Monday, December 28, 2020

Audio: Hashkafa Q& A by Rav Gershon Ribner Shlita
Navigating the travail of applying to schools in Lakewood

Someone placed himself in my seat for davening

Steep price for comments saturated with depreciation and irreverence


  1. Schools can be judged by one thing. You have no idea what your child will be, you don't know what you need from the school. Some children will be successful anywhere. But it is those who need help, even a little help, that the school will make a difference.
    You need to ask one question - what does the school do when there is a problem? Some schools do better, some worse. But that is the true question.
    Another issue is that many schools have better staff for the younger grades, about which people ask more. Find out information about the older grades, don't just ask your young friends about their experiences.
    Some schools use expulsion as a discipline method. Keep as far away from them as possible.
    Many issues that are relatively small at the beginning, can morph into major ones later on in the life of a child. Find out if the school is aware of this, regarding behavior, kriah, social skills etc.
    On that topic, social skills is much more important than anything else, including learning. Someone who is missing social skills will never really know how to learn. Be on top of that.
    Ignore shitos, the only thing to look at is 'does their method work'.

  2. Regarding making kavua, it is daled amos. So another option is to just go to the next seat, or in front or behind if it is available.
