Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Israel At War Wed May 29

 Israel at war day 236

- Terror attack 2 killed HYD at  car ramming near Itamar by a Palestinian terrorist who fled back to Shechem. The victims were identified  as 2 IDF soldiers Eliya Hilel, 20, from Tel Zion, and  Diego Shvisha Harsaj, 20, from Tel Aviv. 

-The IDF has announced that it has achieved full effective control over the Philadelphia Corridor thereby cutting off the pipeline for arms and contraband from Egypt to the Gaza Strip. IDF soldiers discovered 82 tunnel shafts near the Philadelphi Corridor and 20 that crossed into Egypt

-Three IDF soldiers were killed yesterday in a booby trapped building in Rafah bringing Gaza death toll to 291
Amir Galilove, 20, from Shimshit
Uri Bar Or, 21, from Midreshet Ben-Gurion
Ido Appel, 21, from Tzofar.
They all served in the Nachal Brigade another 5 soldiers were injured.

-Lebanese military officials say Israel will go to full blown war with Hezbolah at the end of June.

-The bombs Israel used in Sunday’s strike near Rafah that killed dozens of Palestinians were GBU-39s, a US-manufactured munition, as they are designed to reduce civilian casualties.

- The IDF is now in control of 75% of the Phildelphi Route, a buffer zone between Gaza and Egypt,National Security Adviser Tzachi Hanegbi says he expects fighting in Gaza to continue throughout 2024 at least.

-?Hamas terrorists fired at the Jewish community of Bat Hefer in the Sharon region, the IDF confirmed on Wednesday.


  1. I see the Zionists treat Jewish soldiers like cannon fodder just like putin and the Ukrainians do.

    1. I'm sure you always believed that but how do you see that?

    2. Just be aware that you write “the Zionists” the same way the antisemites say “the Jews”.

    3. But many other non Jews don't put them in a single group, except if we ourselves interchange them for another

  2. Yes, President Biden refuses and pressures Israel to put their soldiers in danger instead of plain bombing out suspected targets, like US military does
    All cause he's afraid of upcoming November elections. That's why military analysis is Gaza War lasts till end of 2024.
    Meanwhile, average of 1+ Israeli casualties, to ensure Biden's possible reelection.
