Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Israel At War Wed May 15

Israel at war day 222

-Reports saying 5 soldiers killed R"L and 8 wounded

- News reports of an unusual event in the Gaza Strip, total military blackout on any details. Hamas claiming casualties of IDF soldiers.

- Another soldier killed in Gaza bringing death toll to 273 Ira Yair Gispan, 19, from Petach Tikva

- At least 10 rockets were launched in the Hamas-claimed barrage from Lebanon a short while ago, according to the IDF. The rockets all struck open areas in the Western Galilee, causing no injuries, the military adds.

- Netanyahu says Rafah operation will only last weeks not months

- The European Union urges Israel to end its military operation in Rafah immediately.

- The United States said Monday it was looking at a response to an assault by right-wing protesters who blocked an aid convoy heading to Gaza, spilled the trucks’ cargo into the road, and reportedly set two of the vehicles alight.

- Giyus Update:  Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu advances the previous version of the charedi conscription law that passed its first reading during the Lapid-Bennett government's tenure in January 2022. The announcement came on Wednesday, after weeks of negotiations between haredi representatives and the prime minister's office and just a day before a final deadline for the state to update the High Court of Justice over its plans to conscript military-age haredi men. Pundits  say this is just a ploy to stall time as opposition leaders will not accept this. As expected  Benny Gantz soon rejected the move and called it a "political maneuver." The bill that passed its first reading in 2022 was intended as the foundation for a broad "Israeli Service Plan" in which all sectors of Israeli society would need to conduct national service of some form. However, the bill itself, which passed in 2022, was "not enough then" and is "irrelevant to the reality after October 7," Gantz said in a post on X.

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