Saturday, May 18, 2024

Motzei Shabbos Emor News Updates

- Iran Update: Kol Mevaser reports that attempts by the family of the 20 year old Newish Iranian to negotiate with the victims  family  were rebuffed by the family of the victim and were threatened with a knive as they attempted to get the family for forgiveness which could spare the death penalty.

- Update from Belaaz news: Iranian Askanim, including the involvement of an Iranian member of parliament and Neturei Karta members with government connections, have been trying to halt the planned Monday execution of a 20-year-old Jewish Iranian accused of accidental murder. Unfortunately, negotiations with the victim's family and authorities have failed so far R”L, sources involved tell Belaaz. The family urges the Klal Yisroel to continue Davening for Irvin Netanel Ben Sonia Tziona. 
A source tells Belaaz that the victim's family pulled a knife on a group of Iranian Jews who visited their home to appeal for leniency.

- At Adirei Hatorah shabbos of chizuk aliyos were sold and  money was pledged to support the youngeleit.

- The BlueClaws Spring Flea Market will take place on Sunday, May 19th from 8 am - 1 pm in the parking lot of ShoreTown Ballpark! The event is free for shoppers.

- TRUMP: I am going to demand Niswm take a drug test for the debate because he did that State of the Union high as a kite!

1 comment:

  1. "G-d's own country becomes stranger and stranger...but somehow they manage to return to normality. Everything--even lunacy--is mass produced here. But everything goes out of fashion very quickly"

    This quote, I remember, from Walter Isaacson's biography of Einstein. Einstein was worried about the McCarthy fanaticism, but Isaacson said that Einstein did not realize (not like his other subject, Franklin), that the American pendulum ALWAYS swings back to the center. This nation will endure. See the excellent Times article by David Leonhardt about bipartisanship today, believe it or not, that we have not seen in decades:

    Specifically, he speaks of the rejection of the neoliberalism (laissez faire, free markets, deregulation, something that I people from my generation have always favored) that began with Reagan and Clinton, and a return to Eisenhower centrism. He says Trump is more like FDR (can you dig it?). He calls all this, on both sides of Congress, "neo-popularism," where both Democrats and Republican favor protectionism, fixing the border, the working class, some big government programs, and for the most part, they just pass good legislation. A real eye-opener.
