Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Tuesday December 8 News Updates Lakewood

Weather: Cloudy early, becoming mostly sunny this afternoon. High 39F
 Flurries this morning in Lakewood

-Reminder Parents will be eligible for more meals since schools are off because of chanukah vacation
-Food Distribution at:
Yesodei OTL Chanukah box
 Mekor Hatorah 180 Sims 6:30 pm
Tashbar 6:30 pm 
(Box includes Fresh Salmon Jalapeno Herring Pizza Cheese 2 pack Pizza Dough Pizza Sauce Potatoes Cruster's Potato Knishes Strawberry Shortcake Box of Pas Donuts Stern's Egg Kichel Dried Mango Apple Sauce Bag of Taffies Chocolate Milk)
-Meoros  BY 6:45

-35 new covid cases in Lakewood totals 7142/220

Updated: SCOTUS gives PA/MI/GA/WI until Thursday 3pm to file a response to TX filing.
- The US Supreme Court has rejected  the  Mike Kelly  case in a bid to reverse Biden’s Pennsylvania win. but places the Texas case on the docket challenging Biden victories in a few states. It may be because the texas case will deal with the same issues and presents more states. 
-Under a new proposed bill, New York City residents would be required to pay a $3 surcharge on packages they ordered online, with the exception for medicine and food. the online shopping fee would raise more than $1 billion a year "to fund the operating costs of buses and subways in the city of New York."

- LDC meeting today 4:30 pm watch live Here see agenda here discussing  LSTA outstanding loan  balance of $900K
- N.J. reports 5,820 new COVID-19 cases second highest on record and , 90 deaths as Thanksgiving infections push second wave surge
-Following yesterdays Levaya, NYC Mayor DeBlasio is threatening Satmar that he will close down the building if there will be another inappropriate large event.

-Lang  Lakewood funding lawsuit update.  The Court responded that the judge is working on the file.
-LPD: Free Gunlock Giveaway today 10am - 2pm at the Fire Station 733 Cedarbridge Ave 
- At zoning meeting last night see ful video replay Here  Board approved new development with a cul-de-sac off Route 9 south of Cedar Court  28 duplex units, office building and shul / day care building and single home. Board Denied variance request to build up to 14 duplex lots on the corner of Somerset Avenue and East 7th Street. 
- Hespeidim marking the shloshiom of Hagaon Rav Dovid Feinstein zt”l today at Mesivta Tiferes Yerushalayim 2:00pm divrei hesped by The Satmar Rebbe Rav Zalman Leib Teitelbaum, Harav Dovid Schustal R"Y BMG, Reb Yosef Tabak mekurav to the R"Y, Rav Eliezer Chait a Talmid of the RY. the event will also be live streamed Here

-Kayleigh McEnany: The state of Texas has sued Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania & Wisconsin over election irregularities! This means Texas will have original jurisdiction to go directly to the Supreme Court.


  1. People get upset about the board approving more irresponsible building, but then when the next elections comes, the Lakewood sheep reelect the same board members. These officials know they can do whatever they want in Lakewood with impunity. So why should they avoid lining their pockets meanwhile?

    1. Because no credible candidate stands against them. So those who don't like them, don't vote. And only those who like them go to the polls.
      Put up a decent candidate, with an actual plan. Let him publicize his manifesto, something more than 'stop the building', and actually campaign in person. Online is useless.

    2. These members are appointed, not elected. They don't answer to the public, they answer to the elected officials, and this enables them to protect their related interests via a proxy while claiming they are impartial.

  2. Paxton suit is even crazier than anything we have seen. When are judges going to cite these lawyers with sanctions for abusing the courts? What is the standing of Texas to be affected what the legislature of another state does? Just like if some Republican state overturned its election and the legislature appointed different elector, it would be a matter for that state's court. A Confederate State at that! Running and crying to the US federal court! States can do what they want even when electing a president. The US Supreme Court is NEVER going to get involve in this disgraceful nonsense.

    No proof of fraud, no standing, no sense of patriotism.

    Friends, like election is not so important. It will be a footnote in the history books. What is important is preservation of the republic. If this is the future of our elections, we will be in trouble very soon.

    1. You clearly didn't read the suit.

  3. The whole stop the building campaign, as much as I support it,was a failure from the start. There is available land to build on, people want to buy in Lakewood as opposed to the surrounding towns. The developers are a lot more motivated, well funded and connected than any community activists as energetic and committed as they may be.
    We need to come to terms with the fact that Lakewood is not the small town anymore that it was 50, 40 or 30 years ago. Those days are gone and they're not coming back. We need to start thinking about Lakewood in terms of a city, building and expanding roads should be a priority of any community activism. Even if it might mean raising taxes, people won't mind if the actually see a benefit from it.
    But the stop the building campaign is a waste of time and energy

    1. so you're basically admitting that since we allowed these developers make a handsome profit stuffing our town with untold construction projects enabled by crazy and unjustified variances and unwarranted reconfigurations of the master plan - that now we have to raise our taxes even more to build new expensive infrastructure to handle all this non-stop building so we can try to live normal lives. How is this fair? Why shouldn't people be outraged at those that enabled this expensive mess we're stuck with?!

    2. You are making my point.
      We need a valid manifesto, a serious plan. The first thing we need is, NO MOR CUL-DE-SACS. The cul-de-sacs are the bane of our roads. They should open up every development on Prospect, on Pine, on Route 9 and elsewhere, that they should have to go through to another road. That way the traffic situation will be considerably alleviated. And they certainly should not approve any more of them. As well as on Cross street.

    3. who is it helping except people coming from Brooklyn?

    4. If corrupt politicians approved developments that were unsustainable to the current road infrastructure, that is a fact of life and is not going away.
      There is just too much motivation on the part of the developers to get them passed.
      Anything about stop the building is useless. We need to face the reality that building is not going away and we need to plan our roads accordingly. Raising taxes is the only way forward, unfortunately. And let's face it, the overwhelming majority of this town benefited from this ridiculous overbuilding by buying those very houses.

    5. Stop the lie that these are Brooklyn moving here. Not True. Much of the development are for young couples moving up from basements. Most of the construction is NOT supporting a Brooklyn exodus. The growth in this town is fueled by young couples who stay in Lakewood after leaving yeshiva. This has been a steady rise for years now.

    6. Really?
      Belz, Satmar 1, 2, 3, Oak Vine, Vinitz. These are all from BMG talmidim who moved out of basements.
      Who are you trying to fool?

    7. Lies. No young couple moving out of a basement could afford to buy in Lakewood. They are all moving to Jackson Manchester Toms River. The new construction is mostly for Brooklynites.

  4. How about this?


  5. Tachlis who has the most expensive chanuka donuts this year

  6. Amazing how people have no shame to lie outright that young kollel guys are buying new construction in lakewood. They are moving out because lkwd is unaffordable the chasidim are building for their kehilos the litvaks were priced out

  7. what schools do weekly boxes for kids out of school?

    1. Bnos yaakov tomorrow at 3 in pine Park

  8. Moderator

    Are you saying that the supreme court confirmed they will take on the texas lawsuit? Please provide a source or link
