Wednesday, December 2, 2020

Tefillos for Harav Aaron Chodosh

Update: Baruch Dayan Haemes Petira of the Mashgiach Harav Aaron Chodosh  Zatzal HERE
Levaya will take place at the Mir yeshiva tomorrow
Yeshiva Mir Yerushalayim
The medical condition of our beloved Mashgiach Hagaon Harav Aaron Dovid ben Tzivia Leah has unfortunately become much more serious.We are asking all alumni and friends of the Yeshiva
to join with us in storming the heavens with increased Torah and Tefilah and in the zechus of the Limud haTorah and Tefilas Rabim may HKBH send him a refuah shelaima, besoch she’ar cholei amo Yisroel. 

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