Thursday, May 16, 2024

Thursday May 16 News Updates Lakewood

Weather: 65° Showers early, then cloudy in the afternoon. High around 65F. Chance of rain 70%.

- There is a young Jewish man in Iran that is r"l sentenced to death this Shabbos after he was involved in a car accident that resulted in someone who died.
The Mekubal Harav Netaneli Shlit"a from LA said to get 1,000 people to say perek 13 of Tehilim 13 times for Arvin Netanel Ben Sonia.

 - DB electronics in message to customers there was an overnight fire in the store and are actively working to address the situation and resume servicing the customers as soon as possible. Details to follow.

- Today and tomorrow at Hershys bakery 50% off Kokosh cake celebrating 20 year anniversary. Located at Grebow shopping center Lakewood/Howell border.

- Mishpacha feature  article about Reb Yehuda Levin ZTL Divine Dividens

- Adirei Hatorah organizers still looking at other locations and  venues to host the event on Sunday June 16. Last two events where At Wells Fargo stadium in Philadelphia. 

- More schools and yeshivos notify parents of tuition raises for next year upward of 15 and 16k

- Rabbi Yehuda Levin’s life was replete with vast prosperity, but also challenging setbacks. There were times of youthful vitality, but also times of physical debilitation. Yet he left us with timeless lessons in how to smile through it all: fervently clinging to limud haTorah, living modestly despite a burgeoning bank account, never raising the communal bar, and genuinely loving, caring for, and supporting others with whatever means each of us has been gifted. Read Here

- Lakewood township committee meeting today
Virtual only 5:30pm watch livestream Here see agenda Here. You can submit Public comments during the meeting via email to:
Items on the agenda:
Purchasing Wells Fargo building on Main street for 2.5million
Vacating The Public Of A Portion Of A Street Known As Hope Hill Lane (Formerly Tel Court)
Vacating portion Of A Street Known As Farry Street
30 year tax abatement for Urban renewal in Cedarbridge corp park 
Berkeley Twsp will use Lakewood DPW truck wash for $45 per wash
65K  in renovations for the  Police Department’s jail cells
5 year tax abatement  485 Oberlin Avenue, Building 3
5 year tax abatement for  To Casa Nova Today, LLC at 1303 River Ave
Handicap paeking on Powderhorn Drive starting at a point 50 feet from the prolongation of the curb lines of Powderhorn Drive and Flintlock Drive and continuing 20 feet in a northerly direction
$635k to assist Seniors (age 55+), Divorcees and Widows  in developing job skills
purchase a freightliner for $112k
sale of property on Cedar st for 89k
Spend $383k leftover covid funds for lighting in a municipal Parking lot to help small buisness

- Thursday of Behab minyan mincha with krias Hatorah of Vayechal at Rabbi Forcheimers shul 418 5th st 2:10 pm 

- Lag Baomer: A Halachik question was brought to Rav Bransdorfer in EY if those who go every year to Miron  for Lag Baomer will require to do hatoras Nedarim as they are not allowing the crowds to go (Kol Mevaser)


  1. Schools raised tuition by more than 15 or 16K? Is that a typo? Who in Lakewood charges that much even as baseline tuition?

  2. What did Rav Bransdorfer paskan? And why wasn't this a shaalo four years ago by corona?

  3. So the public ends up paying for the tax abatements.... And around about way we don't get busing and we have to pay LSTA fees.... Because the township can't afford to kick in that much for busing... While at the same time we are paying more tuition, and people close to the pot are getting tax abatements for absolutely no reason at all..... The idea of tax abatements is to encourage development not when they got free land and they don't need any encouragement whatsoever.... What a shame that yeshiva graduates... Are so dishonest

    1. After a Jew dies he will be asked in the heavenly court if he was honest in business. We will have to answer that question. Those that are dishonest here will pay the price there. The world is topsy turvy. Those that you may think are awesome might be discovered as not so awesome. From my experience, you can't control other people only yourself. It's painful to watch this town's management manipulate the people and not do what they were voted in for but judgement day eventually comes for all.

    2. Indeed. For rest of us however it's another wasted generation that pushes off our redemption

  4. Harav Eliyahu Netaneli said to read
    Perek 13 of TEHILLIM 13 times for
    Arvin Netanel ben Sonia
    20 year old boy in Iran - who is sentenced to death penalty on this Shabbat.

    We need 1000 people to read it NOW

    Please click on the link to confirm

    YES I have read Perek 13 thirteen times

  5. There is a young Jewish man in Iran that is r"l sentenced to death this Shabbos.

    The Mekubal Harav Netaneli Shlit"a from LA said to get 1,000 people to say perek 13 of Tehilim 13 times for *Arvin netanel Ben Sonia.*

    If you can do it please join & let us know!

  6. Just check BR/BL as they always have the highest tuition

  7. There's also 500 BLVD, LLC on the agenda tonight for a 30 year tax abatement.

  8. Can I buy the lot that the township is selling on Cedar Ct for 89K??? Or is only being sold to some askan with inside pull?

  9. You only have to be matir neder for a hanaga tova...

  10. What if all the parents just dont pay the increased tution?

    1. Then the schools will end up with a bunch of young inexperienced girls babysitting your daughters

    2. Or how does it help if some families need to leave the school altogether? Really don't get it.

    3. Nope. My school was honest enough to tell me the price increase was not to cover morah raises

  11. Why would you have to be matir neder for something you can't do?

  12. What exactly makes Rav Nenanali from LA a mekubal?
