Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Planning Board Meeting

 Lakewood Planning board virtual  meeting Tuesday 12/22 at 6:00 pm

- Agenda Here  
-Live stream Here
SD 2464 Lakewood Municipal Utilities Authority
    New Hampshire Avenue  Block 563 & 549.02, Lots 1 & 1 
Courtesy Review of a Minor Subdivision and Site Plan 
2.  SD 2456 104 Caranetta, LLC
    104, 120 Caranetta Avenue  Block 86, Lots 11.01, 11.02, & 12.01 
Minor Subdivision to adjust lot lines 
3.  SD 2458 Orview Investments, LLC
    726 Marlin Ave & 727 Albert Ave  Block 1159.01, Lots 20 & 22 
Minor Subdivision to create 3 lots 
4.  SP 2395 Meoros Bais Yaakov Inc
    Rockaway Avenue  Block 1143 & 1150, Lots 1 & 1 
Preliminary & Final Major Site Plan for a school

To submit written comments, before or during the meeting, comments can be emailed to 
planningboardcomments@lakewoodnj.gov. You must include your name and address in 
your submission. The Board will review the questions and comments and address them as 
3. To join the live meetings using audio and video capabilities for verbal public 
comment, visit https://lakewoodnj.webex.com/meet/lakewoodplanningboard Click Open 
Cisco Webex Meetings if you see a message from your browser or Join from your 
a. SMART DEVICE / COMPUTER you must type a request to the Meeting 
Organizer via the “Chat” feature in the app by stating ONLY your Name and 
Address for the record by smart device or computer. The Board Chairperson will 
then acknowledge you when it is your turn to speak. The “Chat” feature should only 
be used to indicate your desire to participate in the Public Comment/Question 
portions of the meeting. NO COMMENTS OR QUESTIONS PLACED IN THE 
4. To join the live meetings using audio capabilities for verbal public comment, dial 1-
408-418-9388. When asked for the meeting number, enter 798 023 744. 
a. PHONE ONLY once all chat requests are complete the Board Chair will ask 
phone participants to state their name and address ONLY and then acknowledge 
each one when it is their turn to speak. 


  1. https://firstamendmentactivist.blogspot.com/2020/12/exposing-school-simcha-hall-scheme.html

  2. From Faa website tonight’s Planning Board Agenda, on the Public Hearing portion, an applicant seeks approval to construct a girl’s school with a ballroom.

    The fact is that this supposed “ballroom” is actually a huge “Wedding Hall” aka Banquet Hall, available for rental every single night. The building plans show a Chuppah Room, Kabbolas Panim Room, Family Rooms, Simcha Hall Lobby, Wedding Meals & Dance Room aka “ballroom”, Simcha Hall Kitchen, etc., totaling an over 30,000 square foot facility. This entire underground area is totally separated from the actual school facility operations on the upper floors.....

    Since when are chasunah halls not zoned for Oak street

    1. Shhh dont tell anyone they are not zoned for Oak Street, Problem is in this town first its chasuna halls then before you know it the township will allow dormitories in residential areas... We wont be able to say NIMBY.
      This hefervelt with schools needs to stop. Someone please protect the taxpayers...

  3. At last night's Planning Board hearing, the Meoros Bais Yaakov School & Banquet Hall application was represented by the planner Brian Flannery. He kept dancing around the question of how big the Simcha Hall was. At first, he claimed it was only 12,000 square feet, and Mr. Herzl was eager to accept that as fact. He later changed his mind and said it was no more than 18,000 square feet.

    Apparently, the paid professional planner forgot how to do simple math. Following are the square footage numbers. Why is it so hard for the applicant to be honest? What's he trying to hide??

    Ballroom/Wedding Meals & Dance Room (12,083 SF)
    + Chuppah Room (3,871 SF)
    + Simcha Hall Lobby (3,758 SF)
    + Simcha Hall Kitchen (2,048 SF)
    + Family Rooms (1,936 SF)
    + Kabbolas Panim Room (1,878 SF)
    + Simcha Hall Restrooms (1,719 SF)
    + Staging area (524 SF)
    = TOTAL 27,293 SF

    The bigger question is how the township's own taxpayer-paid engineer totally ignored the glaring mis-truths presented by the applicant in order to get an approval? Perhaps it's time for a change..
