, the truth hurts.

  15. From what I’ve heard I don’t think it bothered them at all but it seems to make you feel better to think it did.

    1. It sure did bother them else they wouldn’t keep harping back on it.

  16. Ah so you agree that your “rov” said the comment. Just saying

  17. Ok kw kvetchers we’ve all had enough. It’s time to move on, we (sort of) feel bad you lost but now it’s time to accept the loss and try to find another place or make do with what you have.

  18. Who’s harping back on it? Some outsider raitzing you guys uhn (doing a fabulous job). The WG oilam doesn’t comment here, they probably don’t even see it and don’t care what you call them.

    1. Of course they don’t comment and of course it doesn’t bother them. Not one little bit. Not at all. It really doesn’t bother them. Totally not. Chalila. Seriously it doesn’t bother them at all. I mean it. Honestly. I promise it doesn’t bother any of them. And of course they never see these comments let alone read them or get bothered by them. I mean the very thought of such people looking at a blog. All the comments don’t bother them at all. I know for a fact.

  19. Why are the kw people do bitter?

  20. It’s a small group of unhappy bitter people who live in west gate and like to complain a lot.

    1. I think that the ridiculous lack of parking at many Simcha Halls is more important. The developers are taking advantage of us and the committeemen are aiding and abetting their shenanigans.

  21. Agav there was not going to be nearly enough parking by the illegal kw shul either and it would have caused insane traffic on a very busy street.

  22. But the big shul has plenty of parking and there’s never any issues near there

  23. No there’s not enough parking there but that doesn’t mean we should keep building more without the infrastructure to handle it. Any issues with the big shul you could take up with the builder, that wasn’t built by the people of WG.
