Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Israel At War May 1

 Israel at war day 208

-Netanyahu tells Blinken that if Hamas continues to demand an end to the war, the military will launch an offensive in Rafah and there will be no truce deal.

- Giyus Update: State tells High Court Government plans to draft charedim within 'immediate time frame' but it needs several more weeks to write up Haredi draft plan. Yair Lapid calls on the government to “stop wasting time and recruit the charedim immediately,” 

- 2 more IDF soldiers killed in Gaza, as a result of friendly fire accident. Bringing Gaza operation death toll to 263
Ido Aviv, 28, from Karmiel.q
Kalkidan Meharim 37, from Petah Tikva.

- Lag Baomer in Miron is likely to be closed this year if there's no changes due to thr current situation and Hezbollah rocket attacks on the mountain. Authorities may allow the annual lighting to take place with the Boyaner rebbe with only a handful of people.

-Netanyahu says Israel will invade Rafah with or without a hostage deal

- CBS News reports that the Biden administration is considering giving "permanent safe haven in the U.S." to Palestinian refugees, which includes many Hamas family members, because no other middle eastern country is ready to host them. 

- Senior Israeli Officials stated that they have Reduced the number of Hostages that Hamas must Release for a 40-Day Ceasefire Deal from 40 to 33 due to the likelihood that less than 40 of the over 130 Hostages are still Alive in the Gaza Strip; U.S. Secretary of State, Antony Blinken said following this that the Israeli Proposal is Extraordinarily Generous with Hamas being the only Side that is preventing a Deal.

- United  airlines early flight 84 from Newark-Tel Aviv is now canceled through 5/6 and return flight 85 is now canceled through 5/7. United late flight 90 from Newark-Tel Aviv is now canceled through 5/24 and return flight 91 is now canceled through 5/25.(Dansdeals)


  1. Why not demand bodies of hostages?
    And other hostages whose capture predates Shmini Atzeret, most of them by several years.

  2. Male hostages are oddly valued less by the secular.It even infiltrates the religious
