Thursday, December 10, 2020

Thursday Erev Chanuka 5781 Dec 10 News Updates

Weather: Sunny. High 49F

-Hadlokas Ner Chanukah: shkia 4:31 pm Menorah lighting kminhag Hayeshiva 4:54 pm candles should burn until 6:13 pm

-Kalahri resorts in the Poconos will be closed from Saturday 12/12 - January due to order by PA Governor

-Trump: Tremendous support from all over the Country. All we ask is COURAGE & WISDOM from those that will be making one of the most important decisions in our Country’s history. God bless you!

Harav Yechiel Moskowitz שליט"א will NOT be giving his weekly Parshas Hashavua tonight

-Bnos Melech food Distribution  8:30 pm at 550 James Street. 2 boxes. R&S Channuka box includes Potato Latkes, Sesame Chicken, Dip, Sour Pickles, Salmon, Challah, Cinnamon Buns, Rugelach, Clementines, Mangos, Kiwis, Grape Juice. BGAN box  :Cheese Blintzes, Cheese Latkes, Cheese Cake, Donuts, Mushrooms, Olives, Shredded Cheese, Tater Tots, Peppers, Cheese Pretzels, Garlic Knots, Juice, Bananas

- 44 New Covid cases in Lakewood totals 7214/222

-Trump: How can you give an election to someone who lost the election by hundreds of thousands of legal votes in each of the swing states. How can a country be run by an illegitimate president?

-Gov. Murphy: This year, the first night of Chanukah is bittersweet, also marking the first anniversary of the horrific antisemitic attack in Jersey City. But our message is clear: New Jersey stands with our Jewish community today and every day.

-Lakewood man charged with murder of his three-month-old daughter after police say the baby suffered blunt force trauma injuries from being shaken court records showed that a man with Smith's name and date of birth has three prior convictions (app)

- Trump: Another HISTORIC breakthrough today! Our two GREAT friends Israel and the Kingdom of Morocco have agreed to full diplomatic relations – a massive breakthrough for peace in the Middle East!

-Harav Dovid Merling shlita the rav of Agudah in Montreal, has accepted the position of Rav to  lead the kehila of Rabbi Gissingers shul Khal Zichron Yaakov in Lakewood.

- Holding a cell phone in your car while stopped for a red light could soon be illegal in N.J. under new bill

-Bde: Petira of HaRav Tzvi Elimelech Eckstein ZT”L, a Rebbe for more than 50 years in Mirrer Yeshiva in Flatbush. He was 79. Father of Rav Moshe Yosef and R' Aharon Avner R' Shmuel Dovid , Mrs Gittel Bressler, Mrs. Shoshana Hirsch (Lakewood) Levaya in Lakewood at the chapel 9:15 am followed by kevura in Queens shiva in Lakewood at a country place

-Cookie Corner online ordering shut for Thursday & Friday due to full capacity orders, walk ins welcome
-Choco shoppe: changes were implemented not to run out of donuts as in previous years


  1. There was an intriguing piece in today’s NY Times in which Tim Hu, a law professor at Columbia, argues that it was not checks and balances that saved the republic from authoritarian rule but three factors listed below.

    In Federalist 52 Madison argued that no single faction can take control of the entire nation. That has largely remained true since the national parties are not cohesive factions and largely exist temporarily only for presidential elections. Rather politics historically have been dominated by fifty state Democratic parties and fifty Republican. That can change. A charismatic leader with a cult-like base might emerge in the future to effectively control all fifty state parties so that the checks of federalism against federal power and the checks of Congress against executive power would be largely ineffective. Such cohesiveness behind strong leaders might even transform our election-oriented parties into issue-oriented factions, as in foreign nations, at best one faction with the goal of furthering the policies of the leader own and the other opposing them, at worse, the leader of one suppressing the other. (Hopefully the First Amendment will endure and the justices serving for life whose pay cannot be decreased will not be intimidated.)

    At any rate Mr. Hu argues that the republic was recently saved because: 1) the neutrality of prosecutors, 2) the devotion of the military to our traditions and 3) the integrity of state officials. The third reason is really an attribute of the checks provided by federalism part of which is the independence of the 100 state parties that I argued above. None of the three are written into the Constitution; all of the three are part of our unwritten Constitution.

    1) Prosecutors, despite pressure from the White House, have refused to investigate Biden without reasonable suspicion of a crime. It would have made his chances of winning even if no charges would have been brought. Prosecutors have brough charges against Trump allies.

    2) The military has refused to send troops against American citizens despite Trumps threats. I personally cannot overstress the danger this would have posed to the republic. Secretary of Defense Esper disagreed with the executive and the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs Milley apologized for the infamous photo-op.

    3) The state officials in charge of conducting their elections, despite their party, have remained faithful to their solemn duties and have not allowed themselves to be intimidated to undermine the votes in their states.

    For those of you that disagree, consider what is more important, Trump and his policies, or the foundation of the republic. Is the victory of moment more important than the endurance of our freedom? Protests, riots, not wearing masks, Biden’s election, the Wall, the embassy move, Iran, the tax cut (mine was a increase), all with the exception of the pandemic (the 1918 pandemic is a just sidebar in the textbooks but WWI overshadowed it), likely won’t even fill a half page of an American history textbook but the disintegration of the nation, like the Civil War, will one day fill volumes. Just check out the voluminous space given to the scoundrels Marius, Sulla and Caesar in histories written by the ancient Romans.

  2. no wonder the choco shoppe ran out last year, their stuff is always a cut above the rest! truly amazing and one of a kind

  3. There was an intriguing piece in today’s NY Times in which Tim Hu, a law professor at Columbia, argues that it was not checks and balances that saved the republic from authoritarian rule but three factors listed below.

    In Federalist 52 Madison argued that no single faction can take control of the entire nation. That has largely remained true since the national parties are not cohesive factions and largely exist temporarily only for presidential elections. Rather politics historically have been dominated by fifty state Democratic parties and fifty Republican. That can change. A charismatic leader with a cult-like base might emerge in the future to effectively control all fifty state parties so that the checks of federalism against federal power and the checks of Congress against executive power would be largely ineffective. Such cohesiveness behind strong leaders might even transform our election-oriented parties into issue-oriented factions, as in foreign nations, at best one faction with the goal of furthering the policies of the leader own and the other opposing them, at worse, the leader of one suppressing the other. (Hopefully the First Amendment will endure and the justices serving for life whose pay cannot be decreased will not be intimidated.)

    At any rate Mr. Hu argues that the republic was recently saved because: 1) the neutrality of prosecutors, 2) the devotion of the military to our traditions and 3) the integrity of state officials. The third reason is really an attribute of the checks provided by federalism part of which is the independence of the 100 state parties that I argued above. None of the three are written into the Constitution; all of the three are part of our unwritten Constitution.

    1) Prosecutors, despite pressure from the White House, have refused to investigate Biden without reasonable suspicion of a crime. It would have made his chances of winning even if no charges would have been brought. Prosecutors have brough charges against Trump allies.

    2) The military has refused to send troops against American citizens despite Trumps threats. I personally cannot overstress the danger this would have posed to the republic. Secretary of Defense Esper disagreed with the executive and the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs Milley apologized for the infamous photo-op.

    3) The state officials in charge of conducting their elections, despite their party, have remained faithful to their solemn duties and have not allowed themselves to be intimidated to undermine the votes in their states.

    For those of you that disagree, consider what is more important, Trump and his policies, or the foundation of the republic. Is the victory of moment more important than the endurance of our freedom? Protests, riots, not wearing masks, Biden’s election, the Wall, the embassy move, Iran, the tax cut (mine was a increase), all with the exception of the pandemic (the 1918 pandemic is a just sidebar in the textbooks but WWI overshadowed it), likely won’t even fill a half page of an American history textbook but the disintegration of the nation, like the Civil War, will one day fill volumes. Just check out the voluminous space given to the scoundrels Marius, Sulla and Caesar in histories written by the ancient Romans.

  4. don't forget the fire election tonight, too

  5. When is techilas zman achilas donuts? Kminhag hayeshiva?

    1. Does To'a'meha on erev chanuka apply to donuts ?



  8. The $12-$15 dollar donut is not a real donut. It is a $1 donut with a $10 bucket of cream dumped on top of it. The actual donut itself is not enhanced. There is no mehadrin min hamehadrin to eat chockolate and cream

    1. I don't chap your taynah bichlal!
      It's a hiddur in the donut because it has a $10 bucket of cream on it.

    2. You are absolutely right! It is terrible how they misname the thing a donut!

      I think you should make a robocall all around town, stopping this kind of thing. We need more robocalls here.

  9. That depends if you hold that the Hiddur needs to be in the Cheftza of the donut or if it's also in the Maase Achila.

    1. lemaise, the achilo of the etzem donut atzmo is done more letayovon. (also maybe the cream is like the charoses, just wondering)

  10. Israel is making peace with a bunch of countries with whom they don't have any conflicts. Great work Trump! Do you know where Morroco is on the map?

    1. There we no formal ties, and now there are. That is peace.

  11. I did tshuva. Now what?
