Sunday, December 6, 2020

At Any Hour - Harav Shlomo Gissinger

At Any Hour - Harav Shlomo Gissinger now available from Artscroll  with over 500 pages.
How one rav impacted individuals, families and generations. Rav Shlomo Gissinger was a man with a passionate love for Hashem, for His Torah, and for His people, available to everyone, attentive to their needs, extraordinarily sensitive to their feelings. At Any Hour: Harav Shlomo Gissinger is not a traditional chronological biography. Rather, it is a collection of unforgettable stories based on the recollections and impressions of those who knew him, loved him, and, of course, turned to him for wise advice and help. In story after story At Any Hour: Harav Shlomo Gissinger shows us just how great a person, can be. More: It shows us how we, too, can aspire - one step at a time - to becoming the very best that we can be.
A Small Preview of what an Incredible Person Rav Gissinger zt"l was

1 comment:

  1. Anyone who want to see that 1962 yearbook which Reb Pesach Krohn talks about can see it on Torah Vodaath website where they have all their yearbooks from 1941-1978

    Rav Elya Svei is 1941

    Rav Yerucham Olshin is 1960
