Wednesday, December 2, 2020

Wednesday December 2 News Updates Lakewood

Weather: Sunshine and clouds mixed. High near 45F.

-41 new Covid cases in Lakewood totals 6932/219

-Jackson Public schools are closing effective immediately until at least Dec. 16, sending students back to remote learning curriculums after a series of COVID-19 cases. (Busing into Lakewood is said to continue)  the Jackson BOE said  This move is necessary because the newest positive cases and mandated quarantines reported today has brought us to the point where we cannot properly operate our buildings and departments. We are incredibly disappointed to have to make this decision. The health and safety of our students and staff is and has always been our first priority. We are acutely aware of the hardship this presents to our families and we hope you can appreciate that we would not have made this change if it weren’t absolutely necessary.

Food Distribution:
 -Bnos Esther Malka weekly /weekend box  6:45 pm  at 488 Whitesville Rd, Lakewood.
 -OTL Yesodei Box at SCHI 7:00pm 
-Edison yeshiva hespedim for the shloshim for Harav Yaakov Busel zatzal at 6:00 pm conference # 8632-327-0220  pin 12060#
- Trump: We are going to defend the honesty of the vote by ensuring that All legal votes should be counted and all Illegal votes should not be counted

- Yesodei  OTL distribution launching a new computerized system at the pick up sites in order for it to run as smoothly as possible with govt compliance. Please have all information ready as to how many kids are not in school and how many in school are not receiving over the weekend. If you are picking up for other families have their information on hand as well.

-Murphy: All non-essential out-of-state travel is DISCOURAGED. There is a direct cause-and-effect relationship between the increase in the number of cases and the increase in the number of patients in our hospitals.
- N.J. reports 4,350 new COVID-19 cases, 56 deaths as hospitalizations increase for 4th straight day
-Tehillim for the Mir Mashgiach Rav Aaron Chodosh shlita in need of a refuah shleima אהרן דוד בן צביה לאה
-Free flu shots and COVID tests at Lakewood Town Square from 9AM – 3:00 pm by OHI
-Ami magazine front cover story:  The Jewish Community and a Biden Presidency
- Israel moves closer to election as bill to disband Knesset passes in plenum
-LPD: To ensure gun-owners are properly protecting their firearms, Lakewood Police Department will be hosting a free gun lock give away. Dec 8 at the fire station on Cedarbridge while supplies last.
-Lakewood Rabbi lawsuit at US Supreme court: seeking injunction from limitations at houses of worship  "Praying outside is not possible at all on the Sabbath because the Torah scrolls are easily damaged by the elements, as happened when Rabbi Knopfler temporarily moved his services outside pursuant to the government’s COVID edicts and the scrolls were damaged by heat and humidity. The upcoming winter will only exacerbate this burden on Orthodox Jewish worship. see full case docket  HERE

a) Forbidding respondents from imposing on Applicants any occupancy limitation on their houses of worship greater than that imposed on many “essential” non-retail businesses, which are afforded 100% occupancy; or 

(b) In the alternative, forbidding respondents from imposing any occupancy limitation greater than that imposed on “essential” retail businesses, which are afforded 50% occupancy; and 

(c) Given New Jersey’s numerous open-ended, temporally unlimited secular exemptions from mask-wearing, forbidding respondents from limiting any religious exemption to an arbitrary “brief” or “momentary” period.


  1. 3rd wave is well underway in Lakewood. There's been more than 100 new *frum* cases this week alone. (Source: multiple doctors and chemed).

    1. Let's create some panic... Graet idea!

    2. Let's stick our head in the sand... Great idea!

    3. Anon 9:54
      Vayikra 26: 23-24
      Hilchos Ta'anis 1:3
      Your crowd is secular. The externals are a stinking waste.

    4. NO! Don't tell anyone. We have to keep dancing at chasunas.

    5. Not sure your sources but I personally spoke to a few Hatzolah members that said there are few cases and no recent hospitalizations

    6. Your Hatzala contact is either not telling you the truth, or ignorant, or non-existent.
      I know someone who was hospitalized at the end of last week, in Lakewood. And I am not a particularly knowledgeable person. I don't have inside info about what is going on. I am sure there are others whom I don't know about.

  2. It’s אהרן דוד בן צביה לאה


  3. Bnos Esther Malka’s weekly weekend box distribution will take place today Wednesday, at 6:45. We will be open to the public. 488 Whitesville Rd, Lakewood.

  4. When you say 100 Frum Cases. Where are these 100 people ? Are any of them Hospitalized? Anyone on a Ventilator? Or do they just have some common Cold Symptoms?

    1. Even if most "just have some common Cold Symptoms" how many others will they infect?!
      Achrayus is out of your yiddish lexicon


    2. Again the same geonim.
      More than 70 people were niftar first time around. Another 15 were niftar when it blew through here again sukkos time. There is a lag between infection and hospitalization and death RL. What number are you OK with?


  6. Watch before it gets deleted. Google Facebook and Twitter are deleting the President's speech whenever they realize someone uploads it.

  7. Approx 6 hospitalized with 5 on vents from our community. As per local hospitalist.

  8. Let's not forget that even those who are not hospitalized, and even sometimes those with mild symptoms, have serious and painful long term medical issues as a result of COVID. Does it only count if someone dies (which has ocurrred to too many people that I knew)? Isn't someone who is sick also a problem? People aren't just sticking their heads in the sand. They're in total denial of a serious reality!
