Sunday, December 27, 2020

Sunday December 27 News Updates

weather: Sunshine and a few clouds. High 37F

-Satmar Rebbe Rav Zalman Leib tests positive for covid19 he is at home with mild symptoms יקותיאל יהודה בן פעסל לאה שליט"א לרפואה שלימה

-Trump tweets Good news on Covid Relief Bill. Information to follow. He signed the bill currently with $600 per adult but tomorrow The Senate will start the process for a vote that increases checks to $2,000, repeals Section 230. So a family of 4 will receive $5,200

-39 new covid cases in Lakewood totals 7978/225

-Shiva for Mr. Jason Klein Z"L Los Angeles/Lakewood will be at 150 Hadassah lane starting Monday night- Thursday morning

Trump tweets 5:51 pm: See you in Washington, DC, on January 6th. Don’t miss it. Information to follow!

-Not the Chofetz Chaim? last week a picture surfaced in the frum media claiming to be a rare picture of the Chofetz Chaim. In an interview with Kol Mevaser in yiddish Harav Yisrael Meir Zaks  shlita an einikel  said that he discused the photo with the extended family both in the US and Israel and the consensus is, that it is not the chofetz chaim perhaps it is the Rogatchover gaon in the picture. He said the casketel (Hat) in the picture is too high than what the chofetz chaim actualy wore and he has that casketel in his possession. The interviewer said he spoke to a talmid of the Chofetz Chaim in Lakewood Harav Winkler shlilta who saw the chofetz chaim 2 weeks before his petira and said that it looks like the chofetz chaim but at a younger age not the way he saw him. 

-Bingo the Ecco shoes are back $72.99 a pair 
-BDE: Petira of Rebbitzen Aviva Weisbord, a”h, the wife of ybl”c Harav Beryl Weisbord, shlita, Mashgiach of Yeshiva Ner Yisrael of Baltimore. Rebbitzen Weisbord was the daughter of Harav Shmuel Yaakov Weinberg, zt”l and granddaughter of Harav Yaakov Yitzchak Ruderman, zt”l, Roshei Yeshiva of Yeshiva Ner Yisrael. Rabbitzen Weisbord was recently stricken by COVID and passed away on Shabbos .The levayah is scheduled for Sunday morning outdoors on the campus of the yeshiva.(Hamodia
- CDC people with weakened immune systems due to other illnesses or medication may also receive a COVID-19 vaccine, but they should be aware that limited safety data is available on the effects of the vaccines on these individuals.
-State police in Lakewood this morning along route 9
- Beginning at 5 PM today  December 27th, Israel will enter a 3rd lockdown. This period will continue for at least the next two weeks. Up to 10 people may gather inside a shul or 20 people may pray together in an open area 
 -The Orthodox Union, put out a document endorsed by Orthodox Jewish legal authorities urging Orthodox Jews to vaccinate. “It is not a task that we are undertaking to try to convince the anti-vaccine movement,” said Rabbi Moshe Hauer, the O.U.’s executive vice president. “We’re not going to expend efforts to change their mind. We’re going to do positive education to the vast, vast majority of our community that seeks solid, grounded public health guidance.” 
-BMG updating security system at its dormatory facilities requiring all bochurim to submit a fingerprint upon entering the buildings(Matzav)
-Be aware that this round ( if approved) PPP is not for all Q. If I already got a PPP loan, can I apply again? Yes: Under the new COVID relief package, the new program provides for a second PPP loan of up to $2 million for smaller, harder-hit businesses that: Have no more than 300 employees. Demonstrate a loss of 25 percent of gross receipts in any quarter during 2020 when compared to the same quarter in 2019. Have used the full amount of their first PPP before a second loan is disbursed. (Submited)


  1. It is obvious that it isn't the Chafetz Chaim, besides for the fact that his hat is too tall this person also doesn't have the thick Peyos clearly seen in the famous video, and the beard of this person is also much longer. Also, the person in the photograph looks overall more broad and "robust" if we can say, whereas the Chafetz Chaim was more "slight" and frail in his old age as seen in the video.keep in mind that the video was from the Kennesia Gedolah which took place in 1923 - 9 years before his Petirah. And already then he looked older than the person in this photo. So most probably is just isn't him. In order to say it would be him we would have to assume the photo is from circa 1915 or earlier, and that his features changed dramatically, which is highly unlikely.

  2. State police in Lakewood this morning along route 9

    Not just Route 9. I saw a few people pulled over in Kikar Shabbos area this morning.Be careful.

  3. I doubt it is the CC either but the Zaks family who it alive today never saw the CC either and presumably have no either pictures that aren't famous. What makes them experts?
