Tuesday, February 2, 2021

US Dept of Health to Pfizer; Urgent Need for "Normalcy Vaccine"

Att: Ladies and gender-men it's after Tu Bshvat but there's still a shechiyanu for all of us to behold -  the fruitcakes in Washington.

Last weeks' FJJ featured an article about the deterioration of Kavod Malchus  during the tenure of the last administration, but just witness the  meltdown  of decency at Pennsylvania avenue as we speak.

 With the federal appointment of someone of an alternative lifestyle orientation to the health dept we've gone from the whitehouse to the freakhouse.

The man  at the helm has alienated many tens of millions of Americans who find his agender as tasteless. 

 There's a point to be made about this issue in our own backyard.

The mayor of NY, with all the covid mayhem and upheaval he put us through, finally made a mistake and did something right this past summer. He canceled the celebrate Israel parade. Someone told  me how his mizrachi oriented acquaintances  would attend  the parade event each year until it included a float of deviants  who displayed their shameful pride. "How can you go", mused one of the group and that was the end of that.

By its signature theme, the Israeli day parade exacts Independence from the kol yachol the opposite of the Torah portion - Yetzias Mitzrayim and krias yam suf  that we read about this past shabbos.  When you add abomination to the mix  you have the full menu of whatever klal yisrael is not!

In his mind, Deblasio took a precautionary measure against covid spread by removing this event from the calendar. But we all know that a higher source micro manages all that takes place nothing in this world is happenstance. It's entirely possible that the divine preordained  the cancelation of the day's festivities so that the  irreverent

would not have a platform of any kind, and the mayor was an unwilling shliach in the almighty's scheme of things.

The shiras hayam ends with the verse  ה' ימלוך לעולם ועד, just as you put your house in order back then as the sea split so may it be your will to show all once again ein od milvado. 

 וכל הרשעה כולה כעשן תכלה. כי תעביר ממשלת זדון מן הארץ

  אמן כן יהי רצון

by: Nisht a He un Nit a Her


  1. While based on truths, this article is entirely inappropriate for Bnai Torah. Bnai Torah know how to make points without name-calling, immature jokes, and disrespect for large swaths of the frum community who do not support Issurim & Toeivos.

    1. Letzonus of avoda zoro is a mitzva!

    2. Yes.
      Gooooood article

    3. Someone else's opinion = avoda zara

  2. What does the title of this post have to do with the content?

  3. Lots of hate from the author, I'm sorry it sounds like your going through a lot. I wish you well & some menuchas hanefesh.

  4. The detirioration of malchus started with JFK followed by Clinton. The media had no respect for the Trump presidency they disregarded the malchus as did the frum anti Trumpers. Did these same people call Clinton Malchus when he defiled the oval office. How about Obama is that what we call malchus aa chazal say eved ki yimloch

  5. Rav Elchonon Wasserman hyd Said in his time that when you say the bracha of shelo asani goy it includes the president of the us

  6. This is still better than Trump

    1. How so, is it better with the טוםטום in charge of your health

  7. He was appointed as Secretary of Transportation, not Health Department.

    1. The assistant health secretary is a transgender Biden is making his administration colorful and sinful this is what mishpacha magazine was looking forward to

    2. Exactly what sin did this transgender person transgress? One of the seven Noahide ones? Is he/she Jewish?

      Why should we care about this nonsense? Don't people have important things to do?

    3. I don't think you actually need a respone. right?

    4. What sin?
      It is called kefira in Hashem when you try to change the creation of G-D. Thr world was created in a certain way anf you try to change it and mess with it is a form of rebellion.

  8. legalizing street walking (specifically designed for transgenders) is expected to be voted on this week in Albany. A new low

  9. This article is off the rails.
