Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Tuesday 5th day Chanukah Dec 15 News Updates

Weather: Generally sunny  High around 40F. Rosh Chodesh Teves is tonight

- 13 new covid cases in Lakewood +2 deaths totals 7368/224

-Zman Hadlokas ner Chanuka Kminhag Hayeshiva  4:55 should burn until 6:14 pm

-Chasdei Hashem: Rabbi Yitzchock Dwek shlita received a new kidney yesterday B”H the transplant was successful and he is in recovery please continue to daven for Yitzchock Mordechai ben Rose Nizha. The kidney transplant Facilitated by Renewal organization continuing to save lives (Syalerts)

-BDE: Petirah of Reb Binyomin (Benny) Goldstein Z"L 63, Son in law by Rav Mendel Rabinowitz Ztl. He was hospitalized a few weeks ago with health complications. Levaya 10:00 am tomorrow morning in yeshiva Keren hatorah  1083 brook road Lakewood. Kevurah in EY 

  storm should move into NJ Wednesday around 2 p.m., and by 7 p.m  the entire state should be seeing some form of precipitation. The storm will exit Thursday around 2 p.m.Central Jersey could see anywhere between from 2-5 inches of snow. The southern part of the state could see anywhere from 1-3 inches northern and western New Jersey will see 6-12 inches.  

-Food distribution:

-Tashbar 6:00 pm
-Bnos Esther Malka Shabbos Box/ weekday box distribution Today Tuesday (due to impending snow)  6:00-6:30 pm at  488 Old whitesville rd across from Westgate off Central avenue.
 -Yagdil Torah 100 James 1:45 pm
- OTL at SCHI  Due to the possible snowstorm weekly boxes will be given tonight.  7:00 pm Chanuka treat Dreidel for all children 

-Trump: Tremendous problems being found with voting machines. They are so far off it is ridiculous. Able to take a landslide victory and reduce it to a tight loss. This is not what the USA is all about. Law enforcement shielding machines. DO NOT TAMPER, a crime. Much more to come!

- Storm Update: Forecasters again emphasized that where the rain/snow line sets up will make a big difference in how much snow falls in Central Jersey counties. There could be as little as 6 to 8 inches of snow along the Interstate 95 corridor and as much as 12 to 18 inches just 20 miles to the west, the weather service said in its morning forecast discussion. Lakewood is in the 2-3/ 4-6 range while Toms River is 1-2 range since it is further south. The storm is expected to drop at least a foot of snow, with some spots getting up to 24 inches, across much of the northern half of the state along with winds gusting up to 50 mph that could trigger power outages.

-LNN reports on The new Fire Tax  What does this mean for us? A typical new duplex, such as in Oak and Vine, assessed at $560,000, will pay $437 in 2021, a $73 increase over the 2020 tax of $364. An older townhouse which is assessed at $417,900 will pay $326, a $46 increase over the 2020 tax of $280. The budget does not exceed the 2% Property Tax Levy Cap, and therefore, this budget will not require voter approval at the November general election under a new rule passed in 2018.

-Leapfrog report on Hospital safety rankings: Monmouth Medical Center Southern Campus, Lakewood slips from A to B (Fall 2020: B  Fall 2019: A) Jersey Shore University Medical Center, Neptune slips fromA-B (Fall 2020: B Fall 2019: A) Monmouth Medical Center, Long Branch continued to set the standard at the Jersey Shore remaining with A standard (Fall 2020: A Fall 2019: A) APP

-Lakewood school district extends the remote learning option until February 1, 2021, students were due to transition back to in-Person instruction on January 4, 2021. 

- BDE: Rabbi Avraham Wolfson, one of the greatest tomchim of Olam Hatorah was niftar at the age of 70. Son of the late Rabbi Mordechai Zeev Wolfson, founder of the Wolfson Foundation, he lived in Flatbush, New York, where his home was open to Roshei Yeshivah when they came to raise funds for their institutions. About eight months ago, Reb Avraham suffered a heart attack, and a month ago he was hospitalized. His situation deteriorated until this morning when he returned his soul to its Creator .

He left behind his brothers, Rabbi Aharon and Rabbi Moshe Wolfson, and the rest of his family who walk the path of the Torah. His levayah will to take place in Flatbush, after which it will leave for Eretz Yisrael. Yehi zichro baruch(Hamodia)


  1. Liberalism is the total antithesis to Yiddishkiet
    Daven its not over .........

    1. Funny because modern republics are called liberal republics in contrast to the old civic republics like Rome and Carthage.

      As for liberalism, the idea that government is set up to protect life, liberty and property (John Locke) and the idea that government should not interfere in business (Adam Smith) I do not see that as a religious concept or anything political, or how I spend my tax dollars have anything to do with the religion.

      What I do know is that the idea of no dina d'malchua in Eretz Yisroel means that you cannot have taxation without representation. And we find in Chshet Mispat 163 that the seven leaders of the city be voted in by the taxpayers.

      So if anything, liberalism is m'furash.

  2. R Avraham Wolfson was niftar from covid.

    1. No he wasn't. He had a heart attack many months ago and has been very sick since.

  3. The Vaccine is a Chinese plot to control our minds

  4. Breaking
    Custard in Doughnuts may increase your Anti Bodies

    1. Fake News. Custard in doughnuts actually increases your body size, not the antibodies.

    2. :) HE WAS JOKING!!!!

  5. My mail in ballot in NJ is still showing as "Received" but not "Accepted". Does this mean my vote wasn't counted yet?

    1. Maybe it means that your signature did not match your registration card.

  6. Taxes go up and up...and the township committee doesn't care because they will get voted in regardless. And with rising values (that house in Oak/Vine is now $650k), it goes up faster.
    And the BOE raises taxes AND goes deeper in debt because everyone is afraid of the BOE attorney AND THE CRAZY BUILDING OF HOUSES THAT MAKES THE BOE GO DEEPER INTO DEBT!
    Every house that gets built puts the BOE into bigger deficit!

  7. It's over. The electoral college has spoken. Mitch McConnel congratulated the president-elect. It is over. The senator put country above the man.

    Only the wackos are left now. People still talk about the Kennedy assassination as if someone would not have surfaced by now.

    BTW I saw that video with the votes under the table. It was the same thing I saw on live TV. I wondered why they were doing it but I thought, since the luggage had wheels, that is where they kept it. So many people in the room and on live TV and yet still, nut-cases thing that they are sneaking in votes.

    Hats off to all the Republican poll workers who kept country above party, and every other patriot and did their duty in face of threats and verbal attacks.

  8. Ladies and Gentlemen, Don’t ever believe anyone that tells you “cheaters & fraudsters never prosper”. They do indeed, and I’m living proof of it.

    1. You know LBJ was called Landslide Lyndon when he stole the election for Senate from Coke Stevenson. When Hayes "stole" the election from Tilden, they called him Old 8 to 7. Supposedly, there was some trickery with Kennedy.

      However, history takes note. You will be eating your words because THERE IS NOTHING.

      When those elections happened, people knew it at the time. LBJ did some fancy legal maneuvers with Abe Fortis to block opening box 47 until the Texas Democratic Convention. Granny Hayes won because Florida sent in two returns, one carpetbag electors and another Confederate, and a commission was appointed to decide the winner. However, here there is NOTHING.

      I hope all the people, and Dominion, who were slandered sue those who have defamed them. Ridiculous what is going on.
