Friday, May 3, 2024

Friday May 3 News Updates Lakewood

 Friday, May 3, 2024 / כ״ה ניסן תשפ״ד
ערב שבת פרשת אחרי מות מברכים חודש אייר
Candle lighting 7:36 pm
Shkiah/Sunset 7:54 pm
Rosh chodesh Iyar is Wed & Thurs 

Weather today 30 degrees drop from yesterday 
56° Mostly cloudy skies. High 56F
Shabbos day hi of 57 overcast

- BDE: Petirah of Rav Avrohom Stefansky ZTL from the early talmidim of Rav Aharon Kotler Zatzal. Brother of  Rav Lazer Stefansky of BMG. The Levaya will take place today in Lakewood 2pm at the BMG Yoshon Bais Medrash. 

- Simchas: Vivaser daily lists iver 75 engagements since Pesach

-No Yated this week,  the Ami and Mishpacha issue is out

- Fire rips through Apartment complex Early Friday morning, in Lakewood  at the 200 block of Cedarbridge  ave near MLK, firefighters battled the blaze for a few hours, no injuries reported. But some families have been displaced.

- Groceries In NJ Cost 25 Percent More Since COVID, New Study Finds The price of beef roasts increased by 40 percent, canned fruits and vegetables increased by 31.6 percent and chicken increased by 29.2 percent since March 2020, according to the analysis. New Jersey households also average $275 on weekly grocery spending, and $290 per week for four-person households.

- Yeshiva Nesivos HaTorah moves into its new building, 

- Ocean county adds turning lanes along Cedarbridge Ave by Vine st narrowing the shoulders.

- Eight New Jersey towns in March made the top 150 list of most expensive homes nationwide.  Deal, Alpine and Avalon topped the list in New Jersey, where all homes ranked were over $1.9 million, and most were located at the Jersey Shore.

- Mishpacha magazine article: The MAGA influencers who've turned on Israel "It’s clear that the progressive left in the US is hostile to Israel, and often also anti-Semitic. But American Jews hoping to find a political home among conservatives now have to contend with a new trend: a rising right-wing populism with unfortunate historical echoes. Mishpacha speaks with Jewish conservative writer David Harsanyi to get the lay of the land


  1. PSA: Aldi Soy sauce no longer hasva hashgacha on the bottle..

  2. Bingo selling cases of 48 Bissli for 17.99 - Chometz / BB October

  3. When we live a different lifestyle to the people around us, our only hope of success is when they are liberal enough to accept differences among people. We cannot naturally live among conservative people, unless we adjust our lifestyle to become closer to them. That is its own danger.
    However, the words 'liberal' and 'conservative' have been abused in the past years, with both of them mired in certain orthodoxies that belie their original meaning. Today's liberals are not as liberal as they claim to be. But we need to support a truly accepting liberal society to advance our own needs in this country.

    1. You're not going to get the nearby population to be more liberal, and you're not going to get the local "Oisher wannabes" to change their lifestyle.
      The only thing you're doing by embracing the more liberal society, is supporting a lifestyle that is further from Torah values than the conservatives and lessening support for Acheinu bnei EY

    2. Nobody said anything about getting the nearby population, or the oisher wannabes, to do anything.

      The issue is, we are better off among liberals, if they are truly liberal, accepting of all kinds of things. If they accept gays and trans people, they won't be bothered by the strangeness of our lifestyle. If they have strict rules about life, they will not appreciate our Purim, Pesach, Chanukah, marriages, or Lag Ba'omers.

    3. NYC is a liberal place, and the anti semitic attacks there is a lot worse than what you have in Lakewood
      The government there isn't much better with the yeshiva secular studies issue going on there

    4. The issue with the Yeshivos in NYS has nothing to do with liberals. On the contrary, the liberal politicians are generally helpful, but their hands are tied by the law, and the anti-frum elements from the Chassidic community who are pushing for it.

    5. what hogwash Ha ha
      So Which non-liberal politico has been a problem.Name any.

    6. Who are the biggest for making bans of cir.cumcision? The g#@s & the their supporters.Which fits with medrash of amalek.
      Every goy with an "o" inside is aware what WE are supposed to be & what WE are supposed to stand FOR.
      When we don't, they hate us more,as they probably should-even or especially the pervert types
      "are truly liberal, accepting of all kinds of things. If they accept g#ys and trans people, they won't be bothered by the strangeness of our lifestyle. If"
      How is that managing for ya now on college campuses??
      Nuch a pervert propagandist

  4. From recent events You see your wrong nothing further than the truth more liberal the more the hate us!!!

    1. As I wrote, liberal must be liberal. Not the distorted version that the college students embody. True liberals, who actually accept others as they are.

    2. The more conservative, the more they hate us.

      The extremes of both sides are equally problematic.

    3. Conservatives respect groups If they respect themselves
      The problems came when we don't

    4. " who actually accept others as they are."Sure we're officially idiot bad bigots who are obligated to wipe out Eretz Canaan and Maase Eretz mitzraim. & as that is supposed to be our general attitude even when presently less relevant, but glad as you who are motzei atzmecha min haklall kafar

    5. Anon 4:19 - we don't have to accept people how they are. But we need to live among people who do. Otherwise, life is quite difficult for us. We need them to accept us, even as we don't accept them as legitimate.

      Your attacks at the end are uncalled for. Wait until you have heard the other side before deciding what I am or am not.

    6. At best you're still in la-la land, probably you're a backstabbing propagandist in sheeps clothing. Poor thing have to disrupt that existence Devarim 29:18

      It states in Yirimiah " dirshu shalom hair" purposely is after the pasuk talking about real marriages, to inform us that when a society breaks down on marriage, the following no longer applies.
      what about their banning "conversion therapy" ? (Skip the propaganda, most methods are successful)
      What about their threatening of kashrus organizations?
      What about the public muzzling and destroying of anyone [celebrity or otherwise] who even vaguely slightly insinuated that they might like traditional values?
      We believe that our Creator scattered us among the nations, in addition to the obvious fact that this is a punishment for our sins to influence up the nations of the world.We may well be stuck in golus until you get that straight

    7. B’rachos 9:2 (re/ hom@#!~~ual conduct); Mishneh Avos 5:8-9; re/ misplaced
      compassion: Sanhedrin 92a (citing Ovadiah 1:7) by extension, how much more so, al-achas kama v’kama
      “Ain HKB”H bo batrenuya im briyosav” – the Almighty doesn’t demand more than we can actually do, but that much
      he does expect. IF it could be established that, potentially, we could have stopped passage – we are culpable: as per
      Shabbos 54b, and Rashi, indicating that if we failed to prevent others from sin, we are also punished for their sins
      on the consequences of extending “compassion” to recognize flagrant practitioners of h@#!sexual acts].

      The Chofetz Chaim forwarned us that before Tum'ah is ultimately
      eradicated, it will become more powerful than ever before (Kovetz
      He'oros on Yevomos, Aggadah, end of 10th perek).
      In the context of collective punishment, individuals
      may suffer more in that collective framework than they would suffer if they would be on their own, or at least, if they
      would leave that area subject to collective punishment. In such situations, individuals are subject to a higher level of
      Divine Judgment. Consequently they may punished for short-fallings that would normally not evoke such a degree of
      Divine Wrath. 21 Without going into detail on this important, complex issue, suffice it to say that everything is done
      according His Infinite Wisdom, whether we can understand it or not.
      Moreover, we ought to consider that after He has warned us, and we refuse to heed the warnings, we choose to subject ourselves to whatever communal punishments may be decreed for those in that location/ community. I.e., after a certain amount of forewarning, the subsequent punishments can be seen as self-inflicted. They are akin to the naturalconsequences of insisting on staying on railroad tracks after hearing repeated alerts, and the oncoming train, or refusing to leave a vulnerable area before an oncoming hurricane, after being warned of serious danger

    8. Furthermore, a complete "tolerant" la-la land never has lasted. It ends up in hedonistic anarchy of confederation each local community going out their own ( that how europe ended up as small separate countries), or to paraphrase :
      In my opinion, it will not cease, until a crisis shall have been reached, and passed -
      "A house divided against itself cannot stand."
      I believe this government cannot endure, permanently half pro-pervert and half moral.
      I do not expect the Union to be dissolved - I do not expect the house to fall - but I do expect it will cease to be divided.
      It will become all one thing, or all the other.
      Either the opponents of @#~ immorality, will arrest the further spread of it, and place it where the public mind shall rest in the belief that it is in course of ultimate extinction; or its advocates will push it forward till it shall become..

  5. Liberalism died in the mid 19th century.
    If it's the original straight version you profess to seek, it's internationalist maverick conservatives who nowadays are of the only authentic brand Liberals.Not even the selfish Libertarians.
    It was erected as a continuation of Whiggism as antithesis of concepts of tribalism; space for an individual to be an individual;state enforcement of official polities eg religion
    There unfortunately were predictable factors to explain what happened since,but it became parasitical! Civil Rights Act of '64 may have had virtues but it was the final nail for the already goses Liberalism

    1. A true liberal welcomes the idea of immigrants, making it as easy as possible for qualified, hard-working, immigrants to come and build a better America.
      A true liberal does not tell a woman what to do with her body.
      A true liberal sees a worker's rights as equal to those of his/her boss, and does not limit their ability to unionize.
      A true liberal does not distribute corporate welfare like candy, and then admonish the poor to use the leftovers as 'bootstraps'.
      A true liberal appreciates the idea of stewardship of the land, and attempts to protect natural resources as much as possible.
      A true liberal bases decisions on knowledge and science, not dogma and conservativism.
      A true liberal wishes to hear the other side, however strenuously they disagree with it.
      A true liberal accepts that others have different opinions and priorities, no less acceptable than his/her own.

      As far as I can see, neither

    2. Neither party represents liberalism at all.
      Both are filled with cronyism, corruption, incompetence, and stupidity.

    3. The above list was taken wholesale from the Democrat Party Platform by a democrat shrill with a couple extras at the bottom!
      [BTW those extras would have been an anathema to perfect Liberals like MaCaulay, Gladstone ] With exception of # 4 Nothing on the list represents Liberalism.It is largely closer to classic anti-Liberalism.

      The difference is fundamental .
      The Liberal [ok, Whig] Founders were also opposed to such a Kumbaya but nihilist "secular" oriented entity.
      Cf. Franklin's quote of psalm 127:1

      Today,they would ruefully remark how they were prescient indeed.
      (FWIW The above laundry list launched it's early bait & switch pseudo-liberal insertion in the 1920's after granting of womens' vote predomination,Marxist, and unfortunately jewish influence.)

    4. That appears just like a bucket list for social bending anarchists by an another name.Which is what it is.
      So you are also against males ever being drafted to give life & limb for their country??Women?Bosses?Workers?
      Ehh,What about the replication crisis of science that was covered over by almost entirely liberals within the last decade? [Won't even bother to mention Covid.]All political persuasions are about directing the polity "what to do with her bodies".As they should.Some are just more honest. The only real differences are forms & planetary goal.

    5. Some people were triggered.

      Never stop taking those meds.

    6. Are you incapable of grasping this level topic or just a lack of coherent answer to offer since there aren't any,either way fall back to defaulting ol' getting personal.

    7. The best,stable, & safest countries for orthodox jews were those who during that short period when they gave every avg. low man political franchise clout & the vote [as individuals eg unlike Dreyfus France where it was as a mass social bloc], BUT withheld it away from the avg. women. As it so happens those countries during that period were also the most modest.

    8. So you are claiming that giving women the vote is a terrible thing?
      Ok, but I (Anon. 6:45) never mentioned that at all.
      But I don't think it was a bad thing at all. Women have brains, why should we disrespect that? They are no stupider than men, why shouldn't they have a say in who governs them?

    9. Though "terrible" is a misleading straw[wo]man, it has been less healthy for society(cf. how swiftly clothing styles changed after women got the vote),has led away from long term political balance & individuality,& it led to pretty fast the death of helpful Liberalism of the original sort.

    10. בבית הלוי פרשת נח וז : ל" וכמו כ הוא פועל במעשיו בכל העול התחתו בכלל, ולא מבעי א
      חטא בפרהסיא הרי ודאי דגור לאחרי הרואי שילמדו ממנו, אלא אפי' א חוטא בצינעא בינו לבי
      עצמו מ"מ "ע י המשכו אחר איזו תאוה הוא מגביר כחה של התאוה הלזו עד שמשריש זה
      בטבע של כל הברואי ובהעול להיות טבע נמש לזה יותר ממה שהיה מקוד, כי כ יסד
      מלכו של עול בהטביעו טבע לכל בריותיו להיות טבע נשתנה ונמש אחר מעשה האד והרגלו, וכפי רוב עשיית האד כ ישתנה טבע של כול א מעט וא הרבה. ולא לבד בבריות החיי אלא ג
      בדוממי נעשה טבע חדשה הגורמי להשוכ בתוכ להיות לה נטיה לזה. וכמו שאמר הכתוב
      (ירמיה ב ) ' ותבאו ותטמאו את ארצי, "דע י מעשיה טמאו לגו# האר", כי טבע המדינות חלוקי ג כ "וכמו שאמרו בגמרא (קדושי מ ט" ) עשרה קבי זנות ירדו לעול תשעה נטלה כו', וכ בכל המדות, ועני זה הג כי לא נוכל להשיגו בשכל מ"מ כל אד יוכל להרגישו בחוש ממש בבואו לאיזה מדינה אחרת חדשה שהיא פרוצה באיזו פרט מ הפרטי ימצא ג בעצמו איזו נטיה והמשכה לזה הפרט יותר ממה שהיה לו כשהיה במדינה אחרת עכלה ,ק"
      ועיי' עוד במהר" שי"ק חלק או"ח סי' "קמ ד ובאמצע דבריו ש כתב וזל"ק ובלא"ה נראה לי כל שהוא
      לעשות די בעוברי עבירה אפילו הוא בב . נ" הוא נוגע ג לנו שהרע הנעשה בפרהסיא ילמדו ג
      אחרי ממנו ויעשו. ולכהפ"ח ראיית עשיית הרע, מזיק לנפש, ומקרי ל, כ נראה לענ . ד" עכל ק"
      ועיי' עוד בספה"ק רבי ייבא פ' וישב עה"פ ויוס# הורד מצרימה כתב ש באמצע דבריו וז"ל כי כ
      שמעתי בש רבי ישראל בעש ט" בשבע מצות שנצטוו בני נח יש ערבות לישראל בעד האומות,
      ומכ"ש ישראל שערב אחד בעד חבירו עכל"ק ועיי"ש, "וק ו בהבחירות שמכשילי עי"ז בקו ועשה ג בני נח וג בני ישראל וכל הבריאה כולה בחמורות שבחמורות רח , ל" בודאי הוא איסור גמור כנ .ל"
      "וע ז באתי עה"ח יו ד' לסדר ולא יהיה עוד מבול לשחת הארהגזירה\ות
      1. לעשות חוקי דור המבול, שגרם למבול שיבא ולסדום שיהפך (אין זה ההתחלה ולא
      הסוף, ואם יעלה זאת בידם ירצו אח"כ יותר ויותר תועבות, אשר לא יכיל הנייר ואין הדעת
      סובלתן, שרוצים לעקור מן תושבי המדינה, כל זיק של צניעות וגדר ערוה, וכבר הצליחו הרבה
      ל"ע, והולכים מדחי אל דחי).
      2. זה מביא באופן טבעי ובאופן סגולי, מחלות, ועניות, ועונשים קשים ומרים.
      3. שלא יוכלו למחות נגד זה, כמובן, וכמו שהוא כבר בזעיר אנפין.
      4. בהמשך זמן קצר כל מי שימאן באיזה אופן להכיר בזה שהוא דבר המתקבל ונהוג
      (ומ;ש שידבר או יעשה פעולה נגד הענין או המנוולים), יהיה דינו כ"ראסיסט" (וישפט
      במשפט קשה אם ידונו עמו בדיניהם, ומוסד שלא יסכימו ללמד ענין זה, ובפרט אם הילדים או
      הבחורים בהמוסד ידברו בפומבי נגד זה, אם יתגלה הדבר יאבדו כל זכיות שיש למוסד, וכן
      הרבה ענינים ואכמ"ל).
      5. יתרבו הנופלים בתועבה הזו, והנחשלים מחוץ למחנה מבשרינו יהיו קרובים ליפול בזו
      ג"כ רח"ל (כמו שהולכים עכשיו עם נכריות ל"ע) (ולדעת קצת פוסקים גם נכרים אסור לנו
      להכשיל במה שהם מצוים).
      6. יתרבה הפריצות מאד (שהוא כבר פרוץ מרובה ל"ע), והנוולות האלו יתפרסם (ע"י
      המנוולים וע"י הממשלה וע"י הסוחרים) במדה יתירה.
      1. בכל דבר שעושים ה'פאליטישאן'ס המכריע הראשון וע"פ רוב גם המכריע האחרון
      הוא מה יאמרו הבוחרים על זה, דהיינו האם יבחרו בי אם אעשה הדבר הזה או לא
      (ואם בוחרים בא' שתומך בתועבות פירושו שלא איכפת לנו בזה, ובכן לא די שהוא יתמוך שוב
      בזה, אלא גם הנציגים האחרים ממקומותינו ויקחו מוסר שאין לחוש להתנגדות של היהודים,
      ויתמכו גם הם בתועבות הללו, כדי שלא לאבד קולות המנוולים שבוחרים רק במי שתומך
      בתועבתם, וכן ראינו לאחרונה שכל ה'נציגים בסטעיט סענאט מוומס"ב וב"פ תמכו בזה ולא
      חששו להתנגדות החרדים).
      2. קשה מאד לפעול שום דבר אצל ה'פאליטישאן'ס אם אינו מתיירא שלא יבחרו בו אם
      לא יעתר להם, ומכ"ש כשהוא דבר שיכול לאבד קולות של אלפים בוחרים בעבור זה
      בודאי מן הנמנע הוא לפעול אצלם אם לא שיתירא מקולות אחב"י שלא יבחרו בו.
      חילול השם
      1. הגוים מתמיהים האיך הנציגים של אחב;י תומכים בכל התועבות, בשעה שיש לנו כח
      גדול עליהם ב"ה.
      2. הגוים מתמיהים האיך אנשים המתחזים כ'ארטאהדאקסן לוחמים בעד התועבות,
      וכמעט שאין שומעין קול מחאה.
      3. הגוים המבינים החורבן שיצא מזה, אומרים שליהודים לא איכפת להם אם כל
      המדינה הולך לטמיון, רק שיתנו להם ממון.

    11. The chiyuv of “Lo sa'amod al dam re’echa”, obligates everyone to do what he or she can, to help
      prevent assisted suicide and/or euthanasia.
      Allowing the legalization of “assisted suicide”, even if this particular law in practice would only result in assisting a
      suicide and not euthanasia, is to allow shefichas-domim (bloodshed). Furthermore even rendering such actions not
      being subject to prosecution, is allowing shefichas-domim (bloodshed), al achas kama vekama (how much more
      so), in cases of assisted suicide leading to euthanasia.
      Voting on the basis of this issue. This obligation would include:
      1) Thus, when voting for any public official, this issue must be considered as top priority, certainly overriding
      financial considerations, government programs, etc. By voting for people who support these laws, we
      become accountable for their actions. This ruling would still apply even if these laws were to be passed, we
      would still be forbidden to vote for legislators who voted for these laws. This is the most important way to
      fulfill our obligation.
      2) Urging one’s legislators to vote against these bills, if and when they arise[1]

      and to urge the governor to

      veto such bill, were it to pass the legislature.
      3) Helping in efforts to repeal such laws, in areas[2] where such legislation was already passed.
      Even a few votes can make a major difference, both by legislators and the public—sometimes the vote of a single
      legislator can decide the fate of these laws—as is evidenced by the recent vote in the New Jersey State Assembly
      (in November 2014), where an assisted suicide bill was passed by just one vote.

  6. "When we live a different lifestyle to the people around us, our only hope of success is when they are liberal enough to accept differences among people. We cannot naturally live among conservative people, unless we adjust our lifestyle to become closer to them. That is its own danger"


  7. If you like living with liberals, go back to the urban decay that you left! But you wanted to have the placid local cake & swallow it too.
    How was it that in places like
    Monsey it was frei Democrat voters who fought hardest against Frum expansion.?

    The problems have little connection with the the politics of our neighbors but comes back invariably to our official obsession of our safe spaces & Rights, vs our communal disregard for our civic responsibilities.
    [Naturally the latter would be decent but in a superficial way without acculturation or assimilation]
