Monday, December 7, 2020

Monday Dec 7 News Updates Lakewood

 Weather: Considerable clouds early. High 42F low of 26 tonight

- 22 new covid cases in Lakewood totals 7107/221

Sidney Powell says there should be "at least three states before the Supreme Court with enough electoral votes to change the outcome before the end of the week.”

-Large hafgana on Bar Ilan street in Yerushalayim as the city begins work  for the light rail train to pass thru the frum neighborhoods

-Trump to reporters on voter fraud: “I think the case has been made, And now we find out what we can do about it. But you’ll see a lot of big things happening over the next couple of days.

-Trump: The Republican Governor of Georgia refuses to do signature verification, which would give us an easy win. What’s wrong with this guy? What is he hiding?

-Sidney Powell plans to appeal the dismissal of the Georgia lawsuit issued earlier today, with the ultimate goal of getting the case before the U.S. Supreme Court.

-Ted Cruz: If  SCOTUS grants cert in the PA election case, I have told the petitioners I will stand ready to present the oral argument.

-Israel: Corona Cabinet votes to impose a nightly curfew starting the first night of Chanuka to last for 2-3 weeks begining from 6:00 pm- 5:00 pm people will be restricted to a certain distance from their homes. 

- Hespeidim marking the shloshiom of Hagaon Rav Dovid Feinstein zt”l  will take place tomorrow  at Mesivta Tiferes Yerushalayim 2:00pm divrei hesped by The Satmar Rebbe Rav Zalman Leib Teitelbaum, Harav Dovid Schustal R"Y BMG, Reb Yosef Tabak mekurav to the R"Y, Rav Eliezer Chait a Talmid of the RY. the event will also be live streamed Here

-Murphy: The upcoming days will be “quite telling” whether or not New Jersey will face a surge in new cases of the coronavirus tied to Thanksgiving gatherings

-Satmar Dayan, Rebbe Yisrael Chaim Menashe Friedman z”l passes away at age 94 he was the Raavad in Satmar under the leadership of  the Rebbe Harav Zalman Leib Teitelbaum, shlita

-Youtuber profiles Chaveirim organization in frum communities HERE

-NJ Starting today Monday, outdoor gatherings will be limited to 25 people. There are exceptions for religious or political activities, as well as for funerals, memorial services and wedding ceremonies. separate groups who are dining outdoors at restaurants do not constitute a single ‘gathering.

-Chanuka at American Dream water park Mens hours  Motzei shabbos /Sunday 7:00 pm -10:30 pm women's hours Monday Dec 14 from 5:00 pm - 9:00 pm $89 a ticket book Here

- Kosher Today- Stores in Lakewood and Monsey say they expect to do at least 80% of their annual Chanukah sales for such items as doughnuts and latkes. One retailer said that the return to normalcy has been a painfully slow process as shoppers continue to do on-line shopping and some still avoid in-store shopping. While there may be a drop in sales of the traditional foods, the stores are fully stocked on such basic Chanukah items as dreidels, oil, and candles. Mostly, the stores expect the biggest impact to be on Chanukah parties. KT

Zoning Board to consider major development off Route 9

LNN: - Lakewood Township's Zoning Board is scheduled this Monday night to hear an application for a new development off Route 9 southbound, south of Cedar Court. The current application is for a bifurcated use variance only. If approved by the board, the applicant will need to return to the board for site plan approval before being permitted to build. The use variance is to build up to 14 duplexes (28 residential units) on 8,500 sq feet lots, 1 single-family home on a 9,775 square foot parcel, and a 2-story office building on a 17,000 square foot parcel. Additionally, an existing dwelling located near the Route 9 property frontage would be incorporated and reused into a future 13,354 sq foot property including a synagogue and day care use (with parking). The residential use associated with this existing dwelling would be relocated to a proposed new single-family dwelling. The property is approximately 6 acres in size. Access will be through a new cul-de-sac on Route 9. Right and left turn exit lanes onto Route 9 are proposed. Additionally, a 20 foot wide emergency access drive will provide secondary access onto Cedar Court.


  1. I can't believe any building is still being approved in Lakewood, but to even consider a development on Route 9 is insane!!! Please do not approve!

  2. Unfortunately with the laws on the books written and approved by the township committee, there isn't much you can do to stop the building in general. As to how much theysqeeze in, that you can fight. But again, being online and people can't come in to object, there has been an uptick in applications not seen in a few years. And for some reason, we are the only township that town hall is still closed! Makes one wonder!

  3. What about the crazy application requesting a variance to build a bunch of townhouses at the corner of Somerset & E. Seventh? That’s already a super busy intersection right by the public middle school & high school. There is no way that should be approved. The developer can make plenty of money even of he builds what he’s entitled too. The town shouldn’t not have to suffer in perpetuity just so some greedy developer makes a ton of money by building 4 tomes more than allowed at everyone else’s expense!

    1. Application @ 4162 wants to change the zone on that corner to permit 14 duplexes where that type of building is currently forbidden. Their proposal is to basically make 28 townhomes. With the basement apartments it will become 56 residences. Multiply that by 2 cars per residence and you get another 112 cars at that already busy intersection. Are these people crazy?!

    2. I'm very happy that Application # 4162 for 14 duplexes was denied. It had zero merits and would've devastated the neighborhood. The developer was probably some young wheeling-dealing investor in Monsey living on a private estate that could care less about ruining the quality of life for the residents of Lakewood. The Board made the right decision tonight. Bravo!

  4. Don't hold your breath, it will all be approved.
    How many parking spots will the office building have?

  5. That's going to make make traffic even worse. Is the zoning board crazy or what?

  6. People need hoses to live in if theres no construction theres no housing

    1. There are plenty of houses elsewhere. They don’t have to sit on our heads, and make it impossible to drive anywhere

    2. there are other places in the world besides lakewood where people can live.

    3. There is no point in people living here, if there is nor room for cars to move anywhere. The 9 is a parking lot most of the time.

  7. We need someone like trump and powell to come in to Lakewood and pull this place apart and figure out all this corruption.

  8. You are correct people need houses to live in but if there aint room don't build and squeeze in more houses. This is insanity at it's best. The traffic in this town is horrendous to say the least which impedes on the quality of life. There are housea outside of lakewood to be bought and live in
    Whether its TR, Jackson, Howell or anywhere else in the world. The building in Lakewood has to come to an end enough is enough. Builders please find other places to make $$$$.

  9. Why vent here when u can find out the time and place of the meeting and come down with 25 people to express your (free given right) opinion regarding the proposed project

    1. Place? It's all online and questions / comments may or may not be heard!

    2. Because they only have virtual meetings at this time.Our municipal building is still closed.

    3. The zoning board is shut down for public attendance due to the "covid" excuse. I know lots of people who sent in email comments, but the secretary didn't see it or "forgot" to read them into the record. Our local government is not being run fairly.

    4. Why don’t you hire the same lawyer that was hired by people a number of years ago to oppose a Shul? He’s super talented at getting things not approved ... for a fee of course

    5. What's that lawyer's name

    6. I have no idea. B”H I wasn’t involved in hiring him. Ask some of the people who were involved - I’m sure they’ll be thrilled to help you.

  10. Any food Distribution today in Lakewood?

    1. Yes Hashem is giving
      פותח את ידיך ומשביע לכל חי רצון

    2. Usually there aren't on Monday. There's usually 2 on Tuesday - 180 sims and at Tashbar, wednesday at schi, thursday bnos yaakov, gelbsteins, belz & klausenberg

  11. Just what we need, another 65 cars blocking southbound traffic while they try making a left turn to head north. Insane!!!

  12. There is no evidence whatsoever that building causes traffic. Where's the evidence??? This has been debunked again and again by the mainstream media.

    1. It's also been debunked by the town engineer.
      They hold hearings because they're required to by law, but in reality the developer knows going in the outcome.
      The new excuse is that the new Vermont openings will relieve all our traffic problems.

    2. Right, people who live in all the houses don't cause traffic, its the cars that cause traffic! What a bunch of corrupt liars in our local government. Someone, in addition to the developers, is making money off of this insanity. Otherwise, how could any normal person approve more unplanned, ugly development in this town?

  13. Trump is like the kid who cried wolf. He keeps on telling us that tomorrow something big is going to happen, and then tomorrow arrives, and nothing big happens.

  14. There is nothing Trump can do to undermine our democracy. Should one of his stooges in Congress object to the electors in his state (you need one from the state in the House and one in the Senate) the BOTH the House and Senate must vote within two hours whether to accept the electors of invalidate them. That could bring the election to the House were each state delegation gets one vote and he will win.

    Alas, the House is majority Democrat so it cannot happen. Could you imagine had the Republican won the House and they tried that? What is more important, the nation or the man? Thank goodness it won't happen, not so much as to stop Trump, but so as not to set the terrible precedent.

  15. How do you get a case to the US Supreme Court? The federal government does not have jurisdiction over state elections. Article I provides jurisdiction for Congressional elections, but under the Constitution, the states select the electors and the legislatures decided to have elections on the same day Congress has its elections. The only was to get to the Supreme Court is on some bogus equal protection complaint or something something like it did in Bush v Gore saying a kruma s'vara that Florida, when its legislature gave the vote to the people, it's da'as was to have everything done by when electors' votes had to be sent to Congress. Somehow they made it into a federal issue but I doubt seriously Roberts will let him Court go down the disgraceful path and delegitimate itself by meddling into an election again, particularly when federal jurisdiction is so questionable.
