Friday, May 24, 2024

Friday May 24 News Updates Lakewood

Friday, May 24, 2024 / ט״ז אייר תשפ״ד
ערב שבת פרשת בהר
Candle lighting 7:56pm
Shkiah/Sunset 8:14pm

Weather: 86° Sunshine and clouds mixed. A stray afternoon thunderstorm is possible. 
Shabbos day hi of 80, motzei shabbos Lag Baomer overcast later at night

- The Bais Hachaim in Deans,NJ will be open all night from Motzei shabbos through Sunday evening as tens of thousands expected to visit the kever of previous Bobover rebbe Rav Naftoli Halberstam ZTL on Lag Baomer

-Linden N.J. mayor opposed hiring Jews, warned of ‘guys in big hats and curls’ in secretly recorded meeting, suit claims Linden Mayor Derek Armstead questioned who was being considered for positions in the school system. He called for local residents to have the first crack at jobs and keeping the city from "being taken over by guys with big hats and curls,” referring to Linden's growing Orthodox Jewish community 

- Trump says Nikki Haley will be on his team "Well, I think she's gonna be on our team because we have a lot of the same ideas, the same thoughts.I appreciated what she said; you know, we had a nasty campaign. It was pretty nasty. But she's a very capable person, and I'm sure she's gonna be on our team in some form. Absolutely."

- A 2.9 magnitude earthquake centered in Somerset County early Friday morning took place about 3:50 a.m. about 3.7 miles west-southwest of Gladstone, the U.S. Geological Survey said. No damage has been reported. Light shaking from the earthquake was felt as far away as Sussex and Passaic counties to the north and in the Trenton area and Staten Island, New York, according to the USGS.

- Putin says he’s ready to halt the war in Ukraine with a negotiated ceasefire.

- LPD checkpoint on Rt 9bin Lakewood at John st and 7-11 

- Lag Baomer party at Evergreen sunday 12-4 pm
-Free hot dogs and Ice cream giveaway at Gourmet Glatt Madison Lag Baomer day 2-6 pm

- BDE: Petirah of  R'  Yosef Joe Novoseller ZL of Lakewood who went into cardiac arrest  while on a recent trip to Eretz Yisroel. He was the former owner of Judaica plaza and a noted baal chesed. Levaya in Yerushalayim. Details TBA

- Opening of new Bais Medrash Ohr Moshe Sedehali in the Ridge area at 26 Deena CT. Under the leadership of Rav Yirmiya Neuschloss  shlita. There will be a grand kiddush in honor of the opening of this new makom of Torah and Tefillah.

- Lakewood Roshei yeshiva release letter officially calling on everyone to attend and be me hazel the Adirei Hatorah event taking place Sunday June 16 right after Shavuos at the Wells Fargo arena in Philadelphia 

- Local Barber shops open today ahead of Lag Baomer the prices have increased.

-List of Lag Baomer bon fires motzei shabbos:
Skulen 4th and park at Kikar Shabbos 10:30
Stolin e 7th cor Cornelius 10:30
Breslov 423 6th st 10:30 
Krishevsky 677 87th street 10:30 pm
Kosson Oak and Vine 57 Havens 10:15
Sadigura 55 Holy st 10:15 
Babad TR 9:45 
Rachmastrivka e county Line 11:30 pm
Belz 10:45 
Hallovitz 614 Ocean Ave Rt 88 
Bais Efraim- Rav Shimano at New Central & Leigh  
Bais Nochum 31 Arosa hill Brookhill 10:15
Mesivta of Eatontown 1300 N Hampshire 10pm
Bais Elimelech  105 E. Harvard 10:45pm
B"M Torah Tefilah 2  Blue River way 10:15


  1. Every Lag Baomer, the barbers get a raise.

    1. The cost of living goes up every year. What do you expect from them.

    2. A barber should not be a job that makes you a millionaire.

    3. Why did you decide that a barber should not be capable of being a millionaire? A Barber should be able to make a respectful Parnasah with the ability to invest and save money responsibly.
      we live in a free market. You don't have to go the barber if you don't want to. But you should definitely not tell the barber how much to charge. If they feel their value is $30+ a Haircut, that's for them to decide, and you get to make the decision to go there or not.
      Why shouldn't a barber have the same growth opportunities that other blue collar store owners have?

    4. Barbers have been raising prices a lot faster than inflation. haircuts have gone up by over 30% the past few years much faster than inflation. I have invested in a machine for about $75 dollars and watch as my savings add up!

    5. A job is worth as much as people are willing to pay. If you dont think its worth it feel free not to be a customer. The sense of entitlement people always complain about is not the business owners its on the customers. How dare they open a business that makes so much. They should only charge as much as i think i should pay. Its nauseating the entitlement people have.

    6. If the barbers made up between themselves and set the price together of that's the case then that is not supply and demand they fixed the price at a ridiculous amount.

    7. So don't use barbers. I haven't been to one in over twenty five years. If you don't have a big fancy chup it shouldn't be too hard to cut your own hair. Even in back.

    8. @x there was no expectation in the statement made.

    9. There are barbers in nearby towns.
      If the heimishe barbers overcharge, halacha allows to go to eino ben brit. (Except for a child's first haircut, separate issue.)

  2. Skulen for ages 14 & under

  3. tuition crisis
    Establishing a board for financial oversight can ensure transparency and fairness in decision-making, prioritizing the needs of the students over anything else. Owners deserve a nice salary, but there needs to be oversight. (Some school owners take half a million dollars a year – on the record – plus who knows how much off the record.)

    Tuition was not lowered after schools made hundreds of thousands on EIDL loans and PPP, and food boxes, In fact tuition went up right after those payments. Did the revenue go to the schools or was it a ‘side business?’

    Buildings should not be excessively luxurious and costly. Nowadays, buildings are larger than ever before; for example, a new school building in Lakewood is likely 50-100 percent larger than most ‘traditional’ schools in New York. The mindset of “build first and figure it out later” should not be the standard practice. This approach could be acceptable only if there is a generous donor willing to fund and maintain such a massive project. Again, a board would ensure there are no ulterior motives…

    Can school owners refinance their buildings or take out loans against them for investments? If a school could access $5 million in equity on a $20 million building at a 10% return in a ‘secure’ investment, it could potentially generate half a million dollars annually for the school. Again a board with financial acumen can determine this.
