Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Trump Special Message on Covid Relief Bill

Trump tells congress to increase the check to Americans from $600 to $2,000. Pelosi agrees.

Trump tells congress to strip the pork out of the covid bill or he will veto it and the next administration will pass the bill..and that may be me he ssid


  1. Dont you get it? Trump does not care. He can say whatever he wants but when it comes to action he actually does nothing. He is the total opposite of Emor me'at v'aseh harbeh. He took zero steps to get a bill passed has never even spoken about it and then after people work to get an agreement he bashes it. The man is so fake and full of sheker it pains me. The chances of him vetoing are zero. What a pathetic human being and even more sad that so many in our kehilla think he has any substance to him.

    1. If you his book The Art of the Deal, you'll understand the way he works and thinks. He's a master negotiator and usually gets what he wants in negotiations. We know it, but the libtards are so mad they refuse to even try to understand him.

    2. you wrote that "it pains you" that some eino yehudi in washngton is not honest.

      what should pain us as yiden is achainu bnei Yisroel in local goverment positions are being disonest to the klal in the name of daas torah.
      what pains us on a daily basis is their ramous, chillul hashem, gnaiva, sheker, chanufa, gezel zman. matil aima al hatzibur.

    3. Trump is the king. The liberal democrats hate that, and many clearly suffer from TDS (Trump Derangement Syndrome).

  2. That's where all the $ will go to under Biden (NOT TO YESHIVAS )
    SHHH go back to sleep -
