Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Sassover Rebbe warns of unproven safety of COVID vaccine

The Rebbe said, “Now the doctors want us to use this vaccine. Maybe it’s a good vaccine – I don’t know. But who does know? And when will they know? After the damage is already done? They’re already warning people with allergies not to be vaccinated.”

Arutz 7- In an address to his chassidim during Hanukkah at the end of last week the Sassover Rebbe of Ganei Tikva discussed the coronavirus vaccination campaign that has just begun in Israel, and expressed his concern that the safety of the vaccine has yet to be established.

The Rebbe also mentioned special herbal drops that he described as being especially potent against the coronavirus that are apparently banned in Israel. “I merited to be a partner in the healing of tens of thousands of people when I obtained these drops for them,” he related, “both here and in the United States. I got them to people who were on the verge of taking the crazy step of going to hospital – when it was already known that people who went, never came back – and I begged them to stay at home and take these drops, and they recovered.”

Returning to the topic of the vaccine, the Rebbe said, “Now the doctors want us to use this vaccine. Maybe it’s a good vaccine – I don’t know. But who does know? And when will they know? After the damage is already done? They’re already warning people with allergies not to be vaccinated.”

The Rebbe also mentioned the fact that several haredi social activists have been making the rounds of haredi rabbinic leaders and obtaining their signatures in favor of vaccination. “I don’t want to talk about the activists – after all, they have their own reasons for doing things, and they do lots of good things too. But I will address regular people, and to you, I say that you should take very good care of your health and stay away from this vaccine.”

He also related how, around forty years ago, he had the privilege of discussing a certain medical issue with Rabbi Elyashiv ztz”l, the Torah leader of the generation whose knowledge of medical, technological, and scientific issues that he dealt with was undisputed. “I sat with Rabbi Elyashiv for two hours while we debated a certain drug that was then relatively new on the market. It had been in circulation for a year or two at the time, in many countries, and doctors were promoting it. I remember how Rabbi Elyashiv said, ‘How can we take responsibility for a drug that has only been around for a few years?’”

Incidentally, Rabbi Elyashiv’s position on most childhood vaccinations was that since they were accepted medical practice, parents should see that their children were vaccinated – however, from this anecdote, it would appear that he believed that “medical practice” does not become immediately “accepted” simply because doctors make a decision, but rather that the safety and efficacy of a particular mode of treatment has to be independently established as well.

The Rebbe concluded his speech with words of blessing for all Jews to merit health and long life with spiritual fulfilment. INN


  1. “Maybe it’s a good vaccine – I don’t know. But who does know?“ Then why are you talking about something you self-admittedly know nothing about?

  2. I'm not sure if Hefkervelt has an agenda re covid vaccine, but this is scratching the bottom of the barrel.
    I personally never heard of the Sossover Rebbe and I don't think that 95% of Lakewood ever heard of him. And they most certainly don't follow his psak.
    This seems to be a new anti vaxxer campaign riding on the general anti doctor feeling among the tzibbur due to the unnecessary and stupid lockdown that they imposed on us

  3. Tov Shberofim Legehenom

    1. The טוב שברעבעס go where?

    2. But for refuah we pasken with rov deios of bekiin only
      So I guess the rebbe is an MD
      Who knew?

  4. Moderator:

    Why didnt you included the part where he calls doctors murderers, so we can all make our own determination if this Rebbe is over the hill or not (to put it mildly) ???

  5. There is a dangerous mistake in his words. He says that the vaccine uses a live virus. It is absolutely not true! There is no live virus in the vaccine, you cannot catch coronavirus from it.
    Who knows which other mistakes his advisors are making to him?

  6. What are the ingredients of the herbal medicine he recommends, who makes it, and where is the research about it?

    1. No ingredients. The Rebbe pours water into a Becher, screams out a load bracha and shakes like a lulav, while thinking different sheimos, takes a sip, pours the rest back into a jug and poof. Matan Chayim drops

    2. Ah that is definitely not recommended

    3. Ignore all the cynical comments. There are herbal drops, non FDA approved. People throughout the have been quietly giving them to covid patients. And they work wonders. I know thos personally. The Rebbe is right, the officals are killing people.

  7. Does anyone know which vaccines he’s referring to ? He certainly not talking about any of the covid vaccine that don’t contain any live virus.

  8. Why is his treatment safer to put in our bodies than the vaccine? Maybe R Elyashiv would say the same about his treatment I don’t know who knows.

  9. How do I get his herbal drops?
