Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Letter from Ezra Le'Marpeh on Corona Vaccine

Letter from Rabbi Elimelech Firrer of Ezra Lemarpeh in Eretz Yisrael regarding those who asked about getting the covvid19 vaccine. He writes that after doing research and consulting with gedolei yisrael he came to the conclusion that those who are able to be vaccinated it is the proper thing to do. Those who suffer from allergies shouldconsult with their doctor and get the shot under their watch, anyone under 16 should not be vaccinated at this point and time. The letter does not state that it is mandatory.
 see letter below



  1. Note his warning for mothers as well.

  2. He is an extreme pro vaxxer and cannot be trusted.
    In the past he has pushed vaxxes that the gedolim were against so he cannot be trusted.

    1. So 'gedolim' are only to be trusted if they agree with you. Nice.

    2. Name one vaccine that the gedolim he names are against. You can say you are following certain gedolim in America who may be against certain vaccines but not sure why that means he is lying.

    3. Rav Aron leib and Rav chaim Kanievsky of against vaccines and most people in e”y know that.

    4. That's not true. Stop spreading sheker.

  3. Not sure your hashkafa, but if the gedolim say something is "nachon" to do then bnei torah should do that. You can say you have different daas torah, but not that we arent obligated to follow daas torah.

    1. What I’m saying is he cannot be trusted because in the past he has gone against r chaim kanievsky and r Aron leib who ruled that shots are dangerous and shev val taase - hence he doesn’t care what daas torah says. So now I do not trust him that the gedolim hold to take the shot.

    2. Just you saying something, doesn’t make it so.

  4. This is an absolute lie!
    Reb Shimon Brecher z"l told me that he heard clearly from Reb Chaim that people should vaccinate their children. There is a video recording in Lakewood where a Menahel asked Reb Chaim if he can exclude children who were not vaccinated and Reb Chaim said yes.
    Rav Elyashiv paskened that one does not need to exclude children whose parents don't vaccinate them, because the children should just be vaccinated against their parents' will. Yes, he does not believe that parents can do what they want to their children, they should be taken and vaccinated.

    Some (im)poster is coming to Hefkervelt to spread lies about our Gedolim. Unless he means his Gadol - Del Bigtree himself.

    1. It is well known that the rabbonim of lakewood asked this very question to Rav chaim Kanievsky and he ruled it is forbidden to not allow a non vaxxed to come to school. There are many letters signed by those rabbonim attesting to this. You are saying over a shmua while saying there is a video that no one saw...
      Anyways this is a new vax with potential to cause great harm. If you want to take the shot go ahead and do it. But don’t tell me that the gedolim support it when clearly they don’t.

    2. In that very letter they quote another letter, which says the opposite of the first letter
      Reb Shimon is more believed on Reb Chaim's opinion than any letter writer. If Reb Chaim would have held differently, Reb Shimon would have changed his mind. He did not pick and choose Gedolim.

      But even according to your 'letter', Reb Chaim was never against vaccination. It isn't true at all.
      Reb Chaim is telling people to take the shot, he doesn't agree with the Gedolim you are dropping.

    3. Rav chaim didn’t tell anyone to take the shot; or any shots. I bet you to come out with audio or video of him telling anyone to take any shot....
      the letter that firrer put out was not seen by Rav chaim and proof of that is that he didn’t even spell Rav Chaim’s name correctly

    4. Nobody said he saw the letter.
      People who ask Reb Chaim privately are being told to take the shot.

      Reb Chaim has never told people not to take any shot, and nobody is even claiming that he did. Reb Shimon Brecher told me very clearly that Reb Chaim said to take shots. Ask his family if they were vaccinated. You can rest assured that if Reb Chaim paskened not to take a shot, they would not be vaccinated. There is a video in Lakewood of Reb Chaim, but the owner is not willing to release it, merely to show it in his house. Neither did Rav Shteinman ever say a thing like that.
      Until someone who is truth challenged (a general feature of anti-vaxxers) came to the comments on Hefkervelt.

    5. You keep on making up same stuff
